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Is It Ever Acceptable....


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No-one cares what you think, you're a




Don't start all your sexism shit on me, Connor :P


oh my god thats f**kin hilarious. you well and truely destroyed him

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fuk it sling that dog a bone my man! only live once but make sure shes alot nicer than your mrs, cause it aint worth cheating if shes not as good looking!

Hurrrr hurrrr, yea mate, f**kin' sick that.

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Sure, we were never going to run off into the sunset and get married,

Did you know or think that when you were in the relationship?

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Did you know or think that when you were in the relationship?

I suppose, deep down, yeah.

Don't get me wrong, I sat there and thought "I wonder what life will be like in 10 years time if I were to stay with this person", but then sitting back and thinking about it, you realise you kinda can't see it, you can't picture yourself in a wedding dress or popping out his babies. I dunna, yeah, deep down, I knew they weren't forever, but I'm one of these people that kids themselves that it will be forever, everything will be nice and you'll stay together and grow old together...

Meh, I think my mum read me too many fairytales when I was a child.

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Whether this dilema has been solved or not I would like to voice my thoughts on it.

i only ask because an exeedingly beautiful bird from college thinks im hot ;) and wants me at the next college party.

That means bugger all, unless she is the moronic type who has no social understanding what-so-ever, then she will never go for you on just looks (well only in the drunken state and of course thats only a one nighter).

I can think of many girls I would refer to as hot, that doesn't mean I like them or would consider sharing something with them, the social side of girl is equally as important.

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This thread has descended so irretrievably deep into farce that the only thing left to do is to cement that fact.

In this colourful appearance, Lobster Dog is complemented by his chef friend, Chef Dog. The irony or malice evident in the Lobster-themed apron is obvious. Consequently Lobster Dog, who is sitting in a pan of water, fears for his future. His sad eyes do not hide this. Chef Dog pants in anticipation of his tasty meal.

Both concur that the thread starter needs to get over himself.


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not worth getting locked down young, you have your whole life to grow up:), some lads these days way to emotional for my liking! what happened to allt eh womenizing proper lads! im only 19 i couldnt care less haha:D. why did you tell her you had a gf , your just a geek haha cock blocking yourself for the future!

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not worth getting locked down young, you have your whole life to grow up:), some lads these days way to emotional for my liking! what happened to allt eh womenizing proper lads! im only 19 i couldnt care less haha:D. why did you tell her you had a gf , your just a geek haha cock blocking yourself for the future!

Your scrawny and ginger!

Acting all nonchalant :giggle:

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