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Chain Jumping


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just changed my chain to a kmc kool chain

every time i put a bit of power my chain jumps,it seemed to be the rear sprocket,so i changed it it still jumped,so i changed the jockey wheel on the chain tensioner and it still jumps

it is 5 mm off centre with the sprocket on the cranks would that little bit make it jump?

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what tensioner do you have?

If its a single wheeled tensioner pushing down then there's probably not enough chain wrap around the rear cog which is allowing the chain to ride up and over it.

The best thing to sort it would be a dual wheel tensioner or to modify yours so it pushes up.

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its 100% the chain jumping over the rear cog. If you have an old mech or something you can bolt that on quickly and see if the skipping stops.

hit the nail on the head there managed to get an old one at the back of my garage,it isnt overly great its bloody noisy,would a kings 74 be any good

cheers all

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What Gear Ratio are you running?

a 74 Kings would need Modifying to push the chain up, its not hard to do.

Rolof would be a better Choise, or the Trialtech/Gusset Bachelor will do nicely.

I would allway change the Chain and front and rear cogs at the same time, so they all wear together.

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I would have thought its not so much a chain wrap issue, but more of a somethings worn issue.

Is the rear Cog new?

Im Running 20/17 and my Tensioner pushes the chain down, and I get no chain skip at all.

By the looks of it your using a cut up cassette at the rear. Do you know the pitch of your chain?

I would advise buying a new rear cog, something like the Surley ones which have longer teeth to help keep the chain on.

You might find that the pitch of your chain is causing this, as BMX pitch chains dont really work well on MTB cogs.

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