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When ever it's been brought up in my house i've just shrugged it off and thought nothing of it, until earlier it hit me i could actually get it, i've just been looking at it as something that would never happen to me :ermm:

So you'll just feel bad for a couple of days, big deal.

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people die from "normal" flu all the time ....

Yeah but becuase people are immune to it it means there's going to be a relatively fixed number of deaths per year, as opposed to swine flue which no one is immune to it so millions could die if it spreads.

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Yeah but becuase people are immune to it it means there's going to be a relatively fixed number of deaths per year, as opposed to swine flue which no one is immune to it so millions could die if it spreads.

Seeing as it's a VERY slightly more advanced version of the common cold, I'm going to say generally people will survive it. Just remember the only people who have died so far (I think) have only been in Mexico, which has a very very poor health system.

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Seeing as it's a VERY slightly more advanced version of the common cold, I'm going to say generally people will survive it. Just remember the only people who have died so far (I think) have only been in Mexico, which has a very very poor health system.

Thank f**k for that, panic over guys! I'll call the bbc right away.

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Seeing as it's a VERY slightly more advanced version of the common cold, I'm going to say generally people will survive it. Just remember the only people who have died so far (I think) have only been in Mexico, which has a very very poor health system.

There been a couple in the states.

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Seeing as it's a VERY slightly more advanced version of the common cold, I'm going to say generally people will survive it. Just remember the only people who have died so far (I think) have only been in Mexico, which has a very very poor health system.

And the USA, but is any one actually bothered about them?

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The typical symptoms are:

* sudden fever, ishhh

* sudden cough. nahh

Other symptoms may include:

* headache, yeah

* tiredness, yeah but it is late...

* chills, nah

* aching muscles, yeah but rode all day.

* limb or joint pain, nah

* diarrhoea or stomach upset, nope

* sore throat, a lil.

* runny nose, Reallly!

* sneezing, yes!

* loss of appetite. Nah im bloody starving...

Might be alright then..

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Ah, Tomm... you're a doctor (nearly?) so is the whole thing just a massive over reaction by the media to try and take our minds of the recession? Seems like the pandemic is about as nasty as the standard flu and unless you're a young baby, old or infirm you've got very little to worry about. What was Ryan and Kris's take on the situation?! :P

Uh, pass. At the moment the brief is to treat it exactly the same as normal flu - if people have severe symptoms then treat them with the anti-virals and send a sample of H1N1 testing. If patients have just come back from Mexico they get some special isolation but I think that's mostly really.

On the other hand, this thing is in its infancy so we're still not sure what's going to happen. Normal flu is pretty contagious (which is why it has spread so fast) but fairly harmless compared to a lot of other viruses. Imagine something as contagious as flu and as serious as ebola - the result could be super contagious and super deadly. I don't know how likely that is, but it's a remote possibility and would lead to millions of deaths if it actually happens. So however unlikely such a thing is, you gotta be cautious when there are so many lives potentially at stake.

Besides, if something is possible, it will happen one day, for sure. It might not be this time, but maybe the next big flu outbreak will kill thousands of people. It's happened in the past, and it'll happen again, just a matter of when - whether it's in our lifetime or not I have no idea.

A woman died in Canada the other day, probably from H1N1. She was 39, previously healthy and had no contact with anyone who'd been to Mexico. That was kinda worrying - if it can happen to her then it can happen to anyone.

So, er, I'm not sure is the answer. In the meantime, keep washing your hands and not touching your eyes/face/mouth, and press elevator buttons with your knuckle not your fingertip ;)

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I thought ebola was pretty contagious?

I dunno if it was ebola, but they got two chimpanzees in a room, at either end from each other in cages, one with it and one without and in two weeks both were dead.

Ebola melts your insides, pretty cool huh?

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I thought ebola was pretty contagious?

I'm not sure - I thought it was only body fluid contact (not airborne spread) which is why it wasn't as contagious as influenza. But your story goes against that so I don't really know. Maybe the chimps passed the time by playing ookie mouth across the room :P

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Im interested to know what happens if it becomes a pandemic right in the middle of exam season....

Apparently, GCSEs will be done on coursework, predicted grades and practice exams, so i'd be f**ked.

Anyone know about A-level+ ?

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Thats shit plans though because practice exam records arent recorded properly are they. Not all courses have CW, some people prefer their exam to cw so would be putting more effort into that for their final grade.

Im going to look into it now.

Taken from an online article

PUPILS will earn GCSEs and A-levels without sitting exams if pig flu forces their school to shut.

Instead their grades would be based on coursework marks, under contingency plans being drawn up by education chiefs.

It would be an extension of powers available to schools if a child is sick from other illnesses.

Heads and exam boards are being advised on what to do as the exam period starts this week.

Other options include pupils sitting tests in isolation. Six schools in the UK have already been closed down after children caught the flu virus.

Sounds shit for me!

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Apparently, GCSEs will be done on coursework, predicted grades and practice exams, so i'd be f**ked.

Anyone know about A-level+ ?

Quite a few have already passed and there almost all done by april. We'll probably be done before Swine flu even tickles our feet.

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