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I Weel Want To Get Sponsered

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Sponsorship is a two way thing. Company's will only sponsor someone if they think they can get their name out there, in return they'll give them good discounts or maybe even freebies.

And that's about it really.

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it shouldent be abought getting sponcered it should be abought fun and havaing a great time with riding if u try to get nticed it wont happen just chill out ride for the progression of the sport its also abouht your attitude companys want riders that will make there company look good and be able to interact with the public to increase profit

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it shouldent be abought getting sponcered it should be abought fun and havaing a great time with riding if u try to get nticed it wont happen just chill out ride for the progression of the sport its also abouht your attitude companys want riders that will make there company look good and be able to interact with the public to increase profit

...and breathe out.

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Yes sponsership is great, but its alot of hard work.

You dont just get given a bike and kit, and told to ride. Your an Ambasdor of the sport, and are out representing alot of companies.

Check bellow for my list of sponsers. They all expect alot from me, and it can be hard work. But if you play it right its alot of fun.

When your out, even if its just a ride near home, your reprsenting these companies, and advertising them. You cant go out wrecking stuff, shouting abuse, getting wasted ect as it sends the wrong image.

You will be expected to ride events from massive festivals and TV shows, to schools and fun fairs, and each one needs the same amount of riding skill, and representation. Just because its a small event, doesnt mean people arent watching. I have riden a few shows where someone will ask some questions, and see how you respond, then tell you they are the MD of one of your sponsers. If you act like a dick they will just tell you to piss off and drop you.

The most important thing to remember with sponsership is that no one owes you anything. Just because a manufacturer sponsers you, they dont owe you anything. You cannot demand the best of their products and a massive wage. You should be pleased that somone belives that you can create a good advertisment for their company and is willing to help you by suporting you. This may mean that you ride components you normaly wouldnt, but then a good rider will just get on with it. If a company then sees you as a good investment they will work with you to develop parts as you would like them.

If you really want to be sponsered get out and practise, get confident on your bike and with your abilities. You dont have to be the best rider in toe world, but if you can make it look good, and dont kep falling off there is a good chance for you.

And most importantly make sure you have the right attitude. You have to look at it from the companies point of veiw. Let them know what you can do for them, not what you want.

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