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Is It Ever Acceptable....


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Don't do it.

  RobinJI said:
(PS, posting it on a public forum is never gunna end well ;), you'd be supprised how much TF gets around.)

Especially when your girlfriend goes on your computer and searches through all your TF posts to see what you've been saying about her.

P.S. If you're reading this...

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If a tree falls down in the woods and there's noone around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Buddhists say no.

f**king go for it...

Obviously take note of what other people have said here, only you can make the risk assesment, if there really isn't much chance of it getting out then go for it if you want, it's your life. I'd be slightly worried that stories of who's done who stick around for years, so if you're in it for the long term then it'll probably get found out, some drunken mate will start reminiscing about it in front of you and her when you least expect it ;)

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  adamtrials said:
only you can make the risk assesment

So you're basically saying it's worth it unless there's a chance you could get found out? That's not really the debate you should be having, but whatever, you do what you decide.

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  Tomm said:
So you're basically saying it's worth it unless there's a chance you could get found out? That's not really the debate you should be having, but whatever, you do what you decide.

By the sounds of things, to him, yes it is. He can't be too bothered about the gf if he's considering playing away, so obviously values sex pretty highly. I wouldn't personally cheat, but only because I have very high standards for gfs, thus alleviating the need for cheating...

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What is your current girlfriend like, how long have you been together?

Way I think of it is how would you feel if she did this to you? I've been cheated on and theres not a lot of things that can make you feel so used and worthless as that, it's really not nice.

If you want to 'cheat', break up with her. You're wasting both your time and hers if you're debating cheating on her this much.

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  anzo said:
Hell, f**k it...go to town with it and smack her one.

Sounds like your new relationship will go just fine (Y)

If you need any other advice, feel free to give me a shout!

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Why would nailing the new one be any better than the current one? It seems a bit pointless other than to brag about 'nailing this hot chick' to your mates, which most of them will think you're a willy for cheating.

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  TomR said:
Why would nailing the new one be any better than the current one?

Exactly. The grass is always greener on the other side.

Don't even think about cheating. Rather than pumping this other girl, sit down and think long and hard about whether or not you really want to be with your current girlfriend. That you're even entertaining the idea of cheating shows you don't. As other people have said, think about how it'll make her feel - you might be totally detached emotionally from her, but she isn't (I don't know either of you, so I'm making an assumption here) from you. You'll get found out in the end - it always happens - and it's going to really hurt her when you screw her over. Nobody deserves to have that done to them.

Edited by Rumplestiltskin
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  TomR said:
Why would nailing the new one be any better than the current one? It seems a bit pointless other than to brag about 'nailing this hot chick' to your mates, which most of them will think you're a willy for cheating.

You're forgetting about the man points involved, plus he gets to tell trials forum about how great it was, that alone should be incentive enough.

And Joe, go team heartless b*****d! Turns out living in Telford has had some influence on me...

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haha, iv been laughing my little arse off reading these replies!

dw, theres no chance im gona go ahead with it, iv told the girl iv got a GF (although she said she didnt care!)

iv been with my missus for 9months and love her to f**king pieces.

Christ, i hated my ex-missus and still managed to resist the urge to ply away from her with an old school crush.



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Yeah, I forgot women are saints and that everything a lad does has to be in the interest of the female side.

If you generalise people that much that you lack trust for other peoples actions, that's quite sad.

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