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Strange Things You've Come Across...


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Hehe, hope there isn't a topic like this already, but was playing around on the rocks near my house in a fairly secluded area of my county. Lovely area, really. Waterfall, streams and great practice area.

Anyway, as I'm heading back to the car through the wooded area, I see this fella and two really fit looking girls (20s or so - hardly wearing a stitch of clothes) and a bag with a very nice video camera. Possibly a blanket in the bag too. Well, brain figures out what 2 +2 is pretty quickly. Must have totally interrupted some kinda home movie they were getting ready to make.


Well, me being a bit of jackass, I make some small conversation and putz around on the bike nearby while he wandered around waiting for me to get the hell outta there.

Thought it was pretty fookin funny. I wish'd I'da happened upon it while it was in full production though.

"Hey buddy? need someone to hold that camera for you?" :giggle:

So, what are some strange things you've come across while out riding trials, road, XC or whatever?

Edited by Tappets
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Not exactly strange but a good story all the same. Riding in a car park we see this birds head bobbing up and down in a car and realise she's giving this old guy head. We were kinda across a fence from that car park in another one, but my mate came into the car park on the side the car was in to climb through a hole into the one we were in. We told him thte car was another mates car (who has the same car) and that he hadn't seen us so to go knock on the window to get his attention. :lol: Needless to say, he walks right up to the car, bangs on the back window before realizing what's going on and just freezes there staring with the two people in the car quickly puttin it all away an looking flustered, then he just walks back to us laughing haha.

Some drunk geezer also gave me all the money in his wallet (which turned out to be £70 but he obviously didn't know it he was that battered) cos he saw me hopping about (when i used to ride trials). Let him have ago knowing that there was a few of us and he was too drunk to steal it anyway and ended up coming away with a much fatter wallet :lol: Bet he was pissed off in the morning but that's life.

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I've come accross a man hoovering the path outside a pub before...

There was this old lady that lived next door to me that used to vacuum her outdoor patio once a week or so - which made us wonder if she would rake the leaves up out of her living room.

I bet the pub guy was a funny sight!

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I have found a Bow. as in Bow and arrow. not a very good one mind but makes you wonder why there was one laying on the pavement 2 mins from my doorstep?

I have also found £20 which was a result rather than strange.

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