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Probably The Best Training Equipment For Trials!


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Best thing to do to make road commuting more challenging is to fit the biggest knobbliest tyres you can find to the bike... The main reason bikes are much more efficient than walking is because you don't need to bounce your weight up and down to stay moving, so a weighted vest will add very little to the effort required cycling on the road (Aerodynamic drag is by far the biggest energy requirement if you're going in any way fast). Unless you start overheating or it constricts your breathing of course...

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becasue at this time of year there is only one route avalible to work really all the rest are gennerally coated in muck/water etc. so you can only take the main route, in the middle of summer there are 3 different ways and i tend to mix them up a bit. Its just a way to work on my uphill speed, if im riding it every day with extra weight i will notice the difference on club/group rides. i already cram my bag with a pair of shoes, extra water, jeans etc to add it up a bit.

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good idea in theory.........personally i have many techinques i have not perfected so would rather get EVERYTHING dialled which is almost impossible.

Also....keep changing things about your riding, bike or clothing is no good. You need total familiarity so the bike is like an extension of the body.

I have felt the affect of changing bikes a lot recently and find things that were once easy become very tricky indeed

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Trials is about technique and confidence anyway, not strength.

Wearing weights is just going to make you bike feel lighter and more maneuverable afterwards. And could f**k up you're shoulders too.

Edited by JT!
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Trials is about technique and confidence anyway, not strength.

you need a balance of all 3, if you have perfect technique, it can only take you so far, you enevetiably need the beanz to power through things, i'd imagine this offers an opportunity for more stamina, which is always good

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you need a balance of all 3, if you have perfect technique, it can only take you so far, you enevetiably need the beanz to power through things, i'd imagine this offers an opportunity for more stamina, which is always good

Balance is kind of a technique.

Anyway, if i had a perfect trials technique. More perfect than Danny Mac and Niel Tunnicliffe combined, but had the same amount of strength i do now (i have the upper body strength of a 4 year old) how good of a rider would i be?

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You develop strength through riding though, too. Like when you first start to do backwheels and the like and pull muscles in your back you didn't know existed, and strain your wrists, etc., as you start to go bigger your body develops to enable it, if that makes sense. If you're getting towards the top end of comps I'd imagine doing workouts/weights would be useful so you can push yourself that bit more in a comp (And develop more stamina), but for people who are riding pretty much recreationally during the week it doesn't seem 100% necessary, and you might as well devote your free time to riding, instead of preparing to ride. Then again I'd also rather be out riding than cutting the knobbles off my tyres or drilling rims, so I'm probably not the one to ask ;)

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the arguement of lean and explosive muscle and stamina Vs outright power, rears its head again

the explosive movement training (plyometrics??), will have more impact then just weighing yourself down when riding.

And as mentioned could have an detrimental effect on joints which are highly stressed during trials already.

I dont see gymnasts using them for good reason (and believe me, per kg body weight they are incredibly powerful)

Its movement of your bodyweight around the bike which epitamises trials, adding a lump of weight seriously affects how you would behave on the bike.

The combination of technique and familiarity with body weight/bike weight will get you further then adding an inch to your legs/arms in muscle which will probably be bulk muscle not lean efficient muscle

anyway i'm done. if you want to try it then let us know :P

oh and malcom- baggy clothes+extra weight+knobblies/lower pressure= BURN

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This is from my experience. I found that going to the gym and doing weights for strength and size increase has boosted my trials moves, I hardly ride these days but when I do my technique aint great as I havent rode for a few month but my sidehops and gaps have got bigger. Especially sidehops. My bike just feels lots lighter and easier to ride. SO to the people who think strength doesnt help with trials is stupid. Power and strength is crucial in 99% of sports especially one thats as intensive as trials.

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I just go running/jogging with bricks in my backpack ;)

EDIT: I dont want to sound big headed, but I was already strong before I came to trials. So I was finding things easy to do. Then I had to re-learn to be more smoother so with strenth there is a bit down point.


Edited by Cresswell_d
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Don't you sweat like an absolute b*****d when you're wearing this?

in a netshell... yes... yes you really really really do. Speshially if your pushing it alot.

Does nobody ride for fun anymore?

I do ride for fun, i love riding which is why i ride pretty much everyday. However, i put a load of weight on over the winter(got mullered by a bus). So using this is helping me shed a fair amount of weight and also build up all the wasted musle.

So far i cant say i have any complaints about the vest, its helped me shed a fair bit of weight, i feel fitter and healthier then ever before, as well as improving my stamina. I dont ride with it everyday, but during the week id say im using it 2/3 times then on rides at the weekend(as they tend to be longer 5 - 6 hour rides). But i guess will have to see what happens in the long run...

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I personally wouldn't use this for long term use especially any heavy weights. I've talked to runners that use the weight vests and they all recommend short term use or with light weight training. Unnecessary stress in areas where you may expose to serious injury. Ride/going to the gym would be your safest bet.

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