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Damon Watson - Lost Post Problem


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Problem is I paid for pads 9th April, he said he'll post them out on 14th (tuesday) cos 10th-13th was easter weekend/monday so post office was closed. Fair enough. Later that week, on the 15th or 16th he came on MSN and told me he hasn't been able to send the pads because he has been sick due to 'food poisoning'. Fair enough, again. I then said send them out as soon as you can.

That week passed and I still got nothing in the week between the 20th-26th. I remember I PM'ed him here once or twice that the pads has not arrived as he was not MSN, no reply to these even though I remember him being online.

Fine, I'll wait a bit longer.

This week, 27th April-2nd May. Nothing came. I live in uni halls and all post goes to the same place, in a small room next to the reception, I have asked the people who works multiple times is there any post with my name on, nothing. I can see everything in that room, and I saw them going through everything that was there, even pointing to them to small packages that might be mine. Nothing.

I've had a few conversations with him on MSN, few times me saying they pads are probably lost and told him that you can claim a compensation by filling in a claims form. I told him you can get one from the post office. He said he'll do that, but the next time I asked him on MSN he said he hasn't cos he can't find the receipt as proof of postage. Fine, I'll give you another few more days to find it.

Just been talking to him on MSN, he says he STILL can't find the receipt. Here's what we've been saying. Nothing has been deleted from this conversation.

-SKU- says:

*done the form yet?

DAMON (#) says:


-SKU- says:


DAMON (#) says:

*cnt find the reciept

-SKU- says:

*im having my money back then

DAMON (#) says:

*how do i know u havnt got it?:/

*iv bin ripped off before

-SKU- says:

*how do i know you've sent it?

DAMON (#) says:

*i sent another guys pads, i sold him sum inspired v pads to mike corby n hes got them fine :/

*sent them at same time

-SKU- says:

*theres only one place where i pick up my post and they are not there, i have asked the people who works there and they have nothing with my name

DAMON (#) says:

*u even told me u needed the money so it sounds like u want ur cake and to eat it

-SKU- says:

*no i said i want my pads so i could ride

DAMON (#) says:

*u told me u needed the money

-SKU- says:

*i said i want my money cos the pads are not here so i can buy some new pads

*u told me you were skint

DAMON (#) says:

*im not skint

-SKU- says:

*can i have my £15 then?

DAMON (#) says:

*how do i kno u havnt ripped me off

-SKU- says:

*ask prawn

DAMON (#) says:

*if only i cud find my f**kin reciept

-SKU- says:

*you want his number?

DAMON (#) says:

*what for?

-SKU- says:

*to tell you i aint the kind of person thats rippin people off!

DAMON (#) says:

*neither am i!

-SKU- says:

*ok, you're not skint so i cna ahve my £15 back? when you find your receipt do the lost form and ask for the full price of them back, not losing anthing are you?

*an answer please?

DAMON (#) says:

*not yet dude

-SKU- says:

*waiting for what?

DAMON (#) says:

*to find recepit

-SKU- says:

*you are taking forever

DAMON (#) says:


*bad feedback me then

-SKU- says:

*i wont even bother with bad feedback, i just want me £15

*you can make a claim within 12 months of posting, plenty of time to find your receipt?


*if you're not going to answer me or tell me what you're going to do, im going to open a complaint on paypal and i WILL get my £15 back

DAMON (#) says:

*iv told u


-SKU- says:

*you told me you cant find the receipt days ago! and since then you haven't told me you've tried looking for it again or told me you'll get back to me another time ab out it

DAMON (#) says:

*iv looked for it, but my mums away at the minute

*im gna ask her if shes seen it

-SKU- says:

*why would your mum know where it is?

DAMON (#) says:

*cos she f**ks around in my room and moves things about

*im not gna rip u off dude, stop being so negative

-SKU- says:

*tell her not to then!

