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Pompey Today


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A few schnapps from today -






I SO nearly died photo'ing here, I didn't use any zoom and I was about a foot away from where the guys were gaping to and was bang in front of there line !





I don't know who it was, but Nick Tori and myself came along the sea front on the way to the pub and I shouted "WANKERZZZZ" at some of you guys and beeped my horn....I didn't *actually* mean to shout "WANKERZZZZ" I just kinda did...haha :wub:

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He looks normal here !


I've got a few videos and photos of Mowg' but I don't want to post them, the mad clan were there so he had to play it down a bit. But I managed to covertly sneak in a few photos whilst he was practicing for real away from you guys :shifty:

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Nath looks like me soooooooooo much in them pics.....with the gurns and skid lid

Nooooo thats no danny mac.....just a cheap rip off :P

Should of been on that ride :( never mind the 17th is not far away :)

Good pics (Y)

Some new faces around as well......brilliant (Y)

Edited by Dave Anscombe
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Nathie Wafie... you really need to sort out your riding face! It's really quite disturbing!

You look just like me.......i pull them faces.......ohhhh wait you have the exact same lid as well its a dave imposter

Edit: Is that Danny Mac in the last pic?!

Nope looks like a fake to me :P

GOD f**kING DAMMIT.....I should of been there :(

reall good pics

and WOW NEW faces too

on the 17 guys on the 17th :shifty:

Sorry Dave...... What?! :huh:

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ur a good lad jardo dispite you like for saabs. will converse over msn regarding set photos.


I did feel slightly out of place initially, what with my dislike for trials and only knowing like 3 people. But never the less it was a good laugh and now I can put a few more faces to names on TF, I'll come along to the next pompey ride with a better camera next time :P

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spice was without a doubt the highlight of the ride

I'm sooo happy that I made that big up on that block at Spice- tried that so many times on both 20" and 26" and never made it but flew up it on the Danny Mac machine! :D. Andy's got a pic of it so hopefully will see them sometime.



That's the puppy :).

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