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Which One From Hope-s

Dan S

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The thin is that I hate my magura marta on the back. I decided to take a hope mono. Just can't choose one.

what is the difference between hope monty, hope mono TI/ carbon, and just hope mono (besides price).?

I need a major stopping power. If you can suggest anything else that works like a stop-machine - go ahead.



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They all use the same internals, but the Ti/Carbon has ti bolts, and a carbon lever blade, the Montys are anodized a gunsmoke type colour and have Monty logos etched onto them, but they're all based around the same Mono Trial system.

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I'd avoid the carbon lever blades if I were you, they are very comfy, and very pimp, and very light, but realistically they save f**k all weight, cost the earth, break really easilyand are far more flexible than the aluminium ones. (I only mean the old 06 and below blades).

I'm using an 07/08 standard Mono Trial with an 06 lever blade, because I love them to bits. :P

A 160 on a mod is fine, but I once rode one with a 180 and it was definately worth the extra weight if you ask me! It was immense.

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  JonMack said:
They all use the same internals, but the Ti/Carbon has ti bolts, and a carbon lever blade, the Montys are anodized a gunsmoke type colour and have Monty logos etched onto them, but they're all based around the same Mono Trial system.

  Dan S said:
Ok then. and what about power>?

Power is the same on all models, 160 on your mod will be fine.

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  Muel said:
I'd avoid the carbon lever blades if I were you, they are very comfy, and very pimp, and very light, but realistically they save f**k all weight, cost the earth, break really easilyand are far more flexible than the aluminium ones. (I only mean the old 06 and below blades).

I'm using an 07/08 standard Mono Trial with an 06 lever blade, because I love them to bits. :P

A 160 on a mod is fine, but I once rode one with a 180 and it was definately worth the extra weight if you ask me! It was immense.

How do you expect me to ride a 180 on the back of my kamel, knowing that I do sidehop to the left? :ermm::giggle:

I'll try to avoid Carbon blade as you said.

Anything apart hope? what can anyone recommend? something more powerful than hope but not that heavy?

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I didn't know that, but it will hardly make a difference, the rotors diametre is 10mm larger, so it will only be slightly harder to catch it.

I never managed to hit my rotor on a mod, the tyre always pushed it out of the way is the front tyre was on the wall.

For ultimate power I've found a magura louise is best, but they have almost no modulation and a really wooden lever feel.

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6'1" and 135lbs, nice going Jon. :P

I was about 160-165lbs the whole time I rode with a rear hope with a 160 rotor on the back, it was fine when it was bedded in properly, but I'd still rather have that bit extra holding power, mine did slip when I landed on the edge of a gap.

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They're not average riders though, they're incredibly smooth, and skinny and light.

A lot of UK riders. (Like me), are fatter and heavier than the world level riders, and also don't have anything like as much skill, so can't be as smooth as them.

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Not Benito is the average rider. :). I doubt that Dani Comas is 60kg, he is more than 90kgs, which is pretty heavy. I dont know anything about your or the others riding skills, but im pretty sure that you dont do 3 meter jumps, or 1.5 pedal ups (correct me if im wrong), or anything huge like that. If that 160mm monty hope brake can holds up Dani Comas without any slippage at a 160cm high bunny hop with full speed, than im sure it would hold your 90kg back on a 2 meter drop gap...

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  Muel said:
They're not average riders though, they're incredibly smooth, and skinny and light.

A lot of UK riders. (Like me), are fatter and heavier than the world level riders, and also don't have anything like as much skill, so can't be as smooth as them.

Have you seen Benito up close? He's far from skinny. The Cousts are pretty 'skinny', but have ALOT of muscle in all the right places ( :giggle: ), and no fat or muscle where they don't need it.

Muscle weighs more than fat.

Anyways, go for 160mm, and I'd stick to a Hope - Others (Maguras/Avids etc) have all been tried but seems people always return to Hope.

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Trust me, it didn't. If I landed on the edge of something hard it would nearly always slip, and I'm only 75kg.

It matters more how hard you land, you can see how smooth they are in their videos. They might go really big but they land incredibly smoothly and precisely.

EDIT: No I haven't, just in videos and pictures. He's not "skinny" but I doubt very much he's anything like 90kg!

Anyway, I'm sure 160mm will be perfectly fine, just saying I'd go for a 180 just for that extra added hold!

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Well, i agree with most of the things you sad. - but - i've been using dual hope monos on my 20" czar for a year now, and im not a smooth rider in anyways, i weight 72kgs, and never ever had any kind of problem with the brakes. Never really slipped back because of the 160mm...

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  esfrost said:
Not Benito is the average rider. :). I doubt that Dani Comas is 60kg, he is more than 90kgs, which is pretty heavy. I dont know anything about your or the others riding skills, but im pretty sure that you dont do 3 meter jumps, or 1.5 pedal ups (correct me if im wrong), or anything huge like that. If that 160mm monty hope brake can holds up Dani Comas without any slippage at a 160cm high bunny hop with full speed, than im sure it would hold your 90kg back on a 2 meter drop gap...

Hmmmm, I'm not sure that is correct, I think what is trying to get across is that smoother riders don't need as strong brakes because they are so good.

Whereas useless farts require more breakage than normal, I think he's saying your useless ;):giggle:


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