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Probably The Best Training Equipment For Trials!


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Decovered this item when flicking through a UFC mag. This fully adjustable weighted vest effectively makes you up to 3st heavier above your current bodyweight, this means your upper and lower muscles have to work even harder when riding. Because of its weight, its best to locate your nearset martial arts wholesaler/retailer instead of buying online, because they aren't cheap. Very comfortable to wear, just stick a tee-shirt over and away you go.

Edited by Rusevelt
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Yeah but the serious competition ufc fighters use up to 50kg vest for sparring purposes. that is seriously heavy to jump around in. When i first started using this vest about 2-3 weeks ago, i could just do a few backwheel hops and pedal kicks. One thing i will state about the benefit of this vest is that when you take it off and start riding again, your muscle reactions are way faster and your bike feels tons lighter.

Edited by Rusevelt
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I ride with the 4.5KG vest. its slightly smaller(meaning it doesnt impact on your flexability), and its cheaper as well. Its also enough that your body is working a lot harder to get to the same heights. Very wierd to ride with at first, but then even doing moderate drop gaps seem ok now.

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Wouldn't fancy a big drop gap or such while wearing that. It'd either tip you over the edge or just compact your spine on impact >_<
Obviously you start off small ie; 5KG and ride that for a week or two, then just increase gradually. Mix up your strength develpoment with running or parkour. Edited by Rusevelt
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whatever happened to working out when you're not on a bike??


Other commitments.

And with the vest, cust its not a massive weight, it will improve cardio and stamina at the same time as stregthening slightly. If you want to build muscle 5KG isnt going to do a massive amount, but it will tone and improve general fitness.

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I think there are other ways to strengthen your muscles (cheaper also). Trials is not all about muscle power, it's more about technique and stamina. So personally i wouldn't bother buying such a vest. :ermm:
All that stuff increases when you ride with the vest. First day i rode with it on, id be totally whacked after 10-15mins from just hopping on the backwheel partly because i couldn't grip the bars. but week by week, the stamina and core strength increases gradually. Ultimately, your gradually aiming to reach your maximum ride potential with the vest on so that when you take it off, you'll be flying. Quicker twitching muscles is the objective with the vest. Edited by Rusevelt
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Where did you get yours from, and how much weight are you carrying?
I'll need to leave this netcafe and go home and find out. but i just searched on google (weighted vest) and there are loads of stockist. One 30kg vest which is £10 cheaper than mine buying from the shop direct. So this vest is really catching on in the fitness online world. ill get back with info later today. Ps, im riding with the max 20kg weight. can only sidehop 10ins at the mo with maximum effort. Edited by Rusevelt
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I'm in two minds about something like this. One being, isit actually safe/ healthy for that much weight to be applied straight off in one area of the body? And would it just be a short term thing unless you rode with it all the time, for the whole of your riding career i mean? Because wouldn't your body readjust once you remove the weight after a period of time?

But then it could be an advantage if you were comp, provided you used the item right and you were already taking advantage of regular gym use and correct healthy eating.

I think people should think twice before jumping into something like this.

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Eskimo, i would agree with you on that, its a more continuous thing rather then a one week on one week off kinda thing. I ride most evening with it, but dont over the weekend when im doing more then a couple hours. But it makes the short 2 hour rides feel like days riding.

@woody, with the 5KG vest i have, i had to relearn how to side hop and tap and everything, my body wasnt used to the difference in my centre of gravity, however if i wear it indoors and walk around for 20mins or so with it on its more like second nature, and i can now ride almost the same with it on as to it being off, bearing in mind i have only had it for 2 weeks. But everything with it off seems easier and more controlled.

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Decovered this item when flicking through a UFC mag. This fully adjustable weighted vest effectively makes you up to 3st heavier above your current bodyweight, this means your upper and lower muscles have to work even harder when riding. Because of its weight, its best to locate your nearset martial arts wholesaler/retailer instead of buying online, because they aren't cheap. Very comfortable to wear, just stick a tee-shirt over and away you go.

Not bad but it would make you really sweaty and hot and i just cant ride like that.

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I think it is cheating to be able to remove it when you feel like it... i have the permanently fitted weight, my stomach :)

... now if i lose a bit of weight are you saying i may be able to jump higher!!! Not sure if my knees can handle the landing from more height :D

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So everyone's goal at the moment is to save as much weight as possible on their bike, then add as much weight as possible to themselves? Then again, I also used to think that "Going out riding" meant "Going out riding", whereas apparently now it's "Practise" or "Training."

I've fully lost touch with the trials world.

EDIT: Rusevelt, what are you actually 'training' for, incidentally? Some elite UCI comp or something?

EDIT #2: I'll try and justify that a bit - what I'm getting at is that for about 90% of people on here, riding their bike is essentially as 'far' as they're taking it. There's no big, important comps they've got to do, or anything like that, so riding is, pretty much, riding. Which is why I don't get why you need to do 'training' rides for simply going out and riding. The supposed advantage you're going to get from that suit is that when you ride without it, you'll theoretically ride better. However, if you don't keep riding with it, you'll just eventually go back down to your normal level. If that "Riding without it" is at a comp or something, then cool, whatever. If that "Riding without it" is just going for a longer ride on the weekend, why are you bothering? Say you ride 4 times a week, and 3 times out of the 4 you'll wear that suit. You're basically wasting 75% of your time to have a marginal improvement for 25% of the time. You could instead just focus on learning techniques, pushing yourself, etc. - getting better at, say, sidehopping isn't going to suddenly happen because you're stronger than you were. When you start pushing the mid 40's inches wise for sidehops and the like, to get extra inches isn't about strength it's about technique - technique you're not going to learn if you're spending most of your time f**king about with 10" sidehops with a fat suit on.

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So everyone's goal at the moment is to save as much weight as possible on their bike, then add as much weight as possible to themselves?

I've fully lost touch with the trials world.

Haha i think im trying to make my Adamant A1 heavier.... dont think its possible at the moment with out adding silly things/spending a stupid amount on it.

Edited by Orgun_Donor
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