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Inspired Fourplay


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was just about to buy a bmx and sell my adamant a1 then saw danny mac's new video which convinced me that something a little more trialsy would be better

im 6ft3ish so i was wondering if it would feel a little cramped for back wheel tgs sort of moves, maybe a long/high stem would sort that out if thats the case?

if anyones got them how much did it restrict them with their tgs moves distance/height wise? my minds pretty much made up so im getting one its just the setup of stem and bars stuff like that that might need to be adjusted. not that i will be using it completley for those moves, i would probably find it a bit annoying though if it knocked like a foot off everything i could do

Edited by ilikeriding
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I ride mine for tgs, its isn't as easy to do those move on as a 'proper' trials bike still doable, at worst you would lose an inch or two of you side hop's ect... but its worth it as it allows to you to do other things so much better. Also it isn't anymore crapped then a mid wheel base mod, my friend is about 6foot and dosn'r have any issues then riding.

Edited by E6v6i6l
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I can't comment for your height but in terms of crossover......i went from a Koxx stock to an Inspired and sure here and there i've lost a bit of height when performing the same moves that i would have done on the Koxx........however this doesn't bother me one bit as before i could never bunnyhop up anything let alone bunnyhop to front wheel - stoppie or static etc.

I have never has so much fun on a bike as i have on my Inspired. I'm not an inch chaser so i really just go for something i want to do and my Inspired really compliments the way i want to ride. I got rid of my Koxx for the reason i wasn't having fun riding trials compared to street riding my 24seven, however i still very much loved what trials can be about. The Inspired suited my needs perfectly.

I want to ride more flowing stuff, linking moves attacking things with a bit of speed as opposed to lining myself up to a wall sideways etc...so i can't think of anything better for me.

Its such a cool bike and as i have said, i really have endlessly more un on this bike than i ever have on a trials bike. Its a mentality as much as a bike though. TGS doesn't excited me. I do like precision and technical moves mixed with moves at speeds, and the INspird doesn't hold me back at all.

I'm currently running a 105mm x 10 stem with dome diety bars but am currently waiting on delivery of a 90mm stem as i feel its just a little held back at the moment with popping the front up. I want it more streety basically. However i'm only 5ft 8.5 so i'm a very different height to you. Like has been said though, it doesn't need to be any more cramped than most bikes and anyway the shorted length is only going to be a benefit for street moves. I couldn't wait personally to get rid of my barge in favour of this!

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This man speaks the truth. The Fourplay is the most fun I've ever had on a bike. Hell I don't care that I haven't improved in the last year or so because I'm having so much fun with it, it's just a toy!

If you're worried about the inches, look at Dave Marshall (and you can quote me on that)

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If you're worried about the inches, look at Dave Marshall (and you can quote me on that)

Aww, shucks :$

if anyones got them how much did it restrict them with their tgs moves distance/height wise? my minds pretty much made up so im getting one its just the setup of stem and bars stuff like that that might need to be adjusted. not that i will be using it completley for those moves, i would probably find it a bit annoying though if it knocked like a foot off everything i could do

I can backwheel higher, more confidently and more consistently on my Fourplay than on my Monty Pr. Bunnyhops (either over or to back) are also opened up which helps a lot on big stuff too. I can also sidehop just as high as I could on the Monty, even with my fairly stiff 18:13 gearing. Gapping wise I can pedal gap further (probably helped by the gearing) but can also static gap virtually the same distance.

In short, I love the Inspired. I've effectively been a mod rider for over 10 years and the inspired is the most fun and comfortable bike I've ever owned. I've now sold the Monty and am using the Fourplay for street, natural and comps and see no reason to ever get a different trials bike again!

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I've now sold the Monty and am using the Fourplay for street, natural and comps and see no reason to ever get a different trials bike again!

Just to pick up a little on that point, I've been using mine for street, a little natural, park and some singletrack stuff too - it's an awesome all round bike and with minimal adjustments can adapt to all sorts of riding (though whether or not you'd want to take it on a world series DH circuit or not is a rather different question)

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Yeah i guess i never really went on about its versatility. I mean on my old stock it was a trials bike.....just that not really much more it was comfortable with...even just rolling off drops could be a bit of a wrench....

Yesterday i went out on my Inspired for a few hours and looking back now i barely did any trials - just bombing about jumping up/over stuff. Took it to the park rode some hills and a little jump....nothing amazing by any means but its the fact i can completely confidently do that on my 'trials bike' is just incredible.

Anytime i was heading somewhere fast on my stock about to jump something it was awful, which is completely understandable.

I will use my Inspired for soo much of the riding i do as it can cope really well. Blasts in the woods, jumps, trials, going over 4mph it can do it all. Sure when i go to Afan forest this weekend i'll bring my Coiler but you get the point.

To sum it up, to me the Inspired is a really versatile bike without being a jack of all trades. Whether you believe the hype or not is up to you, but if everyday i was missing out on riding one of the bikes i'd be sooo pissed off!

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the good thing about them is the geo can adapt to pretty much any riding just by altering the setup.

I had mine as a bmx (short bar and stem, slick tyres with lots of psi and a stiffer gear) and it coped very well. Now I have it with a lighter gear, knobbly tyres and a longer stem and its great for trials stuff. You can turn it into exactly what you want mainly by changing the bar and stem.

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thanks for the awesome replies... as i said my mind is already made up so i cant wait to have a go at bunnyhopping a decent bike again lol, ill probably use a long stem with more rise than most cos of my height, im surpised that it doesnt seem to affect tgs stuff too much.

reminds me of the stuff i used to do on a bike which was so much more fun, mainly bunnyhop gaps, spins, stalling on everything, stoppies, manuals makes me wish id saved some videos from back then.

one more thing... i use 18 16 on my stock found this really light but nice, i want something that feels heavier than this on the 24 though so i can get some speed up but still static gappable

any ideas?

Edited by ilikeriding
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I run 22:14 on my 24UK - rides luush!

Don't belive the whole "it works fine doing TGS" though, i can sidehop etc.. on my 24" but its such a chore compared to doing it on my Zoo!

I ride it simply to have fun on - everything else is done on the Pitbull ;)

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I run 22:14 on my 24UK - rides luush!

Don't belive the whole "it works fine doing TGS" though, i can sidehop etc.. on my 24" but its such a chore compared to doing it on my Zoo!

I ride it simply to have fun on - everything else is done on the Pitbull ;)

as i suspected

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Zoots (what I have) are fairly similar to the Inspired, at least geometry-wise, so I'll chuck in my two pence. I didn't really find too much difficulty moving from a long(ish) stock to a 24, although the last 26" frame I owned was a Levelboss 1065 which isn't the most up-to-date frame.

Riding 'normal' stocks with up-to-date geo now seems totally crazy to me, and for sure a LLS frame will be easier to hold on the back wheel and add a few inches to your sidehops/taps. It just depends what you want to do, but like everyone has said, I found 24 was a whole lot more fun.

Oh, and if you get an Inspired you can ride like Danny Mac - Guaranteed!

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