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Growing them on till 5-6 months old, sexing them and then selling. Already had 3 reserved (and they havent even hatched yet!!!) 2 of the local reptile shops are going to have 3 or 4 each, the rest will probably be sold on reptile forums uk :)

We will probably keep 2 or 3 as holdbacks, they may go into future breeding projects depending on colours and patterns.

If you don't mind me asking.

How much will you be looking at per reptile?

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If you don't mind me asking.

How much will you be looking at per reptile?


Depending on sex, colouring and pattern between 60 and 90 per gecko, thats assuming the market stays as it is; for example an adult female that was worth 200 quid this time last year can now be had for a little over 100, hatchling prices have dropped accordingly. Were deliberatly keeping them until old enough to be sexed, we dont believe that a baby gecko should be sold and move homes at 6 weeks old which is when most are sold.

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So thats 4 grands worth of little tiny monsters. Not to shabby.

Chinchillas gor for £70-150, depending on colour and pedigree. (Yes its stupid i know.)

But the litters are 2-4 maximum.

I'm totally with you on the not selling them early thing, its cruel and not good for the animal in the long run.

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Bought another beardie yesterday :) 7 month old female, not sure on a name yet but everyone keeps calling her Lola :(

Banjo doesn't seem too impressed yet haha, he keeps bobbing his head and puffing his beard at her :P Meh, He'll get used to her...





Banjos... reaction? :lol: :



His beard goes really dark, then an hour or so later it goes lighter again. Then he sees her, and the cycle restarts haha.

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Banjo 'bobbing' is a signal of submission, if you like. Kinda just saying he won't be bothering her.

Ed, those hatchlings look great! What's the success rate like with hatching Geckos?

I always thought the bobbing was male domination, I dont keep beardies though so hey what do I know? :D

Assuming the eggs are fertile then theoretically 100% aslong as nothing goes wrong with the incubator, they should hatch at room temperature though (just take longer) so even then they may still be ok. All the current eggs are going well and the OHs technique seems to be about spot on.

The 2nd hatchling has now gone from 1.7g to 2.1g, little fatty!

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Sorry, your right Ed, I got it muddled up. Don't they wave when they submit?

Thats good about the geckos then, I intend on breeding my tort in the future (I'll be investing in a another tort soon, watch this space...) but the fertility rates aren't 100% with them so it's a bit hit an miss. Are geckos gender dependant on what tempreture they are incubated at?

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Sorry, your right Ed, I got it muddled up. Don't they wave when they submit?

Thats good about the geckos then, I intend on breeding my tort in the future (I'll be investing in a another tort soon, watch this space...) but the fertility rates aren't 100% with them so it's a bit hit an miss. Are geckos gender dependant on what tempreture they are incubated at?

Dont know on the waving, I know theyre both part of the mating display.

With the cresties, as long as you dont keep the eggs too wet or dry then they should all be good; obviously is the female isnt up to scratch (not enough calcium/food/weight) you can get weak eggs. Were currently handfeeding the laying females dusted crickets and waxworms to keep the weight, calcium and minerals up - they seem to have gone off hunting for live food and havent been touching their cgd.

Sexing through different incubator temperature doesnt appear to work with cresties, its a mixed bag and you dont usually find out for certain until their about 6 months/15g. Another reason for keeping the hatchlings for longer, we can sell them on guaranteed sex (besides which females command a higher price than males ;) ).

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Yeah from what I gather, the bobbing is to say I'm king around here and the wavings just to acknowledge that they know there place. Shes just...looks at him haha? Completely un phased as he sits and wears him self out.

From the picture youve shown are the 2 beardies able to see each other? I always understood that beardies shouldnt be allowed to see through glass, especially into another beardie tank. We isolate all of our geckos as weve previously had aggression from arnold because he could see mr sly in the tank next door (both adult males), arnold gave quite a nasty bite that drew blood :D

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They are housed next to eachother because eventually, we're hoping to put them in together although shes no where near old enough yet. Theirs a curtain that we put down between the side of the 2 tanks if either of them look too stressed or frustrated but if hes just bobbing we leave him to it. Before we got her, he never bobbed his head. We let him out in the living room last night and he squared upto the dog and started doing it :lol: When he realised she was like ..wtf..? He decided to go black and puff his beard at her, and she hid away for the rest of the night :P

When the cresties are born, what size enclosure do you keep them in? Do you keep them all in one?

I only ask cause i saw a tank that was no bigger than 2ftx2ft with at least 20 or so in and just wondered if that was.. suitable?

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When the cresties are born, what size enclosure do you keep them in? Do you keep them all in one?

I only ask cause i saw a tank that was no bigger than 2ftx2ft with at least 20 or so in and just wondered if that was.. suitable?

We keep all of the cresties seperate, hatclings go into small upright faunariums (about 8x3x6) where they will stay till about 6 weeks old, they move into a 12x12x12 till about 8 months and then up to a 12x12x18 till 15-18 months and finally onto an 18x18x18 or 18x18x24 tall viv. Keeping them seperate allows you to monitor health better; feeding, shedding and crapping can all be checked much easier. In theory you could keep a whole handfull of crestie hatchlings in a 2foot cube viv as theyre only about 1 1/4" long, I wouldnt personally though.

My tokays are in seperate 18x18x24 vivs each, up until 2 weeks ago they were on different sides of the room, since reorganising some of the snakes Ive moved them next to each other (divider between the vivs so there is no visual contact) and mr snuffles is now making mating calls at least 3 times a night now, used to be maybe twice a week before :D

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The last of the first clutch of 6 baby cresties (2 from each female) have all hatched now, 2 more tonight and one of them is a real stunner! :)

Another 4 eggs currently incubating with another 6 due to be laid any time soon. Going to need a bigger front room to put them all in :D

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Dusty updates.

He's getting bigger and more confident.



Sorry crap quality.


He's now 8-9months, almost fully grown, soft as hell and playfull as anything.

I can put my nose on his nose and all he does is sit there, big softie.

Sitting on my girlfriends knee being a pervert as usual.

Edited by davey1991
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  • 2 weeks later...

Our Alpaca! Just after we sheared him, think he got abit of a shock :P He is called Hercules


Henry and Toby (Toby got re-homed though, he was not good around the animals):


We currently have 3 dogs, Henry, Lilly and Holly but i can not find any pics of the others....


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Thats f**king awesome! biggrin.gif

Cheers Ed! :D I didn't fancy ripping the garden up to build him an enclosure in the lawn as I'm hopefully moving out with the missus soon an I doubt ma an pa would like a hole in the garden so I built him a free standing 'garden' if you like. He seems to love it! Keeps trying to get the courage to walk across the log thou, so I might have to shop it in half so it's flat for him to walk over.

He seems happy enough, an it's a bit more exciting then a chicken wire box on the grass.

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Just been tagged by my boa constricor :D

I know how much we all like photos of bites and gore but unfortunately I couldnt get my phone out in time to get one of her with my thumb in her mouth, the rest are fairly standard snakebit aftermath :(

Anywho, its my first proper tag rather than a quick tap, reached into the viv to get her out, she struck at my hand and got a full mouth round my left thumb. Fortunately I didnt flinch and she sat there with for about 5 seconds before she realised I wasnt food :)

Not been feeding at all so no smell of rodents, guess I must have just startled her, oh well its all good fun



And the offending chloe




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