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Tonight I Am Going To Commit A Crime

Mr Motivator

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Be Carefull.

Dont take the Lock With you. If you do they can Persue it as theft (belive me, im in that situation). And if they find it with you they can then add damages to the bill.

Wear Gloves, a hat, be swift, and dont make a show if it.

Im on your side, theres too many people out there exploiting situations just for a fast buck. Technicaly what they are doing is theft, as they are preventing you from using your property.

If you steal you own bike back, and cause no accountable damage/trespass then its a civil matter, and the police wont be interested.

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Course he can be caught once he's got his bike. I'll gladly be passing this on to my skipper if he went ahead with it.

Topics can be made to disappear you know ;)

Besides, passing on that mr motivator took his bike back isn't really going to be something your "skipper" would take seriously is it?

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Topics can be made to disappear you know ;)

Besides, passing on that mr motivator took his bike back isn't really going to be something your "skipper" would take seriously is it?

ooo obstructing a police investigation, perverting the course of justice!! you could be done as an accessory!



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Course he can be caught once he's got his bike. I'll gladly be passing this on to my skipper if he went ahead with it.

Insane that there's police everywhere? That's a good thing surely?

Jesus get a life, bet they'd just laugh in your face

i commit crime everday........only ever had to pay the price of prison once.(Y)

Cut chain....make off with bike.....Use clothes you wouldent normaly wear ;)

Then go to pay the fine.......to find your bike is stolen......it helps if you have a recipt of an expensive bike .that way ul get more cash out of them

ive done this before.......got a grand for a 400 pound mountain bike :P

Dave x

Prison or the cells for a night?

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