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I'll try and get some pics of mine and my fathers tropical tank which has been running for around 20 years. We keep a few discus mixed with cardinals, rummy nose tetras etc. I notice people are discusing water changes, I'll put a post up tomorrow of how we do it and clean our filters. We only use still bottled water in our tank to eliminate all the crap that comes from the tap, chlorine etc! I dont want to sound up my arse, but there's not much I dont know about tropical fish, so if you need to know anything fire some questions at me!!

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Yes they are. They remove nitrates in the water which can irritate fish. With a big tank, say 180L, a 20L change should be done at least once a week depending on how dirty your fish are, how many you have etc. You wouldn't want to be swimming in your own piss and shit, put it that way ;)

If you want to save costs on water treatment products, buy yourself some of this Seachem Prime and these 1ml syringe

5ml treats 200L of water compared to 25ml that other brands use. I used to do 20L changes, only took around 0.2ml to treat it.

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When changing water you should put a bucket of water to stand over night to get to room temperature, you should add Tetra aqua safe to this.

Personally I only change water on a monthly basis and only 20 - 25% at one time. NEVER take all the water out.

Always wash the filters in the aquarium water that's been taken out. When replacing filter sponges only replace one at a time.

On a weekly basis I use Tetra nitrate minus, API ammonia lock and Waterlife bacteria life. These shouldn't all be added at once. Between those they will keep your water fresh. Once your tank has matured you can also use Tetra easy balance and that can cut your water changes down to, 2-3 month.

The less you fuss with the fish the better it is!

If you are keeping the Tetra family your water needs to be between 6.5 and 6.8 ph. You can get a water life bacteria life powder which will automatically set it to this.

If you would like me to write a complete list of how I run my tank I will happily do this for you.

I would recommend Chris @ www.plymouthdiscus.co.uk for all your Tropical needs! He's a top man, mention that Malcolm Bowen sent you there ;)

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You don't need any of that shit in the water if you have a matured tank. Get yourself a small heater, set to what your tank temp is, makes water changes a lot easier and you dont have to wait 12 hours for the water to be up to temperature. Another thing, get yourself a decent cannister filter i.e Eheim 2215/7 depending on how much water it holds. You wont get any problems with water quality, and you also have enough filter media for bacteria to colonise. Only need cleaning out every 6 months by giving them a flush with tank water.

Test the pH of your water before messing with the tank though, or u'll end up going to low or to high. Tetras can live between 6-7.5 on the pH scale.

Edited by Si-man
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  On 1/31/2011 at 10:39 PM, Si-man said:

You don't need any of that shit in the water if you have a matured tank. Get yourself a small heater, set to what your tank temp is, makes water changes a lot easier and you dont have to wait 12 hours for the water to be up to temperature. Another thing, get yourself a decent cannister filter i.e Eheim 2215/7 depending on how much water it holds. You wont get any problems with water quality, and you also have enough filter media for bacteria to colonise. Only need cleaning out every 6 months by giving them a flush with tank water.

Test the pH of your water before messing with the tank though, or u'll end up going to low or to high. Tetras can live between 6-7.5 on the pH scale.

Yerr, this lad knows all there is to be known about fish by the sounds of things...

Yes you could put a heater in, but what's the point when you can just leave water over night and forget about it without purchasing a heater.

Fluval make the best pumps in my opinion, they seem to work for us anyways we have 2, 1 either side.

One minute you are saying change water once a week, now it's 6 months, make up your mind...

Like I say, we have had our tank going for 20+ years so I think we may possibly know what we are talking about.

We run our tank exactly the same as Chris at plymouth discus and he knows everything there is to know.

All I know is, we can keep our Discus for years, and they are fish that have to be in perfect conditions.

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You do realise goldfish are harder to keep than tropical right?

Worst thing I had to do was euthanise a fish, not the nicest thing to have to do.

I'll get some new pics of my lizard tomorrow, he's gone really dark now and is getting big, only had it 4 months!

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A lot of the fish keeping advice is a little over the top, imo.

I've been keeping fish for about ten years and don't do water changes anywhere near as frequent as suggested and I don't monitor the pH levels.

I just use aqua safe and do 50% changes every once in a while. My tank has a couple of cats, a plec and a large Firebelly Oscar, none of them seem to be doing too badly!

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  On 2/1/2011 at 6:43 PM, MadManMike said:

A lot of the fish keeping advice is a little over the top, imo.

I've been keeping fish for about ten years and don't do water changes anywhere near as frequent as suggested and I don't monitor the pH levels.

I just use aqua safe and do 50% changes every once in a while. My tank has a couple of cats, a plec and a large Firebelly Oscar, none of them seem to be doing too badly!

My parents never did with ours either and it was a damn sight bigger than his with 3-4 times the amount of fish, but does he listen..... noooooo :P

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  On 2/1/2011 at 6:43 PM, MadManMike said:

My tank has a couple of cats, a plec and a large Firebelly Oscar, none of them seem to be doing too badly!


Edited by JT!
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