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Adamant A3/ Dob Mod!?

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i am just wondering how much this bike is worth as i am very interesting in buying it, any advice would be greatly appreciated!,

the spec is:

adament a3 frame (custom spray job)

zoo forks

hope head set black

black zoo bars old style

monty ti stem in carbon

monty eagle tyers

hope pro two front hub

monty ti front rim

try all back rim

monty ti rear hub disk

avid bb5 frot disk

rear hs33 with an rb leaver blade

viz isis bb

monty ti cranks

dmr v12 pedals

tensile free wheel

trial tech bash ring

plaz pads the old ones

and loads of other little bits

+ spare dob magnesium frame.

All the parts are within 6 months old,

please tell me what you think....



Edited by lukegaigertrials
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DO IT. if you got the money then go for it. if you can get a good bike do it. because if you get a bad bike youll regret spending your money on it.. and the set up on the bike you described sounds sik. sounds like a lightweight stunner

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