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Shop I looked in has the tank pump etc and special shit for coral for £200. Just need the coral then. He said it takes alot of getting used to and hard work to look after them, but the look stunning when done.

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Preety much, my uncle used to have a masssssiiiive marine tank (he used to work in a aquatics center) and said it was the most intensive thing he's ever had to do looking after the fish. Although he did have an awesome lion fish (was the size of a bowling ball, massive thing), an he was terrified of feeding it. Venomous fish aren't to be messed about with :P.

Go tropical, you can get fake coral stuff that looks preety much just as good and tropical is fairly easy to look after providing you let the tank mature in the first place.

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That is crazy how people keep them, Does your freind handle Tarrie e.g. stroke it (or what ever you do to snakes lol).

only as crazy as keeping a dog, how many people are attacked and killed by dogs in a year. il post pics of my snake sometime :D.

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my bird and i will both depressed when i go off to college. the college wont allow fur or feathers in the dorms. only water pets. ive been thinking of trying to smuggle Killer, my bird, in to my dorm in a fish tank.

Why not just shave it?

EDIT: Clearly that should be pluck, but you get the picture. No feathers = no breaking the rules. Then as they grow back, the initial shock factor will have gone and you'll be fine.

Edited by JD™
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Why not just shave it?

EDIT: Clearly that should be pluck, but you get the picture. No feathers = no breaking the rules. Then as they grow back, the initial shock factor will have gone and you'll be fine.

poor thing would look like andy's cat then. and he would also need the sweater :lol: . i dont think i can do that to him. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sister decided she wanted a Bearded Dragon a while ago but couldn't afford one (she lost her job just after christmas, recently found work again but is paying off what she borrowed durring unemployment). So mum, dad and me all chipped in an we've built this up for her as a suprise. All she need's to do is buy the Beardy now :D



She asked my dad to enquire with a few people how much they'd charge for a build, an dad asked her how she'd want it etc. Here's too hoping she like's it!

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Don't overstock Goldfish Simon, they shit for england so create sooo much mess. Get pictures thou :D

Not buying anymore. Just sticking with these 2 and the catfish. Lionheads are growing pretty quick! Ill get pics when the water clears, stuck some bogwood in there and after a week the water went a lovely tea colour. (didnt soak it for long enough to remove the tanning) Partial water changes are making it bugger off now though.

Also, with it being a 35L tank, dont really want to put much more in it.

Edited by Si-man
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36l is abit small for those 3 Si, keep it clean thou and they should be ok. Might want to go for a bigger tank eventually mind! The purists will tell you 70l per FISH is what you need, but I think it's a little extreme. I have 5 Orandas an a Black Moor in a 150l (I think, I forget) tank, I hoover the gravel once a week and do about 20% water changes mid week and there really healthy, happy and are growing at a massive rate! When there young you can usually get away with smaller tanks for a year or so. Still, slap some pictures up! What cat fish is it?

After 2 days of being in his new home, Boris is settled well, eating, basking, shitting, doing everything a bearded dragon should do!

So, I give you, Boris the 11 week old Beardy!



He's quite the character! Quite fun to watch.

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