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The Swine Thread


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My heads battering loads, an I just feel gash really.

Rang the doctor this morning and he said just come down and we'll have a look. He's like 99% sure its swine flu an recons I've skipped the worst bit of it, being a big lad and having a preety sweet immune system.

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That, an getting like 6 feet of air

You're actually the first person I know to have got 'swine flu' - I'm kinda hoping I get it for the time off work and I can make people run around after me.

Come and kiss me Tom and give me your diseases.

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I'd kiss you anyway? Regardless of illness swapping.

Jenny was talking about you the other night, wondered when we were going out again.

Think she has abit of a thing for you mate :(

Yea? I have a thing for her...I say a thing, I mean an obsession - you really thought that meeting in Ikea was a coincidence?

We should have another night in Nottingham! But this time, instead of going to the shit places, we'll go to the good ones ;)

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Dudes, I hate to be "That guy", but I keep seeing this on the forum homepage and click on it hoping to see withering put-downs in Rusevelt's direction for not having a clue what he's talking about, but it's just you two talking, dammit :P

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Also the GF is claiming some symtoms. FMH.

Then I guess from this list I've randomly hooked off the net, she could have a common cold, normal flu, respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, viral infection, bacterial infection, fungal infection, asthma, inhaled irritant, allergies, the list goes on. Also, I think there's an element of drama queen crossed with bandwagon with a lot of f**kers at the moment. I reckon if you had any of the above and went to the doctor, he/she would get the swine flu stamp out straight away.

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She wasnt claiming swine flu. Just said she felt a little ill and some of those matched up. But I agree, alot of people are convinced they have it even if they are just sneezing.

Random fact, every local boots here, sold out of thermometers within 2 days of SF being in the news. Talk about panic buying.

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If you think you're ill, you will be ill.

Its easy to trick yourself in to being ill because you're completely paranoid about everything. I'm still relaxed on the subject to the point where honestly, I couldn't give a toss.

The mass panic is pretty humorous though.

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throats a bit sore, sneezing slightly more than normal... omgz ive probably not got swine flu lol! not really that bothered if i get it, just hope its after this weekend at work lol.


Edit: I must be ill, im about to start on the housework and im not putting it off! aaaa

Edited by Ben Cox
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