DAMON (#) says:

*im jus not wantin to b ripped off again

*i hav dude

*but she dunt listen

*iv bin ripped oiff like this about 100 times now

*really f**ks me off

-SKU- says:

*how old are you?! tell your parents you want some privacy and not move you things around?

DAMON (#) says:

*iv tried

*ther idiots though and giv me though old "its our house" speech

-SKU- says:

*ok whats the plan then? cos it seems you cant find the receipt

*and its been 2 weeks now that I told you i ahvet got them?

DAMON (#) says:

*my mum comes home wednesday mate

-SKU- says:

*when was the last time she was home?

DAMON (#) says:


-SKU- says:

*could you not have asked her then?

DAMON (#) says:

*dude, f**kinhell, i did, ur on my case alot more then im likin, i dont hav to explain a far end of a fart

-SKU- says:

*ok, so you asked her and what did she say?

DAMON (#) says:

*see what i mean

*im goin

*il talk to u wen she gets back

-SKU- says:

*f**k this shit im opening a case on paypal, you are not doing anything helpful

DAMON (#) says:


*iv told u what im gna do

*ur jus tryna act an idiot by givin me the spanish incwisition

*iv done nothing wrong

*ur jus presuming im in the wrong

-SKU- says:

*you told me shit mate

DAMON (#) says:

*hav i f**k

-SKU- says:

*"I can't find my receipt....mum's moved my room about...."

DAMON (#) says:

*u askd me 5 minutes ago what im gna do

*i told u

*and u continue tooo ask me millions of irrelavent qwestions

-SKU- says:


DAMON (#) says:


*iv never had too

*thats why!

-SKU- says:

*well you do now cos the pads are lost in the post and its your responsibility to make sure both of us gets something back

DAMON (#) says:

*iv told u what im going to do dude, stop worrying and havin a go at me

*il speak to u wednesday

*sort sumthing out

-SKU- says:

*im sick of waiting

DAMON (#) says:

*nothing i can do about it dude

*im not made of money yunno

-SKU- says:

*refund me, you find your receipt, get the claim, keep the rest of the money, i wont leave bad feedback, everyones happy

DAMON (#) says:

*talk wednesday(Y)

-SKU- says:


DAMON (#) says:

*yes! no option, i cnt refund u right now anyway, i have bills to pay

-SKU- says:

*you have 12 months to find your receipt

DAMON (#) says:

*so its wednesday or nothing, ur choice,

-SKU- says:

*you just said you're not skint

DAMON (#) says:

*im sick of u talkin to me like a tit

*im not skint no

-SKU- says:

*you live at home wat bills?

DAMON (#) says:

*my bills rnt ur concern

*so this is why im off, if u wna leave bad feedbak thats ur choice, ul regret it though cos im not a bad guy and i havnt rippd u off


-SKU- says:

*i dont bother with feedback

*does it take a month to find a receipt??

DAMON (#) says:

*no it doesnt f**k sake

*im off

*its not bin a month


*im goin

-SKU- says:

*paid you beginning of april its may now

DAMON (#) says:

*balls was it

-SKU- says:

*9th april

*this is going on tf

DAMON (#) says:

*ule see

*so if i cant find the receipt can i stilld od the lost form?

-SKU- says:

*dont really stand a chance cos you dont have proof

DAMON (#) says:

*do they not keep things on record though?

*transactions n stuff

-SKU- says:

*yes but they dont keep your details to know you sent it, thats where the receipt comes in to proof you sent it

DAMON (#) says:

*ahh i see

Then he went off line.

So what do I do? I've been waiting for him to find the receipt, he says he can't find it as his mum moves his room about. He told me to wait till wednesday even though his mums been in on friday to ask her if she has seen the receipt.

I don't really want to open a case on paypal, he seemed trustworthy but doesn't seemed to be very helpful and has made me wait for too long only for the same reply that he can't find the receipt.

A bit of help please?

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Way too long, didn't bother reading it all.

Damon, if you're selling things to people, don't be a dick, make sure you keep the postage receipt, it's no real hardship.

