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Trials Forum Video Comp

Luke Rainbird

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Ok, so with a couple of exceptions things have gotten pretty stale in the trials video scene recently. Let's spice things up a bit with a good old bit of light-hearted competition.

The theme for this competition is "travel". Interpret this as you wish, be it filming in new locations, hopping on a train to a new city, or using your bike as a mode of transport to name just a few options. ALL entries are welcomed, regardless of how good a rider or film-maker you think you are. Group entries are also welcome.


  • Videos must be no shorter than 60 seconds (1 minute) in length
  • Video should not have been posted up before. New edits or unreleased videos are ok.
  • Please also put the track name and artist somewhere in your videos - both to save hundreds of "what was the song in..." type posts and to give the artists themselves a little recognition
  • When entering your video (please upload to Trialstube, Vimeo or Youtube to allow all the entries to be embedded in a poll at a later date) simply post a link/embed it in this thread, along with a short few lines explaining your vid (how you interpreted the theme, what you are happy with etc) as this will help us with judging

We'll try and sort out a small prize or two for the winning entrant/s if enough people enter. If you're all a bunch of homos and there's only a couple of entrants then you all suck and the winner can have a hug or something as equally shit as the participation level

Extra points will go to those who add in interesting elements to your video. Perhaps throw in a line where you don't use the brakes, or even ride chainless! Perhaps throw in a one clip/sequence/line over 10 seconds in length

Judging will begin around the 15th June via public vote (a thread containing a poll, simple as that), but entries may be submitted after this date. This gives an incentive to get out and get your entries in, but still allows late entries for those that need more time.

The winner/s will be whoever has the most votes on the 30th

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As many bikes as you like, no engines :P


I think it is a really good idea, as long as it dosent get spoilt from lads trying to be divvies like we've seen in the last few days,

Maybe you could set a theam up for all the vids to possibly follow? like music style, would be a bit more exiting?

cant wait to see joe m's :D

Edited by D A N N Y
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