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Selling To Newbies

Matt Vandart

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Just got a warning about selling to Newbies which is fair enough, cos it breaks the rules.

I'm not whingeing about, it but what is the reason for it?

Surely Newbies need stuff too?

Also if they have to buy new, when they could get it cheaper second hand it may put them off/ they may not be able to afford it.

Can someone explain the reason for this to me please.



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you would get 1,000's of people joining up just to get second hand stuff they (people joining up to get cheap parts) would mis treat the forum, look at how many members that are in active must be 1,000's atleast.

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You're wrong.

No buying or selling means your not allowed to buy or sell to or from Nmc.

I disagree with that, the guidelines say, and I quote, "For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat"

There is nothing to say that a new member cannot contact a full member to purchase an item, it would then be the sellers choice as to sell to the new member or not, and if it goes wrong its their own fault.

But...the reason they do it is to protect its full members from people coming on the Forum to simply rip people off, but I don't think Matt should have been warned, it was his choice to respond and sell to the New Member.


Edited by fruitbat
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I disagree with that, the guidelines say, and I quote, "For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat"

There is nothing to say that a new member cannot contact a full member to purchase an item, it would then be the sellers choice as to sell to the new member or not, and if it goes wrong its their own fault.


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I've sold stuff to new members before. All you need to do is put your msn or a way for them to contact you. As long as its not done through the forum and you don't come on here moaning when you've been ripped off then its no problem.

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I've sold stuff to new members before. All you need to do is put your msn or a way for them to contact you. As long as its not done through the forum and you don't come on here moaning when you've been ripped off then its no problem.

I've sold shit loads of stuff to new members. I don't see how they can rip you off. I always fully explain terms of selling and it always involves their payment being received by me, to a point where they can never get it back, before I send items out.

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I think selling to them is fine as they cant really scam you, if they send payment its sorted. However buying from them is not really too safe i spose because anyone could just sign up claiming to have bits and not send/have them.

With the members set up at least, in theory, the members can be trusted slightly more.

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Feel free to do it outside of the forum via msn or something, we can't stop you selling stuff to anybody. But selling and advertising items for sale in new members chat, even as a post inside a non fs/wtd topic is not allowed. You blatantly told the guy you were selling and to hit you up on msn about it. Which is selling something via new members chat.

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Allright pedantic one chill out.

It's essentially the same thing, no offence to you Matt but even posts have to be warned otherwise people would just find blatant cheeky ways around the rules. Eg posting 'not selling just testing the water- how much would you pay for this?' threads and just working round it.

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I've sold shit loads of stuff to new members. I don't see how they can rip you off. I always fully explain terms of selling and it always involves their payment being received by me, to a point where they can never get it back, before I send items out.


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In your opinion...

However you also seem to be implying that people selling things in posts is fine as the rules don't specifically prohibit that in writing for you to see. So i'm going to take your opinion with a fairly large pinch of salt.

No buying/selling in new members, he's a full member so knows full well and he did it anyway. 1 warn, same as repeat offenders for newbies in new members chat.

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Feel free to do it outside of the forum via msn or something, we can't stop you selling stuff to anybody. But selling and advertising items for sale in new members chat, even as a post inside a non fs/wtd topic is not allowed. You blatantly told the guy you were selling and to hit you up on msn about it. Which is selling something via new members chat.

Allright pedantic one chill out.

It's essentially the same thing, no offence to you Matt but even posts have to be warned otherwise people would just find blatant cheeky ways around the rules. Eg posting 'not selling just testing the water- how much would you pay for this?' threads and just working round it.

The point of this thread has been completely missed.

I am perfectly happy to have been warned about the situation, it is in the rules, I just forgot about it.

Trials forum isn't the only forum I use, I go on loads of forums about all kinds of shit that I'm into, and this is the only forum that I personally know of that doesn't allow selling to newbies.

I have no problem with this, I am just wondering the reason that the T-F site owners/whatever have chosen to go this way with it.

Does anyone have an answer to this simple question?


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It all comes down to protecting its full members.

Anyone can sign up to the TF and unless we know who they are and trust them we dont know that they aren'y here just to rip someone off, hence the validation system.


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Hi Guys, just thougth I'd add my two pennies 'orth as a new member whos bought off this forum from the FS board. I've been a trail rider for ages and a while ago trial rider too so a know a bit about bikes n stuff. I decided to get back into trials and get a trials specific bike so checked out tarty and ebay. Not much happening there in my price range and all ebay bikes were miles away with no postage.

On advice from one of your members I joined up, got validated and subscribed to your FS board. Within a week I'd met a local guy who was selling his bike and bought it.

Yes I'm a newbie, no I didn't buy it from the new members board and yes I'm happy. I didnt end up buying blind on ebay and if I had of bought blind here I think I'd have felt a lot happier as you guys seem a bit more cosher.


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I am just wondering the reason that the T-F site owners/whatever have chosen to go this way with it.

I'm sure a PM to Tomturd or Danny would have been more fruitful since us humble TF users can't answer for Tom and Danny.

However I can hazard a guess at why; This is a free forum that is privately owned, the Admin and Mods have plenty problems to sort out without having to deal with For Sale / Wanted issues.

The bottom line is that anyone could sign up to this forum and attempt to scam a full member. Although the Admin accept no responsibility for any transactions made through the forum, they do bare the brunt of any dispute and they do usually end up having to deal with deals gone wrong.

The rules are there for all to see and we can't argue with them for the simple fact that this is a free forum!

If they decide that New-Members are only allowed to type in Greek then we can't dispute that! :D

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I'm sure a PM to Tomturd or Danny would have been more fruitful since us humble TF users can't answer for Tom and Danny.

However I can hazard a guess at why; This is a free forum that is privately owned, the Admin and Mods have plenty problems to sort out without having to deal with For Sale / Wanted issues.

The bottom line is that anyone could sign up to this forum and attempt to scam a full member. Although the Admin accept no responsibility for any transactions made through the forum, they do bare the brunt of any dispute and they do usually end up having to deal with deals gone wrong.

The rules are there for all to see and we can't argue with them for the simple fact that this is a free forum!

If they decide that New-Members are only allowed to type in Greek then we can't dispute that! :D

Correct, although I don't think we'd be getting anyone to type in Greek.

We get enough problems sorting out trades gone bad (when frankly, I have better things to do, even if it is doing some washing up or something) without having to deal with new members too. Its also a way of encouraging new members to try and get validated.

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