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Is Anybody On Here A Hardcore Christian?


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Don't get me wrong Mark, I live every day to the max and have no desire to die. But I'd rather accept death with my philosophy when it comes than be scared of "nothing-ness"

If you've 'lived your life to the max' I don't see why there's anything to be scared of after you die? I don't believe in an after-life but I'm not scared of 'nothing-ness' simply because I'm not going to be around to experience it at all and I'm more pre-occupied with what life's offering me at the moment.

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If you've 'lived your life to the max' I don't see why there's anything to be scared of after you die?

I'm sure lots of people are afraid of death, maybe due to uncertainty or simply because there afraid of loosing what mortal life has to offer them.

If I die tomorrow I'd be happy that I had the best life I could have wished for, and I made the most of everything I've done. So I've got nothing to be afraid of, I'm sure I'll make myself nice and comfortable in the after life.

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All I was getting at was that I don't see that there's any need to be scared of nothing-ness after death because it just doesn't matter...

It also seems like most people's fear of death is based on the idea that it'll be painful, etc., rather than whether they'll live on or not. At least, that seems to be the general gist of it. In that people seem to be more concerned with how they'll die, rather than being alive or dead?

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It also seems like most people's fear of death is based on the idea that it'll be painful, etc., rather than whether they'll live on or not. At least, that seems to be the general gist of it. In that people seem to be more concerned with how they'll die, rather than being alive or dead?

Good point, I know how I would want to die.

In my sleep nice and quietly, or in some alcohol fueled car and cliff sky dive.

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I can't be arsed reading most of this.

I'm just going to keep it simple.

If there is a god then how was he created?

Everything which has a beginning has a cause, The universe has a beginning, Therefore the universe has a cause.

God is the creator of time, therfore he is not limited by the time dimension that he created, he is outside time.

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Everything which has a beginning has a cause, The universe has a beginning, Therefore the universe has a cause.

God is the creator of time, therfore he is not limited by the time dimension that he created, he is outside time.

Man he must've been bored in the infinite time he was around before he decided to create the Universe. Wonder if he had a hobby...

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I don't understand religion what so ever.

I don't mind people believing in a GOD, but when people try to make other people believe, and if they don't, then they get extreme. I don't believe in that at all. I'm a none believer, for all we know, we could be the dirt on someone else´s finger nail! We will never know why we are here, and how we got here. So i don't understand why people go to the extreme´s of trying to make other people believe, that they know how we got here, when basically its all just a make believe story of how we got here.

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Everything which has a beginning has a cause

Where's your proof for this then?

The universe has a beginning, Therefore the universe has a cause

And if it's true, then maybe the cause of the universe was to reach an equilibrium? Hence it's expansion and constant acceleration. Expanding until an equilibrium of nothingness and matter is achieved (which may never happen).

I don't understand religion what so ever.

I don't mind people believing in a GOD, but when people try to make other people believe, and if they don't, then they get extreme. I don't believe in that at all. I'm a none believer, for all we know, we could be the dirt on someone else´s finger nail! We will never know why we are here, and how we got here. So i don't understand why people go to the extreme´s of trying to make other people believe, that they know how we got here, when basically its all just a make believe story of how we got here.

If anything, the opposite is happening in this thread. AFAIK its only the US nutjobs which get offended if you don't believe.

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If the universe is every expanding, whats it expanding into? You cant say nothing, because that would be stupid and impossible. and you cant say its creating new universe as its expanding, because, whats it creating into?

So what, you reckon the universe has an edge? Like a massive garden fence or something?

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I haven't read all the pages, but I have to say that I believe that Jesus died for me, and that's what makes me a Christian. And actually I believe that there are no guidelines, what God says in the Bible are teachings about what we should do to be better persons and to stay in His path, but the relationship with God is completely personal, based on our faith in Him.

Anyway, all the christians aren't like those people in those videos.

I'm identified with these people: (watch the whole video if you want to see what Christianity is about, having a personal relationship with God)

Youtube Video ->
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> Edited by Blitzmo
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If the universe is every expanding, whats it expanding into? You cant say nothing, because that would be stupid and impossible. and you cant say its creating new universe as its expanding, because, whats it creating into?

The universe may not be shaped as you think ....

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Why do you believe that? When in your life did you decide that the way of Christianity was for you?

It's all about faith, I believe that God gave us a second chance, and we can have a perfect life after death if we choose to accept Him and believe Him. It's not about being a perfect person and being a saint, it's just impossible for any human being. And well, I decided to take Christianity because I've experimented what is having a personal relationship with God, and He has helped me many times in different aspects of my life.

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It's all about faith, I believe that God gave us a second chance, and we can have a perfect life after death if we choose to accept Him and believe Him. It's not about being a perfect person and being a saint, it's just impossible for any human being. And well, I decided to take Christianity because I've experimented what is having a personal relationship with God, and He has helped me many times in different aspects of my life.

How ? We want examples ...

Edit: Not an attack just interested as to why it is particularily god that has helped.

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