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Is Anybody On Here A Hardcore Christian?


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A system of belief can exist in any context. For example, every day you believe that gravity exists, that people will obey traffic lights, and a tomato tastes a certain way. Each of those is an act of faith. Every time I drive through a green light, I believe that no-one will disobey a red light and hit me.

It's no big leap to have someone saying "If you live a good life, you will go to heaven."

I think it is a massive leap. People don't run out in front of cars because they dont want to die - completely logical and natural. That is why you believe people wont do it. To believe in something completely unprovable and in my personal view fantastical is quite different. IT CANNOT BE PROVEN (edit : currently ?)

Im a man of science - and yes - science is provisional - but until science can prove a god/heaven (which is against what christians/religions believe) I will not believe in one. I can speculate that there may be one - and heck in the deep dark moments of life I can think about a creator or higher being and wonder about what the hell this thing was playing at. But I will never have a blind faith in one.

I certainly am not going to live my life based on a book written over a thousand years ago with the aim of controling the population with fear.

I dont have 'faith' & religion - and I kinda think slightly less of people who do have it (that they are slightly irrational, or better ilogical). But possibly they are better people because of it in other ways .... I dont have any problem with religious people, as longs as they dont force it on others and arent harming others because of it.

And reading this this thread all i can think of is therouix's show and the phraise "Fag enablers"

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A Theological discussion? (rolls metaphorical sleeves up!)

Religion is based on faith. What is faith?

It maybe the hope that a 'higher power' is guiding us through this life. That 'it' will provide us with;

A purpose to life?

An end to the all?

A reason to 'be'?

..A belief in a 'plan'.

I personaly do not choose this path, but I cannot understand why people criticize the beliefs of others? We all have our 'crutches' to get us through the day, be it religion, adrenalin, drink or drugs. Also, of course, how can we deny our prerequiste instinct to Love or to Hate? ( oh yeah, I suppose I've just answered my own argument there).

No-one can possibly claim to be right, because simply, we don't know the truth. And I doubt we ever will.

Perhaps we should take a glance at the rest of our living neighbours. The plants, the animals.

Do they indulgently sit and ponder their own existence? Or do they live life to the full?

Eating, sleeping, procreating, dying.

Are we, as Human Beings, maybe cursed with reason and thought? :blink: (But then again, by who!) :D

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I think it is a massive leap. People don't run out in front of cars because they dont want to die - completely logical and natural. That is why you believe people wont do it. To believe in something completely unprovable and in my personal view fantastical is quite different. IT CANNOT BE PROVEN (edit : currently ?)

Just to point out Rowan, neither can things like gravity, forces of momentum, the chemical properties of H20, or the theory of evolution, not completely, and not even beyond reasonable doubt.

Cogito ergo sum. ;)


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the saharan slave trade was largely (or all) to do with islam. i asked a muslim friend of mine what he knew about it and the only thing he knew was 'a muslim will buy a slave to free him' he had been taught nothing about the violence of his own religion in the past ..

when i showed him the article on bbc, he said it was biased. its like theyre ashamed of the past

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I think that every moment is evidence of existence, but the justification of an individual existence (the "I am") evidenced by an arbitrary expression (the thinking act) of existence is slightly tenuous.

Although of course, we are the ones who construct what "I am" means. If we define thinking as a criteria for individuated being, then, thinking = being. That means, "I think, therefore I am" is not a statement that has realised anything profound about reality but instead has just stated the terms of what we choose to mean by the statement, "I am".

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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A Theological discussion? (rolls metaphorical sleeves up!)

Religion is based on faith. What is faith?

Christian faith is that if you follow Gods rules and except Jesus as your God and Saviour then you shall be rewarded with eternal happiness in heaven.

Where as if you dont... You get eternal suffering and pain in hell!

I went to a big Christian thing last year with lots of speakers and there was this big ex-gang member that was in prison for attempted murder and was planning to kill his wife when he got out.

He used to be a alchoholic, Druggie, Couldnt read or write and swore like a trooper.

And one day in his cell he said "God if you are real, save me from who I am, show me that you are real" and in saying that, God did that, this gang guy started reading a bible that was in the cell, at the same time as writing a 30 page apoligy letter to his wife (he couldnt read or write before), his drug and alcohol problem were instantly gone.

And durring his sentance he also spent the night in hell.

Another guy that spoke said that he was walking down the road with $20 for lunch and God said that he had to give his $20 to the next person he see's the guy argued with God for a few minutes and finaly decided to give it away, the guy he gave it to freaked out because he had said to God a few minutes ago "if that man there doesnt give me $20, I'm going to throw myself infront of the next bus I see and kill myself".

Believe it if you want.

And my dad has had a demon inside him that could of killed him, and my Nanna has had a miricale preformed on her, So I have total faith in that God is real and is my Saviour!

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Respect Sir! I congratulate you on your courage and conviction in proclaiming your Faith in God. I imagine your beliefs must provide you with an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and purpose. Personaly speaking, it's not easy being an aetheist. It can be a lonely place sometimes. I'd be interested to hear your views on those of us with no 'Faith'?

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Respect Sir! I congratulate you on your courage and conviction in proclaiming your Faith in God. I imagine your beliefs must provide you with an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and purpose. Personaly speaking, it's not easy being an aetheist. It can be a lonely place sometimes. I'd be interested to hear your views on those of us with no 'Faith'?

