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Easiest Way To Get Up High Stuff On A 24"?


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I had a fairly long/lowish Pazzaz setup up front on my Zoot, and rode it fairly TGSish. Got taps to a brick above bar height (sorry - don't know in inches).

About a month ago, I switched to a RaceFace stem, and 2" rise Azonics. I can still tap it, but only at about bar height now.

I switched 'cause I'd always fancied streety riding, but never given it a go. I weent on Revolver's Inspired, and felt duty bound to do so :P

I can now bunnyhop (to rear) barheight + TWO bricks.

The bar heights are about the same.

Now I'm by no means complaining, as I've only benefitted from this, but it's made me curios.

Question to all other 24" riders, part time, ex, or all the way:

Can you tap, or bunnyhop higher?

I asked some friends on mods/stocks, and they all say tap - but is the bunnyhoppability just a characteristic of the 24" geo?

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Y'know... I sort of put the thread up so that I could ask everyone on the forum at once... Big and little names alike - save me pestering the big names, then moving onto the little ones, as I'm not worthy of their time.


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Taps are still plenty possible. I'm fairly rubbish at them, but Matt Burrows tapped my 24 about 47/48 the other day. Thats with riser and stuff.

Personally I can get higher with a bunny hop, but if I need to be able to stop on top of the up, i.e. up to gap or up to drop kinda moves then I prefer a tap.

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I tend not to bother with taps (can't do them very well to be honest but coming mainly from 20" I've never really needed them). I mainly pedal up to back, or both for certain height stuff but can get a bit higher by bunnyhopping instead. As I've said before, I'm more than comfortable on my Inspired compared to any other bike I've owned. At Pompy on Sunday I pedalled up to both (might've been easier with a bunny but meh) on one of the big blocks that I've tried many times before on both 20" and 26" and never made. Sailed up it on the 24"!


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Easiest way is to surely just to pedal up to front wheel and endo up it?

Nah I find that a bit harder than tapping, over about 45" up to fronts get pretty tricky as your weight has to be so far forward over the bars. With taps and stuff if you don't get high enough you just come off the back/slip to bash, but if you don't make an up to front you could have face/concrete enjoyment.

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i can tap up just over bar hieght and can also just about bunny hop that but not every time,i ride 26" and since re-learning the bunny hop and swaying to a more street style i found riding a lot more fun as for learning to get up higher id definatly recomend pallets easier to adjust that a wall

really want to get a 24" from the way every one talks it seems there so much more fun to ride.

as said above i profer taps if there is a bit mroe control needed but bunnyhops are the way forward i think

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Taps are still plenty possible. I'm fairly rubbish at them, but Matt Burrows tapped my 24 about 47/48 the other day. Thats with riser and stuff.

Personally I can get higher with a bunny hop, but if I need to be able to stop on top of the up, i.e. up to gap or up to drop kinda moves then I prefer a tap.

I remember matt used to tap bunny hop his Leeson, seemed to work pretty well and is worth trying but does require commitment (I've tried and it also works on a long Adamant A1).

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