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The Swine Thread


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Yeah like it's been mentioned, only in special cases are they actually testing for it, since they've moved from the containment stage to the treatment stage. The only people at risk of dying are those with underlying health problems.

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Are you sure it aint a cold. All this swine flu shit gets my back up cus bad cold and normal flu goin round. More people have died in car crashes since swine flu been around than people die of swine flu but we still drive around!

There you go, some sound advice from a Facebook member :rolleyes:

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ive got a cold nose and stiff joints. That means it MUST be swine flu :P either way im annoyed, im ttrying to work and my nose is just dripping snot all over my books :( Worst bit is, i got with this girl last night, and shes off to thailand on thursday for 2 months...


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Anybody whos had it (fish, forget the other chap), any descriptions of what it's like in early stages?

Woke up this morning and ached looooads. I couldn't think why as I hadn't exactly strained myself yesterday. Then about 7pm I got a monster headache suddenly come on, and since then I've felt really drained, sore throat/feel like I'm going to vomit. Got a monster of a tempreture too (39*c, to be precise...).

I dunno if it is anymore then just being de-hydrated, and after a few days of eating trash an generally not looking after myself. I dunno weather it is or not, but with all the hype about it recently it got me thinking. Eitherway it want's to go away, I'm meant to be going away with the missus on friday and I feel dreadful!!!

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Anybody whos had it (fish, forget the other chap), any descriptions of what it's like in early stages?

Woke up this morning and ached looooads. I couldn't think why as I hadn't exactly strained myself yesterday. Then about 7pm I got a monster headache suddenly come on, and since then I've felt really drained, sore throat/feel like I'm going to vomit. Got a monster of a tempreture too (39*c, to be precise...).

I dunno if it is anymore then just being de-hydrated, and after a few days of eating trash an generally not looking after myself. I dunno weather it is or not, but with all the hype about it recently it got me thinking. Eitherway it want's to go away, I'm meant to be going away with the missus on friday and I feel dreadful!!!

Thats what I felt like, but then I started sneezing.

Drink a fair bit of water and then see what it feels like, I've only just been told I've got it so I don't know what it gets like but the symptoms you've mentioned (and the fact they said my mum had it first!) are what made me go to the doctors initially.

You can just see the DAB in the right hand corner, it's on my windowsill now and awaiting its breakfast with Alice.

Edited by Pashley26
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Anybody whos had it (fish, forget the other chap), any descriptions of what it's like in early stages?

Woke up this morning and ached looooads. I couldn't think why as I hadn't exactly strained myself yesterday. Then about 7pm I got a monster headache suddenly come on, and since then I've felt really drained, sore throat/feel like I'm going to vomit. Got a monster of a tempreture too (39*c, to be precise...).

I dunno if it is anymore then just being de-hydrated, and after a few days of eating trash an generally not looking after myself. I dunno weather it is or not, but with all the hype about it recently it got me thinking. Eitherway it want's to go away, I'm meant to be going away with the missus on friday and I feel dreadful!!!

Yeah that's pretty much how I felt. It started with a bit of a sore throat and headache, then just went downhill from there. I had a high temp, fever, chills, aching like mad (like as if you'd had a heavy session at the gym the day before and it hurts to move) joints hurt to move, had the shits, sickness, dizzyness, real mother-f**king tired. If you think you've got it contact your local GP, if you ring them within 48 hours of having the symptoms they generally give you the anti-viral tablet. Drink plenty of fluids, I got my parents to get me some Lucozade which I thought helped and try and eat some shit too.

Edit: It may not actually be Swine Flu, if you're not coughing/sneezing much then you may have Strep A, or toncilitous, I caught Strep A straight after Swine Flu because my immune system was so f**ked up.

Edited by Fishy
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Loved the headline on BBC news the other day 'SWINE FLU HITS UK', with 'I couldn't get out of bed' as a quote underneath. Brilliant.

+1, no different to Mad Cow, Bird flu, and Scars. Things will get interesting when we approach winter, and employees start taking time off work to prevent the spread of flu related illness. LONDON WILL COME TO A STANDSTILL.

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+1, no different Bird flu, and Mad Cow.

The obvious difference is that the two you mention are both very harmful diseases where infection is quite likely to be serious/deadly, but to be infected was rare. Whereas swine flu is contagious and loads of people are getting it (most people by now will know someone who's had it) but a tiny proportion are dying from it.

Half of the problem with swine flu is the way it's been reported, and the failure of the public/media to understand the difference between severity and prevalence of the disease (I.e. the number of people with a disease). Pandemic sounds like such a scary word. Athlete's foot is pandemic. ZOMG indeed.

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I don't really think you can compare BSE, which decimated the UK farming industry, and swine flu, which meant a few people had time off work.

Im refering to the rate of spread and mutation where authorities/government overreact to the situation and take action ie; quarantine and killing livestock. If swine flu survives throughout this winter and longer than Scars virus, how will those same authorities/government handle the situation, quarantine london during a recession, i think not. What was that film with Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman with that biological weapon which mutated via animal/human form and infected a small US town and dustin hoffman's character had to pull all the stops to prevent the town being firebombed?

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Im refering to the rate of spread and mutation where authorities/government overreact to the situation and take action ie; quarantine and killing livestock. If swine flu survives throughout this winter and longer than Scars virus, how will those same authorities/government handle the situation, quarantine london during a recession, i think not. What was that film with Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman with that biological weapon which mutated via animal/human form and infected a small US town and dustin hoffman's character had to pull all the stops to prevent the town being firebombed?

So are you saying they're going to firebomb London?!?!

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Outbreak, was the film starring Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman about a deadly virus spread and the actions that local authorities/government/military had to undertake when things got outta control. If swine flu survives the winter months, it will be a big fuss.

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Outbreak, was the film starring Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman about a deadly virus spread and the actions that local authorities/government/military had to undertake when things got outta control. If swine flu survives the winter months, it will be a big fuss.

The only way it will ever be problem is if the virus actually mutated to become far worse than the common flu, which at the moment it isn't in the slightest.

What you're describing is when only a small town is infected with a properly deadly virus (human made wasn't it?). Swine Flu is already pretty much world wide isn't it? So your authorities/government/military would have to nuke the entire planet to get rid of the virus. I'm going ot go out on a limb here and say that's slightly unlikely.

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Risk against Time, Effort and Cost!!

The risk is small (considering the ratio of confirmed cases:confirmed deaths - most deaths were contributed by other health problems).

Now, imagine the time, effort and cost of a quarantine in any city (let alone London). Businesses would fail, our (lol) economics would simply collapse and the planet would f**k itself from behind.

You've been watching too many movies mate ;)

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