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This is untrue.

This is not un true, two do have it, and have been quarenteened ( ? ) to their house.

There were a load of rumors going about today, about them coming in - which were all proven to be bull.

Edited by Hendrix
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This is not un true, two do have it, and have been quarenteened ( ? ) to their house.

There were a load of rumors going about today, about them coming in - which were all proven to be bull.

Pretty certain there's only 2 CONFIRMED cases, and they are in a scottish hospital. 100% certain there are no CONFIRMED cases down here. Plus, anyone who has it at this point is being taken to either a safe part of a nearby hospital, or to the emergency centre set up for this - so stop talking out of your arse about 'rumours'.

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Pretty certain there's only 2 CONFIRMED cases, and they are in a scottish hospital. 100% certain there are no CONFIRMED cases down here. Plus, anyone who has it at this point is being taken to either a safe part of a nearby hospital, or to the emergency centre set up for this - so stop talking out of your arse about 'rumours'.


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Feel free to tell me where the hell that says anything about 2 cases in your uni?

Apart from internal administration tell me..

three adults from London

one in the South East

two in the South West

Generally our administrations don't lie, or tell stuff to scare us, not when it's something like this.

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Forgive me for nitpicking, and OK I was wrong about no cases down here - my ignorance and lack of caring about it led to old information - BUT 1 case in the south east hardly equals 2 cases in Pompey uni does it? Or ACM or wherever you are. Either way, the 2 you are talking about are probably 2 of the 642 SUSPECTED cases.

No need to blow it out of proportion - it's only people we didn't need who will be culled by it (Y)

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I only said what I was told, then looked online and it made logical sense, especially seeing as 60% of ACM students commute about 50mins - 1hr+ to get there.





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Funny, how you don't go there, never did - and probably only know one person who does currently go. So how, in any way shape or form, does it give you the right to call me a lier? Especially seeing as the statistics proved you wrong, and made my so called "claim" quite realistic.


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But did it though, was it all worth it in the end :ermm: ?

Well, considering only about 4 - 5 members on the whole of TF still bring it up, only in the time when they're not able to come up with something else. I'd say yes.

Also seeing as I don't get anything on rides about it, as they knew it served its purpose. ;)

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