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Tonight I Am Going To Commit A Crime

Mr Motivator

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I returned from my train journey to find my bike locked by the southwest trains staff saying that it has been locked in a wrong area and should have been locked to the correct bike area. (I locked it to the railings no more than 12 inches away from the bike area).

Anyway, they want £20 to release the bike. f**k THAT.

I'm going back there tonight with bolt croppers and cutting through their chain.

I pay over £10 a day on the train, have a rail card and always buy a ticket. I ride my bike to the station and save the environment for god sake.

And just because the bike racks were full, I have to pay £20 to get my bike unlocked.

NO. I'm taking the law into my own hands. I'm livid.

Wish me luck.

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You could now claim the bike was stolen because they locked it up. Ching!

I'd thought about that yes.

Either way, I'm getting it back and I'm not paying for it.

I'll cut the chain where ever I put the croppers. They have a transport police office next to it. It needs to be done fast. Strut in, snip snip, pace it away with the bike.

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I dont think its actually a crime, its a company regulation... what they gonna do, report you for theft of your own bike?

Damaging their lock is criminal damage I would imagine. Just take it to the local papers if you get caught, it's clearly a daft policy.

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Cut the chain off then go back tomorrow and offer to pay the fine to discover your bike has been stolen. That could be interesting.

That is an amazing plan, i'd do that. Just go in hood + hat so they can't know it was you. See what you can get out of the jobsworth c**ts.

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How to steal a bike (Y)

You can't chicken out now, what type of lock is it though? Because you might not even be able to cut through it unless it's a cheapo one in which case buy a cheapo one for them and leave it gift wrapped anonymously, it's gotta be cheaper than paying the fine

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The problem is, there's no discretion. I once got a £10 'fare evasion' fine, despite having a plausible story, a railcard and a wallet stuffed full of used tickets. I just wish I'd jumped the barriers instead of paying...

Yes, do it. Wear a hood, gloves, cut the lock and take the bike and the lock - leave no trace. That way, if someone notices it's gone, they'll assume it was paid for on someone else's shift.

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Infact.... Go take it back and do go back in the morning asking to pay the fine however when you steal it make sure your outfit is amazing and funny. When you go in in the morning demand to see the tape and see if the people with you laugh. If they do itll make it worse, complain that its a serious matter, I just wanna see what happens!

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go in there, and ask for your bike (like some one else said), but make a really realistsic story about how you needed the bike to get to and from the station and its goig tocost you x amount maybe you'll get a few free tickets lmao.

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