Sav, open the paypal dispute, if he didn't send recorded, you'll get your money back

Everyone else - If you buy/sell something on here, GET IT SENT RECORDED or shit like this happens.

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A small update...

DAMON (#) says:

*ahh i see

*dude im goin now to the gym, so ile speak very soon

-SKU- says:

*if im not on msn, pm me on tf


DAMON (#) says:

*i will do mate

*i jus askd my dad and she might be home tuesday!


*so if she is ile speak sooner :)

-SKU- says:


DAMON (#) says:

*sorry about the inconveinience dude, but u gta see it from my point of view, iv bin ripped a few times now and im sick of it,but i see were ur coming from also, im sorry for havin a go, jus my tempter gets away with me sumtimes

-SKU- says:

*fair enough mate, i just would like a bit more communication. i've pmed you before and no reply

DAMON (#) says:

*yer ok, noted, sorry about that

-SKU- says:


DAMON (#) says:

*speak real soon dude!

-SKU- says:


DAMON (#) says:

*u got a set of pads to use till u hear from me though?

-SKU- says:

*yes had to burrow mates mpads

DAMON (#) says:

*ok, well, sort it very soon

*again sorry mate,


-SKU- says:


Should I wait till tuesday?

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Firstly, Damon if you are reading this YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.

There was a thread a while ago about you similar to this, the problem is you refuse to send things recored delivery, that's why you think you've bee ripped off 100 times before. Just send recored delivery, KEEP the receipt and then you haven't got a problem - it'd take 20 seconds to look and see if it was delivered or not.

On the other hand, royal mail it shit, but they do quite rarely loose things, most 'lost' packages do actually turn out to be very late, or they actually haven't ever been sent. Damon obviously didn't send if recored delivery, so there's no chance of him getting back the money from royal mail if he does find the receipt anyway. So what i suggest should be done is wait 2 weeks from now, if nothing turns up, refund time!

Edited by JT!
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Firstly, Damon if you are reading this YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.

So what i suggest should be done is wait 2 weeks from now, if nothing turns up, refund time!

so what happens if it turns up and sav doesnt let on?

i sent it first class, but they gave me proof of postage, i jus cnt find the little reciept, wen i do though ullllee seeeee

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Sav doesn't rip people off, ever. He's not the type to do it for £15 either, hell I'm not even that cheap skate.

Two weeks is far too long, wait til Tuesday - it gives him time to find the receipt, if he's not able to, then it's his own fault.

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so what happens if it turns up and sav doesnt let on?

i sent it first class, but they gave me proof of postage, i jus cnt find the little reciept, wen i do though ullllee seeeee

This is why you send things recoded delivery, then whether or not it got there and the person isn't letting on isn't an issue!

Come on, the guy obviously hasn't got his pads. If you find the receipt and prove that it's been posted that doesn't archive anything, you can't get a refund from the PO just sending it first class because you can only get your money back if they look at the tracking number and see that it hasn't been delivered. Regular first class mail isn't tracked.

The only thing i can say in your defense is that if it was send at the end of April, he hasn't really given it long enough as sometimes they can take up to 3 weeks. But the guy you sold the pads to has done nothing wrong, so he's not to blame, you are for not sending it recored.

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still not here, waited more than a month, doesnt reply to texts, doesnt come on reply on msn,doesnt talk on the phone,wont meet me to let me pick it up :\. deal if you want too lol..

ended up refunding all the money because it was lost in the post :(,heard good things about this lad, was just busy etc.

Although there are others that say he's fine, these two - automatically - stuck out.

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It costs about 72p to add the "signed for" option to a package. Sending it anything other than at least recorded is ridiculous

Exactly, me personally i get my ass down to the PO asap and send it 2nd class recored and I've never had one complaint of me sending an item 2nd class.

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Way too long, didn't bother reading it all.

Damon, if you're selling things to people, don't be a dick, make sure you keep the postage receipt, it's no real hardship.

