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Mathew Smith Video One!


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From mat: so because i have a joke and a laugh and dont act like an old man, cos im 17, i cant even order trials parts anymore, good one from tartybikes, just close the thread if u want, this forum needs to be able to take a laugh :S, i made a video filled with sidehops cos its exactly what the forum hates.

ur choice if u dont want to ride with me ali, or talk over tartybikes, whatever.

Tim morely matey you need to grow up a hell of alot. Same goes for the likes of Little sam and Mat smith.

You post a video up just to wind people up who are on the forum? You rip the piss out of my sidehop when you can't even sidehop yourself. You seem to take the piss out of people who dont think the same as you, Like people that dont think TGS is the greatest thing in the world, or 24" riders are gay and what not, I don't ride 24" but i still think they have amazing skill, don't take the piss because they dont ride the same as i do. Its pathetic, Your pathetic.

Ali c is totally right in what he is saying, if i was in his situation and all the stuff about you childish cocks taking the piss out of him because he rides differently to you and doesn't just sidehop all day long is true i would refuse to serve you too, it really is sad. I think it would be awsome to be able to ride with Ali, Simply because hes such a talented rider that you can learn so much stuff off him. Instead you act like wankers because he has a different bike and style of riding.

Also the thing about the forum hating sidehops? Shut up you idiot. The forum doesn't hate sidehops atall you feeble minded derk. They hate vidoes fillefd with sidehops repeated over and over for 1:03mins, And as soon as someone sais they dont like it you start to take the piss and act like wankers, Which is how the forum see's you now. Wankers.

Edited by Connor Powell
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Can I just add that I find it completely unbelievable that anyone could take the piss out of Ali's bike or his riding. That's like taking the piss out of Martyn Ashton, Ben Savage or whoever. He's one of the countries best riders, on both natural and street, and is one of the nicest guys I've ever met. There's something wrong if that's the sort of person you're going to make fun of...

I think it would be awsome to be able to ride with Ali, Simply because hes such a talented rider that you can learn so much stuff off him. Instead you act like wankers because he has a different bike and style of riding.

Very good point. I'd have killed to have someone like Ali to ride with when I was learning to ride.

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right guys, come to put this right, can i jsut say everything that has been said by "me" "timmorley" isnt actually me, it was matt smith that has got hold of my log on details and decided to write abuse to everyone. i apologise for all of this and i hope it doesnt happen again.



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its not a serious video, mat put it up cos he knew this would happen, lmao.

have fun riding 24

wtf, im tgs rider and that vid was shit, and also if its a piss about vid why the hell did this nob head start pming me and he aslo added my mate so he could have a go at him cus he said the vid was shit. ban mat, and you would make the forum a nicer place

Surely this is a piss take and isn't meant to be treated seriously?

yet again, why did he pm me and msn 'e-threaten' my mate? he obviously thought his vid was the tits


Ok, this is pissing me off now. The last time I rode with Matt, it was for about an hour and a half, in that time we rode two walls AT MOST and I never saw Matt do anything other than sidehop. In between sidehopping the wall, he was always ripping the pis out of me for liking natural and comps and ripping the piss out of my bike because I had light parts and some drilled components.

There's a good reason why I choose not to go riding with him. I like to enjoy riding, not be the butt of jokes.

And whats with the "stupid" comment? Are you part of the "crew" that hates natural riders too?

Trials has gone downhil :(

jealousy? obviously matt is anoyed cause ali can do everymove out there bigger then one of matts failed sidehops lol

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right guys, come to put this right, can i jsut say everything that has been said by "me" "timmorley" isnt actually me, it was matt smith that has got hold of my log on details and decided to write abuse to everyone. i apologise for all of this and i hope it doesnt happen again.



someone ban matt smith.... from life

your free to order off tartybikes, but I aint going to serve you.

I am fed up of your immaturity. You say that I don't have a life outside trials, why does this bother you? I have been riding for over 11 years, of course trials is my life! What do you guys want to be remembered for? at the moment its for being arrogant and abusive. Good luck with life.

Anyone who knows me will know that I am very easy going, it takes a lot to wind me up. This has just pissed me off out right!

i feel kinda sad that its gone so far to annoy you, your like the most chilled guy ever! and proper sound, when nob heads start abusing people like you, you know its gone to shit really.

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right guys, come to put this right, can i jsut say everything that has been said by "me" "timmorley" isnt actually me, it was matt smith that has got hold of my log on details and decided to write abuse to everyone. i apologise for all of this and i hope it doesnt happen again.



How did he get hold of your details then? If you gave him your password then you are responsible for the things that happen on your account.

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