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" Peep Game "

Luke Rainbird

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Well i think in general people/athletes get to stuck in a box you have to do everything just like everyone else. I go to the bike park 90% of bmxers dress the same and want or have very similar parts. Trials riders have to were those retarded looking cross country cyclist helmets and queer stretchy pants and drill holes in everything. None of any of that bullshit makes you a better rider. I have been watching lots of trials/or trials street vids with suspension forks lately , but anyways f**k THE TRENDS.........

OH and sorry about my mad ranting but i had to get that out

on with the show

Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/4225886

OTN thread: http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=42053

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Nice. Kinda mixed vid for me, lots of it looked like it just needed to be done on a bmx really. But then other moves were awesome, back hop barspin for example was totally awesome.

Dave, learning barspins on a 24 isn't too bad, just go out to a field or something and keep trying. 2/3 years ago I used to have them fairly well on my 609. Doing them as comfortably as the guy in the vid might take some time though!

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Dave, learning barspins on a 24 isn't too bad, just go out to a field or something and keep trying. 2/3 years ago I used to have them fairly well on my 609. Doing them as comfortably as the guy in the vid might take some time though!

Did you pinch the saddle when you learned? Because mine's slammed that doesn't seem to be an option... although I know a lot of BMXer's don't bother pinching anymore. Would definitely like to learn though.

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I didn't pinch the saddle, like you I had a slammed saddle (probably the same stripped back roady saddle as I have now thats would be mighty uncomfy to pinch!).

IIRC I spent a few minutes with the rear wheel up against a wall just standing over the bike, pulling up no the front end and flicking the bars back and forth, getting used to the feeling of throwing and catching. Then I just went out to a field and had a go, rolling pretty damn slowly, just pull back on the bars and flick them round. Its a kinda odd feeling as I found I had lean quite far forward as not to fall of the back as soon as I let go of the bars! Then, kinda like when you learn to manual, every time I was rolling along slow enough I'd just keep trying. After a few days I could catch them fairly easily, just pulling up the front and doing like a mini manual and barspin. Nest stage for me was to go down the skatepark and I got really familiar with feeling of jumping out of a quarter to flat on the deck, and then just gave it a go. Because the quarter to deck threw me quite high but with little forward momentum, I had time to try the spin but when it went wrong most of the time I just put my feet down as I landed. Finally I got round to kinda putting the two together to do bunnyhop barspins, but then by that point I was starting to get out of riding and I never really got those sussed.

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Did you pinch the saddle when you learned? Because mine's slammed that doesn't seem to be an option... although I know a lot of BMXer's don't bother pinching anymore. Would definitely like to learn though.

I always assumed pinching was only really required if you are doing crappy lay back manual barspins - where your weight would otherwise slam the front end down - if you are in the air and throw it stably it wont matter ?

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I always assumed pinching was only really required if you are doing crappy lay back manual barspins - where your weight would otherwise slam the front end down - if you are in the air and throw it stably it wont matter ?

Watch Ryan Nyquist (barspin king) and you'll see he pinches all the time when barspinning. I thought it was kind of the 'old school' way of doing them, and the new school kids don't need to pinch much like they don't need brakes 'cos they're tooooo cool :P.

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I didnt really like it, was pretty much just bmx on a big bike...

I bet if it'd been edited and filmed as slickly as Danny Mac's vid it might be getting a different reaction. It's another of those 'fine line' things where yes, most of it is BMXey but there are little bits of trials which makes it something else. Front hook on a BMX? Thought not!

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Brilliant video ,more than enough trials in ther ein my opinion. Of course his style is vey bmx orientated but so what....why should he have to ride a BMX? I really like the 180 flip to front wheel from back wheel drop off - looks really cool.

Funny when Danny did tailwhip drops everyone was excited, but with this guy he shoudl just be on a BMX.......strange? Clearly from his post he's not bothered by genres which can only be a good thing.

Song is weird though, its like a rip off of Johnny B. Goode played by the Doors with a few of their choruses.

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That was one of the best street vids I've seen ina long time.

Alot of wat i thought Danny Mac was missing from his vid!!!

bunny hop whips...insaine!!!

i got bored of watching the same move over and over so i turned it off. Not good for me.

could say the same for TGS. but yeah too many whips at the begining!!!

I bet if it'd been edited and filmed as slickly as Danny Mac's vid it might be getting a different reaction. It's another of those 'fine line' things where yes, most of it is BMXey but there are little bits of trials which makes it something else. Front hook on a BMX? Thought not!

my thoughts exactly!!!

All this crap bout keeping BMX to BMX is bullsh*t!!!

what makes trials/street fun?.......that fact that you can do anything!!! what ever inspires you!!!

don't matter what bike you ride!!! it's how you ride it!!!

Edit: quoting the missus ''it's the hole point of trials...it's a TRIAL...a challenge, just sporting snobbery who thinks that one thing should be tied down and not expressed by other means!''

Edited by Aaron.gloster
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I don't understand why some people see BMX-style riding and that instantly makes them think it's crap. Whether it's on big or little wheels do you guys actually dislike watching it, or just say you don't like it as it's on a bigger bike?

I'd much rather watch a 2 minute video of purely whips or techy stuff like that vid than 2 minutes of raw sidehops and bashing, personally (Y)

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I don't understand why some people see BMX-style riding and that instantly makes them think it's crap. Whether it's on big or little wheels do you guys actually dislike watching it, or just say you don't like it as it's on a bigger bike?

I'd much rather watch a 2 minute video of purely whips or techy stuff like that vid than 2 minutes of raw sidehops and bashing, personally (Y)

taking the words out my mouth.

like the missus says ''just sporting snobbery''

i'd enjoy flatland ona trials bike.

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Well i for one want to see a lot more ''shit BMX''! Also a legitimate question......why do you think so many people within the sport of Trials seem to want to destroy it? Without sounding like a boring b*****d, i loved it when Tricks & Stunts came out, everyone just rode for fun, no ego, no pretentions...wh is it going so wrong?

When Danny's vid came out i was soo happy by the replies feeling as if this is really what people aspired to on a bike, not just TGS moves and then another video comes along thats as close to Danny's vid as we've probably ever seen and people return to form picking it apart and being negative.

We're all just bikers at the end of the day...... i'm going to Afan forest this weekend on my Kona Coiler....i'll be riding the boardwalks/northshore (almost a crossover area as it could be compared to trials) as will others and people will be riding it on anything from a hardtail to a big full-susser like me but we'll all be doing the same thing and no one will be giving it a second thought. Why is it in trials people feel the need to clasify themselves.

Sure i'll be going as a trials rider, and i love trials but it isn't going to stop me from riding things that aren't trials.....just f**king ride and stop sticking tags on people!

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