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Getting Smacked ..


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Getting smacked isn't the worst thing in the world. And at 14 unlikley to do you any damage.

I was going to make a massive post on here about fighting but decided it just kinda made me sound like I was trying to be hard.

Just look him in the eye, loosen your neck and hope for the best if your just going to take a punch like a great f**king baby. I've been knocked out 3ish times fighting, but I would far prefer to stand up and fall than to just be a great big pussy.

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haha about tovel, lovely place, full of upper class chaps....

and smoby you go to howard, youll have about 40 people sorrounding you, you cant walk away from a fight at howard, youll either get tripped up or have a rock thrown at you, just fight him if it comes to it, teachers will be there in roughly 2.3 seconds so you wont get your head stamped on too many times, plus, lets be honest, if it comes to you scrapping on the floor, your both going to be getting stamped on from all angles away, his first punch doesn even matter.

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haha about tovel, lovely place, full of upper class chaps....

and smoby you go to howard, youll have about 40 people sorrounding you, you cant walk away from a fight at howard, youll either get tripped up or have a rock thrown at you, just fight him if it comes to it, teachers will be there in roughly 2.3 seconds so you wont get your head stamped on too many times, plus, lets be honest, if it comes to you scrapping on the floor, your both going to be getting stamped on from all angles away, his first punch doesn even matter.

Meh, i like this approach, he gets back from exclusion thursday.. If i smacks me, ill smack him back, it's not really going to be life or death is it.. Ill put up a nice fight, dirty, but meh, its a play ground fight irs going to be unfair either way.

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If they reckon their hard then sometimes if you hit them soft they just let you hit em for a bit so i hit em soft and if they say out just go for a big uppercut to hid nose.



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You can seriously hurt some one with a single punch .

never really matters how big bad or scary any one is.

i know its hard not to be affraid..Ive been affraid before.......before a fight.....but adrenaline kicks in....And your away

Decent jab or a swing to the side of the head will pretty much take any one down :)

Look at life like this Kill or be killed simples.....

Dont use a knife its not worth it trust me :)

use a steele though if you really are this genuinly worried

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This is a joke, man up abit :S

If it comes to it, in any situation, its going to happen so why wimp out about it or try talk your way out of it so they can go home feeling like the bigger man. Don't be a pushover all your life if someone comes upto you and trys to make you look like a twat don't put up with it because you'll not only look like a pussy but you're gonna play it over and over in your head thinking why the f**k didn't I act differently.

This isn't the films, your not going to take a good punch to the face and smile because your going down or theres another one coming your way. If someone is kicking off on you and is in your face then go in with the headbutt nice and clean flush on the nose or the chin and they're going down no matter how big they are, if it's not that close then a good quick punch with your weight behind it (hook/uppercut or backhand with your stronger arm and a tight clenched fist) landed clean on the jaw and they're on the floor wondering what's hit them (Y) Which ever you go for you have to go for it and put some pasty into it otherwise forget it.

Good mate of mine always said to me don't aim for their chin, aim for the back of their neck (Y)

The less obvious you make it and the less you say the more effective it's going to be, keep calm and focussed, don't hesitate or flinch and make sure you get the first punch and you'll be sound.

I'm not trying to act like the bigman, i've bin there and wish I had done it they way I have just said!

Edited by JoNnY__Mc
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Good mate of mine always said to me don't aim for their chin, aim for the back of their neck (Y)

Well if your gonna play it dirty, go inbetween the eyes, neck, ear, balls, solar plex, and stomach.

I (without trying to sound hard or anything) have have a couple of bare knuckle boxing bowts, with most kids they will totally parry all of there shots, their body will tell you which way their going an age before they swing a fist, and most will go for one big punch for a "one time" to look good. Get into him, block his swing, get your jabs in, use your feet, and snap you punches.

One of the fights did end with me on the floor so my advice should be taken with a massive pinch of salt... rule 1 don't try to tactical fight in a dark alley because you can't see shit lol

Edited by Simpson
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Just f**k him in the ass.

That's what I'd do anyway...

I had an interesting time at school, and I was always the "big" lad so nobody gave me any problems. But after a few months of being the "big lad" everybody realized I was so placid they could just lay into me and get away with it. I put up with shit from people for years, verbal and physical as well as some mental torment from myself but one day I had just had enough.

And this one little kid "Bert Hobbs" who had real small man syndrome laid into me one day, and there were no teachers about because we were both Seniors and were allowed out for a fag at lunch.

He'd always been the tough guy at school and I didn't know wether to run or what, so I just f**ked him in the nose and really laid into him. I thought "oh f**k, I'm going to get kicked out!" and was really panicking (because I went to an EBD school, and fighting was an instant kick out/solitary).

But to my surprise he didn't grass me up ! He went back and told the teachers he'd fallen down the stairs (which they believed because there's no way I'd have hit him!) and that was that.

He must have told the other kids not to f**k with me because from them on nobody said a bad word about me ! EVERYBODY was my best mate and all the new kids gave me instant respect, I wish I'd have let it out earlier !

Having that one fight changed the way I was at school, and made me so much happier to be there. The School I went to was a special needs school as such, so it was very difficult living with kids who had ADHD/Violent pasts/drug habits/family problems/suicidal tendencies while I had the lesser and complete opposite Asperges Syndrome.

So what I'm trying to say is, PROVE YOURSELF! If you f**k this guy up and prove that your not a push over and you'll fight for your cause you'll be treated so much better than before.

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