I respect what you believe and wont judge you for that.

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Forgive me if I'm way off the mark here.. But by not following all that the Bible teaches you, surely that means you're not a Christian? :S

Well christians saw this, and were clever, if something about their religion comes up that they don't like, it is simply down to interpretation.

Therefore it is no longer bad, just you will have interpreted it wrongly in the eyes of the church

Edited by NicP
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It can be a lonely place sometimes. I'd be interested to hear your views on those of us with no 'Faith'?

I belive that to not belive in god is totally fine, I dont belive in the bible or the storys but the christian morals are good to follow. However not having faith i think is kinda sad.

I'm an aetheist but have faith in something.

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Just to point out Rowan, neither can things like gravity, forces of momentum, the chemical properties of H20, or the theory of evolution, not completely, and not even beyond reasonable doubt.

Cogito ergo sum. ;)


Not quite -

Gravity is proven to exist, Momentum = FT and we all know about those, H20s properties are pretty well documented and just the other day they announced a missing link creature ....

F = GMm/R² or an equation to describe forces of gravity ... It works, things in our world obey this single rule - every time - I dont have to have faith in gravity as it is definitely there I can see its effects every day. Yes maybe I dont know what actually causes it, and currently it doesnt fit in the standard model - but that doesnt matter. I know that gravity exists - It is a force that can be measured (and has been).

Yeah we could go into a deep discussion about nothin being proven etc but for me all those things you quoted there I dont have to believe in - they are always going to remain constant (well I guess evolution has tiny amounts of doubt behind it - but not in my eyes). Water will always be water - I can see it, taste it, swim in it, do experiments on it - and it will do the same thing everytime...

There is nothing in this world today that makes me think that about a god/creator. I can speculate there may be one but to have a blind faith in something that you cant see in any way, has no effect - is just stupid.

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There is nothing in this world today that makes me think that about a god/creator. I can speculate there may be one but to have a blind faith in something that you cant see in any way, has no effect - is just stupid.

The way I look at it is someone must have created something, even if the big bang theory is true, there must have been someone / something to create an existance at all? You can't create something from nothing, and also the chances of everything about the earth being totally perfect to support life systems such as us feels like fate more than mere luck.

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The way I look at it is someone must have created something, even if the big bang theory is true, there must have been someone / something to create an existance at all? You can't create something from nothing, and also the chances of everything about the earth being totally perfect to support life systems such as us feels like fate more than mere luck.

What about the other theories suggesting eternal existance via self-reproduction?

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maybe because its always been there??

or some other life force from trillions of years ago? maybe, we have had many human beings in different times in the earth's life, and the universes life, that everything that we go through has happened thousands of times before, in diffenerent realities etc

we are now just (that we know of) the most evolved, most self aware beings that we know of. this does'nt mean that everything has not existed many many times before.

and everything is a perception. because we use 'popular' types of measurement, we follow the mean. but how can it be accurate, when we never percieve things to be what they really are, and we can never tell if they actually are, or if they percieve to be what we think they are.

and what about all the distorions? a sentence said by one person can have many meanings to others that hear it. but its still each individuals perception of what they think they hear. and untill we can communicate without any of our sences, sight, hearing, feeling, touch, smell and taste, we will not be able to perceieve things for what they really are.

confusing, too much to answer and far too much to ask


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I belive that to not belive in god is totally fine, I dont belive in the bible or the storys but the christian morals are good to follow. However not having faith i think is kinda sad.

I'm an aetheist but have faith in something.

Yer but defining faith in something is pretty hard cos that faith could be in anything.

I have faith that i'm gonna have a fun, fulfilled life and it will all be worth dying for at the end of the day. It's not faith in a higher power, fate or life after death but it's enough faith to keep me happy.

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I have faith that i'm gonna have a fun, fulfilled life

Interestingly, that's closer the original meaning of faith that the one that is typically used today - ie. a somewhat blind subscription to an idea. Originally, faith was supposed to mean an attitude that life was a worthy and meaningful event, within itself and regardless of anything additional (god as a separate entity).

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Hey guys, some pretty interesting religios stuff going down here. Just thought I'd share some of my beliefs with you.

Back in 1985 there was a young boy by the name of Marty Mcfly. Marty was a good kid and always tried to make, what he thought was, the right decision. Contrary to the popular movie "Back to the Future" Marty's adventures were not just limited to going back in time and getting it on with his mum, although his extreme radness was quite well depicted.

With a little help from his friend Dr. Brown, Marty traveled in his flying Delorean (see below) back to the dawn of time.


It has been scientically proven the power generated by one of Marty's guitar solo is so great, he is able to break the time-space continuum, in fact just one note could generate the required power to travel through time (1.21 Gigawatts).


With just one guitar solo of cataclysmic awesomeness, Marty generated so much power the universe exploded with the phenomonal power, giving birth to the heavens and the earth and rock and roll.


Marty did not assume the role of God as many thought he would. His music was his life, and he soon slid out of the public eye never to be seen again.

True beleivers, such as myself, wait in anticipation for the second coming of Marty in 2015 when he will revolutionise the music industry with his extreme awesomeness!!

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