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The Swine Thread


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Its all balls, there just trying to scare everyone, at the end of the day its flu...but they have named it swine flu, last year they named it pig flu or what ever, the year before that they called it cow flu or what ever, and so on and so on. They just keep changing the name of a 'flu'.

Nothing to worry about if you ask me.

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I'm just getting over it, it's not half as bad i thought it would be, normal flu's worse i reckon.

Same here, I went to NASS apparantly during my main bad and contagous phase thinking it was just a cold and standard after holiday comedown, so i've probably given it to the whole extreme sports population :lol:

Round Watford they've stopped even giving Tamiflu to normal cases, the doctor I saw admitted that Watford is absolutely swarming with it but it's not that bad at all. There's no point trying to contain it now and normal people will get over it pretty quick so they're saving their Tamiflu for the elderly, young kids and generally more vulnerable people.

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We've been waiting for some stationary and buisness cards at work for ages, I phoned up the company today and said;

"Hi there, it's Jarrod here phoning from WInklebury Cycles. I'm phoning up to find out when our stationary will be delivered ? We were promised a delivery date of Monday but it's Friday now and we've got no stationary, Saturday is out busiest day and with no repair dockets and sales invoices we will really struggle !"

The guy on the phone sounded quite young, and a bit flustered for a few seconds. Then I heard rustling paper and he said "Errrrrrrm, I don't know ummmm, I'll go find out."

A few minutes later he comes back and says; "Ummmm, the guy who was supposed to do your delivery has got swine flu..."

I was like "What the f**k, get a grip, pull the other one why's our stuff not here we've been waiting weeks !"

Anyway, he ensured it would be delivered first thing on Monday morning.

About half 5 a guy with a box walks through the door, the owner of the company himself delivered our stationary on his way home :P

Just a random swine flu tale for you...

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Its all balls, there just trying to scare everyone, at the end of the day its flu...but they have named it swine flu, last year they named it pig flu or what ever, the year before that they called it cow flu or what ever, and so on and so on. They just keep changing the name of a 'flu'.

Nothing to worry about if you ask me.

It's more about the danger of it mutating and becoming more of a problem. The media have over-hyped it, but yeah, it was more a precautionary thing, basically.

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I work at butlins, and today i sneased in work and my manager seen me, so he came over and satred asking questions like "are you feeling ill daniel?" "are you feeling drowsy?" :S getting abit out of control on butlins lol.

he then went through the process of what to do if i feel i have swine flu, said if i think ive got it then i have to ring this help line and im not to come into work, but ill still be getting payed....Hmmmmm lol.

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You Have to do this very accurately.

For your breakfast you have to eat a pig with a side portion of Tami flu.

For your dinner/tea eat another pig or a person with swine flue preferably with another side portion of Tami flu.

Do this for 2 weeks, the world will be fine don't worry and you will be if you stick to this diet (Y)

Danny :)

Edited by D A N N Y
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Popped into Morrisons today to pick up something for mine and Daniel's tea; on the way out I noticed that outside the inside pharmacy was a sign clearly stating the Swine Flu symptoms and below it stating in bold capitals - "DO NOT ENTER THE PHARMACY IF YOU ARE SHOWING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS." I just carried on walking with a bag of salmon, veg and ice cream, and thought "Oh, so it doesn't matter if I pass my Swine Flu to all Morrison's customers and staff, so long as I don't transfer Swine Flu to all people working in a 15ft by 20ft pharmacy? Hmm..."

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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Popped into Morrisons today to pick up something for mine and Daniel's tea; on the way out I noticed that outside the inside pharmacy was a sign clearly stating the Swine Flu symptoms and below it stating in bold capitals - "DO NOT ENTER THE PHARMACY IF YOU ARE SHOWING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS." I just carried on walking with a bag of salmon, veg and ice cream, and thought "Oh, so it doesn't matter if I pass my Swine Flu to all Morrison's customers and staff, so long as I don't transfer Swine Flu to all people working in a 15ft by 20ft pharmacy? Hmm..."

i knwow what u mean han! the rules are pretty vauge .....

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I'd imagine there's the implication that if you felt you had swine flu, you'd probably be making a bee-line for the pharmacy rather than going around, doing the weekly shop, then going there and trying to get your hands on some Tamiflu?

