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Is Anybody On Here A Hardcore Christian?


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LUCIFER exists.....i mean look at the world we live in today.

Where was god when he took our friends and loved ones away from us far to early?

Where the f**k was god when My niece was raped

Rant over!

If god was true How come this world is so f**ked up


Im sorry to hear that your niece was raped.

In my eyes, God does everything for a purpose, the person that did it, will be punished for what they did.

I dont know why God let that happen, maybey that they could seek God through there struggles.

Asking why God does what he does is like asking what the Dinosaurs died of.

God gives everyone a choice, people choose to sin and wreak things, thats why the world is the way it is.

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No, Im saying that there is no way that an animal can think that they should be less hairy, and then millions of years down the line it happens.

If I want my great great great great great grandchildren to have 13 fingers, will it happen?

How can you be that naive and/or ignorant? Seriously, actually read about the theory of evolution. What you're describing is nothing like it at all.

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How can you be that naive and/or ignorant? Seriously, actually read about the theory of evolution. What you're describing is nothing like it at all.

I know about the theory of evolution, it is just as silly to me as what my post seem to you.

Its impossible to change your physical make up to change your surroundings, if you could people would have cottoned on to that durring battle camoflauge is extremely important and they would have changed there apperance to become camoflauged.

And battle has been hapening since for thousands of years, so they could of been evolving over that time.

But has it happended? No people just were camoflauged clothing.

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No, Im saying that there is no way that an animal can think that they should be less hairy, and then millions of years down the line it happens.

If I want my great great great great great grandchildren to have 13 fingers, will it happen?

Following on from OBM, it's not a choice. It's natural selection - survival of the fittest. These changes come about from genetic mutations - freaks, if you will. Sometimes these genetic mutations gave these freaks an advantage over their "normal" counterparts. These would find it easier to survive, would be a more attractive mating prospect for the opposite sex and thus that gene continues. In extreme cases the original gene strain will die out because the new gene is too overpowering.

This is not a theory, this can be shown in experiments with bacteria. This is fact.

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Its impossible to change your physical make up to change your surroundings, if you could people would have cottoned on to that durring battle camoflauge is extremely important and they would have changed there apperance to become camoflauged.

And battle has been hapening since for thousands of years, so they could of been evolving over that time.

But has it happended? No people just were camoflauged clothing.

Because generally people dont go into battle naked. and those people fighting in afghanistan right now with their sand coloured skin, sure would look daft and stick out like a sore thumb if they ever had to invade russia in the winter. not to mention them being naked would probably hamper their progress.

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I know about the theory of evolution, it is just as silly to me as what my post seem to you.

Its impossible to change your physical make up to change your surroundings, if you could people would have cottoned on to that durring battle camoflauge is extremely important and they would have changed there apperance to become camoflauged.

And battle has been hapening since for thousands of years, so they could of been evolving over that time.

But has it happended? No people just were camoflauged clothing.

If a genetic mutation occured which allowed a human to blend into his/her surroundings, I can guarantee that that particular mutation would survive for those exact reasons. It would be beneficial. The thing is, the mutation has to happen first and that's the random bit.

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I know about the theory of evolution, it is just as silly to me as what my post seem to you.

If you believe that evolution occurs by someone thinking about something, then you clearly don't understand it. It's not that your post appears 'silly', it's just that what you are describing is nothing at all like the theory of evolution.

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Irony noted.

I was about to ask if god exists, why didnt he stop WW2, but then i realised, it wasnt Christians being harmed, but predominantly Jews. and God only seems to look after his own kind, so hes not really all that great of a guy. but to ask a similar question.

If god exists, why didnt he put a stop to slaying of the Tutsi in Rwanda?? 900,000 christian people, killed for political reasons.

Same goes for twin towers, hurricane katrina, etc, if god exists, and controls everything, why does he let bad things happen to good people, or for the extremely bad people to exist in the first place, as surely making the perpetrator suffer in hell after the suffering they have caused, is worse than just stopping it before it happened, 2 wrongs not making a right and all that jazz.

God doesn't cause those bad things, we do, He gave us free will. And about the diseases and natural disasters I think that nobody is free from losing someone or getting a disease, even being good persons, but all those things happen for a reason, probably some people need those things to happen in their lives so they strengthen their faith on Him. For example if I ask God for courage he won't give me courage just like that, He will give me the opportunity to develop courage through experiences, often bad experiences. It's actually something hard to explain and describe, until you experience it.

And about the evolution theory I don't know much about it, but I respect other people's beliefs. Christianity is not a religion, it's a way of living, it's having a personal relationship with God, it's not something that Christian impose on people, those "Christians" that try to impose their beliefs are wrong.

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For example if I ask God for courage he won't give me courage just like that, He will give me the opportunity to develop courage through experiences, often bad experiences.

That's what I don't fully understand about Christianity - this implied opportunity given to us by God to learn, in your case, courage. If he's setting us up with these tests then surely that's effectively denying us freewill by basically planning out our future for us? I'm aware that we have the option to choose our own path from each opportunity we're theoretically given, but if we're given an opportunity that essentially only has a limited series of outcomes then we're not really living freely, if you see what I mean? Similarly, if you're using opportunities that crop up in the world that God doesn't actually direct tell you how to solve or when they're happening (Or anything like that), I don't really see how that's any different to the God-less way I live my life? I learn from experiences I have and develop my character and personality through them, in exactly the same way you do, but without praying to God for it? I don't think I've written that in the easiest possible way to understand, but hopefully you get what I mean...