Sav, open the paypal dispute, if he didn't send recorded, you'll get your money back

Everyone else - If you buy/sell something on here, GET IT SENT RECORDED or shit like this happens.

Just wanted to re-iterate the important parts here. If you send something without having recorded delivery you have to be willing to accept the consequences of it.

In this case damon if you can't find the receipt you should still refund him the money. As a seller it's your responsibility to ensure that the buyer receives what they've ordered. If you don't want to pay for recorded delivery out your own pocket sell the items for a pound or two more, i'm pretty sure people won't mind the extra cost if it's "guaranteed" to get to them. The only thing you'll have to do any different is say "can i send this first class recorded" instead of just saying first class. Hardly a mammoth effort for anybody.

EDIT: It looks like royal mail don't do anything in terms of compensation for lost items if the item's not got a tracking number like JT said.

Have a look here, http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump3?c...ediaId=15500181 and read through what it says. If you didn't send it recorded this time then you've probably got no fall back unfortunately and you'll have lost out in this instance.

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EDIT: It looks like royal mail don't do anything in terms of compensation for lost items if the item's not got a tracking number like JT said.

Have a look here, http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump3?c...ediaId=15500181 and read through what it says. If you didn't send it recorded this time then you've probably got no fall back unfortunately and you'll have lost out in this instance.

I filled one of these claim forms before for an item sent 1st class that was lost, I got the full £32 back. It seems things have changed sinced then, when I did it the maximum claim was £32.

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I filled one of these claim forms before for an item sent 1st class that was lost, I got the full £32 back. It seems things have changed sinced then, when I did it the maximum claim was £32.

I thought they used to, but didn't want to mention it in case I'd just remembered it incorrectly.

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blown out of proportion..


damon said what he is going to do, if he lost recipt he lost it,

i lose everything all the time give him a break im sure u will get ur pads or money be patient....

(not going to read this thred again no point in quoting me.)

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still not here, waited more than a month, doesnt reply to texts, doesnt come on reply on msn,doesnt talk on the phone,wont meet me to let me pick it up :\. deal if you want too lol..

ended up refunding all the money because it was lost in the post :(,heard good things about this lad, was just busy etc.

Although there are others that say he's fine, these two - automatically - stuck out.

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so what happens if it turns up and sav doesnt let on?

obviously could happen, but firstly for the sake of...well...this thread not existing and you getting slated its so worth getting things signed for. And secondly its a set of pads if I half-read it right, that annoying something that you really want that isn't expensive, ie if it was a frame, he'd definitly complain about you sending it, but if it was a mars bar he probably wouldn't. I don't think he'd moan at you just for the sake of £15...

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The f**king idiots just added me to MSN and is trying to give me a load of shit.

PM me for the full hilarious conversation, until then I give you this -

AMON says:


16Klappe - IZ INSURED ON MY 8KLAPPE says:

Who me ?

DAMON says:

dont need u stickin ur nose in

16Klappe - IZ INSURED ON MY 8KLAPPE says:

Ge the f**king bits sent then.

DAMON says:

with ur gay opinion

16Klappe - IZ INSURED ON MY 8KLAPPE says:

Sku's sound as a pound.

DAMON says:

wats it to do with u?


thats what

16Klappe - IZ INSURED ON MY 8KLAPPE says:

Well, Sku's my mate and I don't want him getting ripped by you.

DAMON says:

get f**ked


16Klappe - IZ INSURED ON MY 8KLAPPE says:


Do you want me to go Mansfield on yo' ass ?

DAMON says:

good stuff

il look forward to it

16Klappe - IZ INSURED ON MY 8KLAPPE says:

I *actually* will.

Asuming you live diagonally to myself ?

DAMON says:


16Klappe - IZ INSURED ON MY 8KLAPPE says:

I wouldn't want my torusers to rip like hymen.

DAMON says:


id luv to see it

actually luv too

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