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Is Anybody On Here A Hardcore Christian?


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No evidence that directly proves the existence of god, none to say god doesn't exist either. No one can answer the question of how anything exists so there isn't going to be a conclusion anytime soon. I'm open minded.

Christianity generally helps people nothing wrong with that

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No evidence that directly proves the existence of god, none to say god doesn't exist either. No one can answer the question of how anything exists so there isn't going to be a conclusion anytime soon. I'm open minded.

Christianity generally helps people nothing wrong with that

That is false. For one the bible is a proof that God exists along with millions of people through out the world that have seen and expreienced the power of God i.e. This girl who was at this big Christian camp (Easter Camp) sprained her ankle, And This guy prayed over it the same day and it was healed instantly and the next day she gave her life to God. I was there so I know its true.

What I dont get is why people would rather believe that when they die, thats it , they are just a corpse in the ground, over believing that if they are a Christian during their life on earth and they will be rewarded with eternal happiness in heaven.

I would rather have that than nothing!

Is Hannah Shucksmith and I the only believers on here?

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That is false. For one the bible is a proof that God exists along with millions of people through out the world that have seen and expreienced the power of God i.e. This girl who was at this big Christian camp (Easter Camp) sprained her ankle, And This guy prayed over it the same day and it was healed instantly and the next day she gave her life to God. I was there so I know its true.

Are you f**king kidding me?!!

And how is the bible proof? If I wrote on a scrap of paper that pigs can fly and white is black it doesn't make it true or proof that it is fact. The bible is just a book, written by mortal humans to try to explain stuff that they couldn't find evidence for.

You're exactly the sort of christian that actually makes me angry... Brainwashed from birth to unquestioningly believe what they're told. Unfortunately most of America seem to be the same.

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Are you f**king kidding me?!!

And how is the bible proof? If I wrote on a scrap of paper that pigs can fly and white is black it doesn't make it true or proof that it is fact. The bible is just a book, written by mortal humans to try to explain stuff that they couldn't find evidence for.

You're exactly the sort of christian that actually makes me angry... Brainwashed from birth to unquestioningly believe what they're told. Unfortunately most of America seem to be the same.

Excellently said. *claps*

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i.e. This girl who was at this big Christian camp (Easter Camp) sprained her ankle, And This guy prayed over it the same day and it was healed instantly and the next day she gave her life to God. I was there so I know its true.

I'm not having a go at you as pretty much every female in my family is christian (mum, sister, gran, etc) and i have nothing against it. But yesterday after football i did something to my ankle and i couldn't tilt it up my entire foot was shaking from me trying so hard, i'm guessing tendons, yet today i can. No-ones prayed for me, i only told my dad who isn't christian. I'm not trying to dispell your belief, just saying the body can be suprisingly good at healing when it wants to be.

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Missed this post somehow...

I went to a big Christian thing last year with lots of speakers and there was this big ex-gang member that was in prison for attempted murder and was planning to kill his wife when he got out.

He used to be a alchoholic, Druggie, Couldnt read or write and swore like a trooper.

And one day in his cell he said "God if you are real, save me from who I am, show me that you are real" and in saying that, God did that, this gang guy started reading a bible that was in the cell, at the same time as writing a 30 page apoligy letter to his wife (he couldnt read or write before), his drug and alcohol problem were instantly gone.

And durring his sentance he also spent the night in hell.

You didn't think that maybe this guy was just telling you exactly what the 'camp' organisers wanted you to hear? I'm not saying he was a plant but come on, question things for once! In what possible way did 'god' show him that it was real? What you've described is pure propaganda. That last sentence too... yeah.

Another guy that spoke said that he was walking down the road with $20 for lunch and God said that he had to give his $20 to the next person he see's the guy argued with God for a few minutes and finaly decided to give it away, the guy he gave it to freaked out because he had said to God a few minutes ago "if that man there doesnt give me $20, I'm going to throw myself infront of the next bus I see and kill myself".

Believe it if you want.

I'm afraid what you've described there is evidence of paranoid schizophrenia. Anyone who's 'argued with god for a few minutes' has some issues.

And my dad has had a demon inside him that could of killed him, and my Nanna has had a miricale preformed on her, So I have total faith in that God is real and is my Saviour!

I can't tell if you're actually taking the piss now or if you've just got some serious issues.

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And how is the bible proof?

Not to mention the bible is f**king old, and in that space of time it's fair to assume a degree of artistic modification. Walking by the water soon becomes walking on the water, finding a jug of wine soon becomes turning water into it.

In zeitgeist, and also I saw this on TV, the emperor constantine (i think) passed a law that decided that from then on jesus was to be said to have been real.


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The miraculous healing acts of 'God' are in the bible so that you buy into it in the hope that you may one day experience God's fantastic graciousness. Then at the same time you abide by the rest of the rubbish that's in it. Proof that God exists does not lay in the fact that a lot of people follow the lie. This merely shows that there are a lot of narrow-minded and insecure people out there.

The bible is a method of manipulation. Everyone works their balls off on Earth, never doing anything naughty or having any fun, because of belief that there's a big reward at the end of it all.

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with having belief in something bigger than you, but all this bible stuff is just fairy tails. It was a clever way (at the time of creation) of dumbing people down.

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That is false. For one the bible is a proof that God exists along with millions of people through out the world that have seen and expreienced the power of God i.e. This girl who was at this big Christian camp (Easter Camp) sprained her ankle, And This guy prayed over it the same day and it was healed instantly and the next day she gave her life to God. I was there so I know its true.

What I dont get is why people would rather believe that when they die, thats it , they are just a corpse in the ground, over believing that if they are a Christian during their life on earth and they will be rewarded with eternal happiness in heaven.

I would rather have that than nothing!

Is Hannah Shucksmith and I the only believers on here?

Wahaha, you've gotta be kidding me right?

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, but that is plain ridiculous. "the bible is a proof" - no, it's a book, written by someone, it's no more proof than a Stephen King novel.

And the girl who sprained her ankle - the body does heal you know, sometimes quicker than others. Maybe her ankle wasn't as bad as she thought and it healed quickly? Sounds psychological to me.

Again a believer with no real proof "he" exists.

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What I dont get is why people would rather believe that when they die, thats it , they are just a corpse in the ground, over believing that if they are a Christian during their life on earth and they will be rewarded with eternal happiness in heaven.

I would rather have that than nothing!

Commonly referred to as delusion.

Just because something is comforting doesn't make it true.

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What I'm saying is that it was sore and was instantly healed.…

There's a difference between being healed and feeling okay. She wasn't healed, a broken bone patching over instantly is healed. She just felt better quickly. Anyone can fall over and feel a bit of pain straight away, and that pain can be momentary, sure. But no one healed her, think about it…

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Christianity isn't all about being healed fast you know...

No one said it was...

What I'm saying is that it was sore and was instantly healed. I know that the body heals itself.

But you guys have your beliefs and I have mine. No point trying to tell you what I believe is the truth because you would just disagree with it.

Is the last sentence a way of trying to justify yourself? It's like me saying I can race cars better than Michael Schumacher but there's no point trying to tell you what I believe is the truth because you would just disagree with it.

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Just a huge arguement going on about this girls ankle... it's as though every athiest and agnostic person seems to presume Christianity is just about quick healing. It's not, of course it's not.

Fair enough, can see where you're coming from but I don't think such an image was being portrayed. It was simply dismissing "God's first aid kit".

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