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20" Or 26" Wheels, Does Size Matter


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as is said, 20" is easier to learn on but I MUCH prefer 26", its so much more versatile, you can roll stuff that you would have to hop over on 20" and you can generally go a big bigger on 26" (plus they look much better ;))

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Danny mac rides both 24" and 26"

It depends on what YOU feel more comfortable on, have you got some friends who ride trials who have different size bikes. If so have a go on them, find what you feel more natural on.

I went striaght to a 26" and love it. However, in the past iv raced downhill, and ridden dirt, both at good levels, so nauturally feel more comfortable on a 26"

Also take your size into account, to a degree shorter people feel more comfortable on mods as their easier to controll and shift your weight over. Larger or taller riders are likely to prefer stocks for the same reasons. However this doesnt apply to everyone.

hope this helps


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if you are going to compete and you are under 15, in the club im a member at you can only ride a 20" but if your 15 plus you can ride 26" i ride a 20" and if i get onto a 26 it is quite a bit harder to ride but you can roll up logs easier than on a 20" you also get more clearance aswel

Edited by echoteam1
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It is about your height. If you are big you are best off with 26" and if you are small a 20". But the 20" are easier to learn on as they are lighter and easier to throw about. So yes I think size does matter in a way. But it is mostly about your personal preferences not what other people think.


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