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Latest pic of my nearly 21 year old cat Tansy..looking a little worse for wear, but still going strong


compared with my sisters 18 month old cat (Letty) who came to stay over christmas (Tansy wanted to kill her, Letty wanted to kill the squirrel)


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He used to eat loads of dandelion leaves but he doesn't seem to like them much now.

I bath him about once every 3 days. Don't really keep up a pattern though. Should I?

it depends when i put his light on. If I'm at school it will get put on when I get up at 6 o'clock. Then it will go off at lunchtime and the back on when I get back from school at 4:30, till bed time at 9:30. So em.... 10 hours :S I think.

But when I'm not at school it's on from 9 in the morning till 11 at night.

Is that too long?

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I bath him about once every 3 days. Don't really keep up a pattern though. Should I?

it depends when i put his light on. If I'm at school it will get put on when I get up at 6 o'clock. Then it will go off at lunchtime and the back on when I get back from school at 4:30, till bed time at 9:30. So em.... 10 hours :S I think.

But when I'm not at school it's on from 9 in the morning till 11 at night.

Is that too long?

Nah the bathing seems fine, I bath mine once every few days, to just 'flush' him through and make sure he's eating alright.

As with the lights, try and keep a more consistent pattern, like 7-9 in the week or something, mine are on 14h a day to try and trick him not to hibernate. They can still tell thou I'm positive. I have to draw my curtains while its still natural daylight and flick my bedroom light on, if he could see out the window its dark he goes to bed whereas with the light on he doesn't. Clever things...

Could you get a switch timer? Mines on one so his lamps just come on at 8 and go off at 10 and that seems to work well. Think mine was a few quid from B&Q.

Just a thought, how old did you say he is? 2? Maybe he is winding down for the hibernation period. Providing he is in good health and a healthy weight, he could hibernate now. Does he live outside a fair bit or just indoors?

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I used to have a timer but I think it nearly went on fire and my mum said I wasn't allowed to use it again. :(

I'm quite worried about his health because i read somewhere that you could tell how healthy they were by the skin on there neck. Edward's is really thin and he can't stretch his neck properly. I'm worried he might die. :(:( He just wont eat though.

Should I take him to the vet?

Yes he's 2.

Edited by benthedog
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I'm quite worried about his health because i read somewhere that you could tell how healthy they were by the skin on there neck. Edward's is really thin and he can't stretch his neck properly. I'm worried he might die. :(:( He just wont eat though.

To be honest, I would go to the vets yeah, I'm not 100% sure on it, but the skin on the neck flaking thing is down too calcium/vitamin deficiency. Do you use any supplements?

I'd get him to a vet thou dude, although he could just be wining down to try and hibernate if his lights aren't on a regular pattern.

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While I'm chatting about torts, here's an update on Ralph....


His tables comming on well, it's kinda cool that the tables as much of a feature as Ralph is...





Jenny bought me this from a woodworker in York, it's really cool....


Me ma an pa bought me some bits for his table, (like the bridges and stuff) which he really seems to enjoy! Tis good.

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Your tortoise is lovely. What age is he?

He looks really healthy too.

I give him a supplement. Don't know what it is called though :S I think Reptavite.

I gave him lettuce yesterday. I know your not supposed to but it wasn't iceberg and he munched it all. :)

I can't get weeds out my garden because of all the snow. What are you feeding Ralph?

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Your tortoise is lovely. What age is he?

He looks really healthy too.

I give him a supplement. Don't know what it is called though :S I think Reptavite.

I gave him lettuce yesterday. I know your not supposed to but it wasn't iceberg and he munched it all. :)

I can't get weeds out my garden because of all the snow. What are you feeding Ralph?

He's about 1, that's the same supplement as I give Ralph, seems to love it which is cool.

Yeah Ralph gets the odd lettuce leaf to munch on, Romaine lettuce is usually fine for them :) He's eating weeds grown indoors, plants and a few veg.

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Banjos just finished shedding his face/beard :) I can't believe how much it's brought his colour out! Normally, hes reallly pale with a little bit of orange around his ear and a little patch by his eyes but now it's really distinctive :)




I'm amazed at how big hes getting too actually, hes grown almost 4"s in the time that i've had him and hes already bigger than whats considered average for beardies :)

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He's about 1, that's the same supplement as I give Ralph, seems to love it which is cool.

Yeah Ralph gets the odd lettuce leaf to munch on, Romaine lettuce is usually fine for them He's eating weeds grown indoors, plants and a few veg.

Edward doesn't like it much. He's sort of started to eat more now. I started to give him a bath nearly every night and I think it's helped.

By the way, how do you grow weeds indoors? Sorry if that's a stupid question :S

Thanks for your help though :D

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