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Skins Compression Performance Sportswear


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I don't know much about the Skins compression sportswear other seeing Gilles Coustellier wearing them in competition, so im just wondering if anyone else here knows how they work and how effective they are?

Edited by Rusevelt
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Maybe I should get a set! although i am not sure if they would fit around my legs or not! having quads that measure just shy of 30inchs around doesn't help matters!!

If people want to see what i would look like in a set, feel free to order me some :P


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They do work for sure. The idea being that they warm muscles before sport, reduce the amount of lactic build up in the muscles during sport, and aid quick recovery after sport.

I have used them for a while as my shop sells them and im very pleased.

Andy B

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If you read up on compression clothing it will probably help.

"The main benefits of compression shorts are that they keep the muscles warm to prevent muscle strain, chafing and rashes, and to wick sweat away from the body. In addition, there is some evidence that compression shorts may enhance athletic performance."

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Their website has the details on how and why.  I'm assuming they work since a lot of professional athletes use them.  Not sure how much of their claim is true but I'm sure they have some benefits.

I just would never wear them unless I can wear long pants or sleeves to cover 'em up :D

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haha when I get time i'll do a little write up, my course at uni covers these in quite a bit of detail. I'm a little stacked with work etc atm but i'll try and find some time later, alot of what has been said is true, the main point people are also missing are the bioacceleration technology. For example when your knee bends the fibres in the garment are aligned so that they stretch, meaning that they aid/accelerate the muscle back to the start position after contraction.

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