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If God didn't create the planet (which is true)

gave us free will and doesn't intervene

doesn't answer prayers, lets you find out the answer your self/makes you work for what it is you want,

what does god do, again?

It seems I ought to worship him, because he seems to have procrastination down to a fine art, and I am a great follower of procrastination myself.

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That's what I don't fully understand about Christianity - this implied opportunity given to us by God to learn, in your case, courage. If he's setting us up with these tests then surely that's effectively denying us freewill by basically planning out our future for us? I'm aware that we have the option to choose our own path from each opportunity we're theoretically given, but if we're given an opportunity that essentially only has a limited series of outcomes then we're not really living freely, if you see what I mean? Similarly, if you're using opportunities that crop up in the world that God doesn't actually direct tell you how to solve or when they're happening (Or anything like that), I don't really see how that's any different to the God-less way I live my life? I learn from experiences I have and develop my character and personality through them, in exactly the same way you do, but without praying to God for it? I don't think I've written that in the easiest possible way to understand, but hopefully you get what I mean...

Yes, I understand what you mean, well I just think that God is the one who let's those things happen in everyone's lives, and the difference is that we, who believe Him, have someone to rely on. Like I said before, all these things are hard to describe, until you're in the situation where you really need someone, and you can just rely on Him. There are many things that humanity doesn't know and will never know, because our knowledge and capacity is limited, there's where faith comes in.

If God didn't create the planet (which is true)

gave us free will and doesn't intervene

doesn't answer prayers, lets you find out the answer your self/makes you work for what it is you want,

what does god do, again?

It seems I ought to worship him, because he seems to have procrastination down to a fine art, and I am a great follower of procrastination myself.

He does answer prayers but in different ways, sometimes he does it in miracles and sometimes, like you said, he make us work for it.

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The reason that things dont add up is because its made up. Christianity adds up and doesnt have holes in it.

Scientists dont actualy re-evaluate things, they see a problem and make up some cock and bull story to fill it.

Saying that humans evolved from Monkeys and that changed to suit our enviroment is dumb, if its true why cant I grow furr all over my body in the winter? or grow realy tall so I can change a light bulb?

If humans and animals evolve, why dont seals grow realy thick skins and become super huge so they dont get clubbed all the time?

Man you are so dumb and ignorant I can't even begin to explain it.

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I know about the theory of evolution, it is just as silly to me as what my post seem to you.

Its impossible to change your physical make up to change your surroundings, if you could people would have cottoned on to that durring battle camoflauge is extremely important and they would have changed there apperance to become camoflauged.

And battle has been hapening since for thousands of years, so they could of been evolving over that time.

But has it happended? No people just were camoflauged clothing.



Ultimate facepalm, son, you earned it.

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According to the bible, Jesus was God's son, so he should be welcome anyway, and if not, he might be able to get legal help to force god to let him in.

Another quick one: God is everywhere... techically you're shagging god when you dry-hump the air.

Edited by Revolver
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To which I would respond with this (from a Forum of people with a lot more intelligence than us!)

Although I don't fully understand the whole point (I'm not pretending to be a quantum physicist) the basic idea is that in order for Science to explain the origins of the universe, it completely contradicts its own fundamental laws. Materialism's most fundamental principle is that every event must have a physical cause (the whole structure of scientific theory is based on this assumption), I find it very strange that Hawkin effectively smashes this principle in order to go about a scientific account of the origin of the universe. It's a bit like saying "I can prove that all swans are white by building a theory on this black one".

But, maybe I have completely missed the point. To plagiarise McCoy, "Dammit I'm a philosopher not a quantum physicist"

I'd really like to hear about what argument is the basis for theists deciding the universe hasn't just always been. That existence has always been makes the most sense to me. It seems especially real when we begin to realise time as a construct. We tend to think of the experience of time as the movement along a line which posesses a beginning, a middle and an end. Yet this is a fairly modern conception of time which arose at the beginning of the Industrial era in association with the philosophies of progression. There have been a collection of differing concepts of time which even include a circular form. With this linear conception of time underlying our reasoning though, we naturally look for a beginning or start point. However, it is actually possible to view existence as a constant present, with everything manifesting from the same moment. Rather than each moment, a kind of new one like the difference between 1 and 2 or 5 and 6. This is because we are always experiencing the same existence depsite any changes within that same existence. Think about this in the sense that there is no such thing as a past or future except as an idea about those things. I can think about the past or the future but never live them - they remain only thoughts in the present. The way we map/model (time) changes in the same existence seems to have considerably confused us.

This is realisable if we manage to drop the relative conception of time that we are currently all using. It is doable because I have done it, although it is not a constant for me and I often perceive in those linear (line) terms.

Oh yeah, and what's very interesting and worth considering is that philosophies always form the foundations of any conceptual endevaour. Often unidentified, philosophical foundations contribute to the structure and the type of empirical questions that scientists ask. Thus a philosophy of time which is useful for considering one aspect of our existence, is not neccesarily very useful for studying a differing aspect, such as the founding nature of existence.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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Everyone has different opinions as to whether god or an upper being excists. Comes back to the old saying, what came first, "the chicken, or the egg?"

I beleieve there is something out there for when I die, but I'm not sure what it is. I can't beleieve it's going to be one person, but maybe many? I went to church for years, and in the end our priest turned into a preacher, and if you didn't beleieve him, "repend your sins" time..

This thread has sparked up quite the debate! :P

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