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Trials Forum Video Comp

Luke Rainbird

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I've got a video that I made over the Summer and never really got round to uploading that would be perfect for this! Would it be allowed as an entry as it's not new or been made specifically for this? I really like the sound of this, but I've got assessed translations and a dissertation to be doing and haven't really got the time to make a video...

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If you think it fits the theme and ticks the boxes (10 second line, music credits etc) then I don't see why not if other people are cool with that.

However, I don't think people should really go back and upload old previous vids that have been about before and the like before anyone tries to get sneaky...

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I've just found it on my hard drive and at 12 minutes it's a bit of a whopper! If I re-edit it down to a more suitable length, that should keep everyone happy?

I well want to watch your video now....

I've already started recording for this ;)

Already found two new local lines that I've never done before that will really push me (a couple of scary gaps). Also there's a rail I've always wanted to hop that I'm going to attempt purely for the video.... (Y)

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I well want to watch your video now....

I've already started recording for this ;)

Already found two new local lines that I've never done before that will really push me (a couple of scary gaps). Also there's a rail I've always wanted to hop that I'm going to attempt purely for the video.... (Y)

sounds good man, look forward to seeing it (Y)

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To spice things up a little and get things moving, how about an incentive to get your video in first?

First 3 entries in get a bonus point in the vote (Y)

Of course you need to decide if it's worth throwing it together a little quicker to get this vote, or if the extra time will make it that much better that you'll get them elsewhere...

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I'm game for this as I've finally getting back in the state of mind where I can edit. Got loads of footage from travelling around as well. My only issue is the deadline which is quite close. I have other editing stuff I have to attend to prior to this.

Sounds like a plan though, Mr Luke. Good thinking.

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I well want to watch your video now....

I've already started recording for this ;)

Already found two new local lines that I've never done before that will really push me (a couple of scary gaps). Also there's a rail I've always wanted to hop that I'm going to attempt purely for the video.... (Y)

Attempted...and recorded.

Been wanting to do this for ages, rail is about 2 foot high.

Me and olly (he's 14 and rides a BMX with a 21.25TT, 7 inch riser bars and his wheel is at the very back of his dropout- for you who know about BMX these bikes are heavy and difficult to lift, especitally for a kid of 14).

Anyways, we attempted it at the same time, I managed to clear it but olly didn't. Nast faceplant, possible break....


Youtube Video ->
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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I managed to clear it but olly didn't. Nast faceplant, possible break....

Should've saved it for the video!

so, I've done a re-edit and could feasibly submit my video now. Thing is, I'm not too happy with the re-edit, as I had to mute all the sound from the previous video (talking and bike noises etc.), so wanted to know whether the re-edit was necessary or if it's OK to submit the original video (filmed and edited over the summer)?

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Here's the new edit, couldn't work out how to embed it in the thread. I'll edit with a link to the full video when I get in from work or tomorrow.

The streaming version only plays the first 24 seconds for me, but i downloaded it.

Pretty decent, some nice lines but it was a bit too TGS for my liking (but i'm a BMXer so let the trials community decide).

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