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Hey guys I know these can you help me with my work posts are annoying but this one is simple

The project is a group effort with interactive, tv and script writer students and we have to pick an issue and produce a campaign for it similiar to the channel 4 battlefront series

We are produceing a couple short adverts and all we want is for people to view them ( only one atm ) so when we do our presentation we will be able to show we have hits on the videos.

We want as many hits as possible because channel 4 will be at our presenations and helping to mark our work.


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That one is mainly yes.

The campaign is acturly about getting young people involved in politics and makeing politics simplier for young people to understand.

So the idea behind the advert is that politics is all around you and everything you do or want to change is to do with politics.

So there is going to be more adverts that arent just male aimed

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My only comment would be then if that is the aim behind your adverts is that most peoples problem/lack of interest in politics and the government stems from being dictated to. Many people feel that despite living in a democracy they are being told what they can and cannot do and how they should live their lives.

This has recently been seen with the government health/food averts that are constantly being played around 6 p.m. telling people to exercise more etc......... the adverts come across as patronising and are often telling people what they already know. I know its advice, but it is being conveyed it a non positive way.

That is my only complaint with your advert. (To me) the guy comes across as he is giving a lecture. His body language and tone of voice are condesending and brash which i personally dont find encouraging. It seems like another example of how putting a message across (which most people are already too aware of) is being dictated upon them and not shared constructively. If you want more people interested in politics, engage them as there equal not their superiour!

There just my views......

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