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Popped into Morrisons today to pick up something for mine and Daniel's tea; on the way out I noticed that outside the inside pharmacy was a sign clearly stating the Swine Flu symptoms and below it stating in bold capitals - "DO NOT ENTER THE PHARMACY IF YOU ARE SHOWING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS." I just carried on walking with a bag of salmon, veg and ice cream, and thought "Oh, so it doesn't matter if I pass my Swine Flu to all Morrison's customers and staff, so long as I don't transfer Swine Flu to all people working in a 15ft by 20ft pharmacy? Hmm..."

youve got the wrong end of the stick with that one im afraid, basically swine flu isnt a danger to people unless trheyre elderly, very young, or vulnerable, as a current kemo patient, my mum falls in the latter of these, shes basically been given information about what she should and shouldnt do (for example, things like theatres, cinemas etc are off limits, due to the prolonged time sitting in a warm enclosed area with a high concentration of people etc), likewise shes been told to avoid the trains at rush hour, and the tube full stop(not that that concerns us in shropshire,where there is no public transport really). The idea being that if a kemo patient(along with other people with serious health issues, or an older person got swine flu, its much more serious, due to the lack of immune system.

and due to the large percentage of people who are in pharmacies, are there because theyve got something wrong with them(i.e hter ill, so have a lower immune system, ttheyre undergoing treatment, so likewise, or there old and on permanent medication, so agai, have a lower immune system) the idea that your going to have hoards of people coughing and sneezing pig death in there throughout the day,before people with no immune systems walk in there to collect their prescriptions, isnt ideal.

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Popped into Morrisons today to pick up something for mine and Daniel's tea; on the way out I noticed that outside the inside pharmacy was a sign clearly stating the Swine Flu symptoms and below it stating in bold capitals - "DO NOT ENTER THE PHARMACY IF YOU ARE SHOWING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS." I just carried on walking with a bag of salmon, veg and ice cream, and thought "Oh, so it doesn't matter if I pass my Swine Flu to all Morrison's customers and staff, so long as I don't transfer Swine Flu to all people working in a 15ft by 20ft pharmacy? Hmm..."

Wow you remind me on my ex.

Really not much of swine flu around here, apparently some of the local schools had a few cases, so most likely I'll get it from the thieving 10 year old's coming in and out of work.

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Guest itstroy08

I was watching the one show and they said that is was estimated 30,000 people will die, but the woman on the explained thats the worst case sceinareo ,, but its more like 3000.

And thats for the worlds population, and i think its only been 1000 in mexico so far?

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I phoned my Doctors and was told the chances are it was. They're not testing for it anymore so it can never be %100 confirmed.

Yeah I heard that, apparently the government have said doctors aren't allowed to test for it, whether thats just due to keep the testing labs work to a sensible level, or so the figures for 'confirmed cases' don't get too high I dunno.

I personally think its all a bit over-hyped. There are probably more people dying of/being infected with much 'less-deadly' diseases, but because we already know about those diseases and they have been around since forever, no-one worries.

I know a few people who have got it, and apart from 1 or 2 of them milking it for all its worth they are generally fine, just feeling a bit under the weather more than anything.


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Yer the doctor was pretty confident i had it. But i only went kinda after the main phase of it an like Adam said it's not 100% confirmed.

Was just like a standard cold with a bit of headache an shit, i just assumed it was a standard holiday comedown so swanned off to NASS during the worst phase of it :P

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Yeah I heard that, apparently the government have said doctors aren't allowed to test for it, whether thats just due to keep the testing labs work to a sensible level, or so the figures for 'confirmed cases' don't get too high I dunno.

Presumably for the same reason as this:

youve got the wrong end of the stick with that one im afraid, basically swine flu isnt a danger to people unless trheyre elderly, very young, or vulnerable, as a current kemo patient, my mum falls in the latter of these, shes basically been given information about what she should and shouldnt do (for example, things like theatres, cinemas etc are off limits, due to the prolonged time sitting in a warm enclosed area with a high concentration of people etc), likewise shes been told to avoid the trains at rush hour, and the tube full stop(not that that concerns us in shropshire,where there is no public transport really). The idea being that if a kemo patient(along with other people with serious health issues, or an older person got swine flu, its much more serious, due to the lack of immune system.

and due to the large percentage of people who are in pharmacies, are there because theyve got something wrong with them(i.e hter ill, so have a lower immune system, ttheyre undergoing treatment, so likewise, or there old and on permanent medication, so agai, have a lower immune system) the idea that your going to have hoards of people coughing and sneezing pig death in there throughout the day,before people with no immune systems walk in there to collect their prescriptions, isnt ideal.

The symptoms are fairly easy to run through over the phone, and bearing in mind it's non-fatal for most people, why bother risking patients ill because of other stuff?

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