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Are You An Alcoholic?

Sam Nichols

Are you an alcoholic?  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. On average how often do you drink? (two pints or more)

    • Fridays and Saturdays.
    • 2-3 times weekly.
    • 4-5 times weekly.
    • Daily.
    • I don't drink.
  2. 2. After completing the quiz in my post, are you 'officially' and alcoholic?

    • Yes.
    • No.

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I like the way the poll doesn't even cover any form of moderate drinking. Haven't been drunk in a while, but I think alcohol affects me pretty strangely. Like JT, I get drunk pretty quick and from then on I carry on drinking. Instead of getting more drunk I just seem to get drunk for longer without actually doing the whole falling over memory loss thing. Meaning I will wake up the next day still really drunk which sucks. The last time I did this, I miss a bluebird powder day in Whistler, I was pretty gutted about that.

Haven't been tempted to drink too much since then.

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  Tomm said:
I like the way the poll doesn't even cover any form of moderate drinking.

I was trying to get an idea of where regular drinkers fall on the 'problem' scale of drinking a bit to much -> full blown alcoholic!

People who drink moderately with large spaces of time in between aren't going to be classed as alcoholics.

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In an ideal world, I'd like not to drink at all...I know a couple of people who don't drink on a regular basis, and because of this they're pretty well off and the money they would spend on booze goes towards other, perhaps more fun items.

However, using today as an example, I finish work at 1pm and I have no plans. I'd like to save a bit of money but I know when I'm out of work, I'll go home, shower, my mate will call and we'll go out for a game of pool and a pint like most Friday afternoons.

From there we'll get a taste of it, somewhere in the conversation 'it's a nice day for a beer garden!' will arise and from there we'll drink, before I know it it'll be 8pm and then I'll just stay out all night and get in a state. Its not a matter of having no self control, its a matter of 'I'd rather get drunk'. It's a nice way to end a week of working, just to relax.

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Meh. I think the term 'alcoholic' is about as relavent these days as the definition of 'binge drinking'

It's all a pointless meaningless set of statistics, aimed to scare you into changing your lifestyle.

I drink. I don't think I drink THAT much, but my friends will tell you I drink far too much.

I rarely get drunk, perhaps once a month. but I drink basicly every day, usually around 4 pints/cans. they have almost no effect on me at all, I don't drink to get pissed, I drink because I happen to really rather like bitter.

People judge others on what they can handle themselves, and it's wrong. Just because someone else will be feeling tipsy after 4 cans, doens't mean everyone will. For me, anything up to about 8-10 pints is a fairly social affair, it's only after 8+ I start to feel it really, when some smaller chaps will be smashed by the 8 pint stage.

It's the same with driving in many ways, just because 1 person thinks a certain corner is very dangerous and on the limit at 40mph in his ford escort, doesn't mean that doing the same corner at 60mph in a track prepared car is foolish, it may well be nowhere near the limit, but the escort driver will still brand you as a wanker.....

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10 pints of anything is a lot, just imagine drinking 10 pints of juice, or water throughout a night. I hate getting drunk on pints, makes me feel really bloated and gives me a headache in the morning, spirits are so much better.

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sam, your an alcoholic.

you know, i know it. we ALL know it

i probably am too, but the quiz answered NO, haha

i drink, most nights, not getting wasted or anything, (well not everynight)

i dont mind, its fun. relaxing.

i guess i dont get as steaming as i used to, learn to controll it

we all know when enought is enough and you need to have some time away from drinking.

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  Prawny Baby said:
I rarely get drunk, perhaps once a month. but I drink basicly every day, usually around 4 pints/cans. they have almost no effect on me at all, I don't drink to get pissed, I drink because I happen to really rather like bitter.

People judge others on what they can handle themselves, and it's wrong. Just because someone else will be feeling tipsy after 4 cans, doens't mean everyone will. For me, anything up to about 8-10 pints is a fairly social affair, it's only after 8+ I start to feel it really, when some smaller chaps will be smashed by the 8 pint stage.

and the reason it stays social is because its bitter, not a knock on you at all, but bitter is such a social session drink its kind of great, but also kind of crap in the same sense, that if you want to get drunk, it doesnt really do the trick.

anyone read anything about how your body can only process 20 or so units of alcohol a day, and how after a couple of days it just adjusts to it, rather than flushing it out of your system, so after a week long binge, you may well keep a blood alcohol level above the legal limit for up to a week.(as your body wont piss it out, itll just absorb it and deal with it slowly, with your blood alcohol level dropping slowly for a good few days)

not sure whether its complete bull to try and stop us binge drinking by playing the drink drive card on us, or whethers its actually got any truth.

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