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Muscle Building Tablet / Drinks .. Info

sam D

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Well as the title says just after some info on them really as im thinking of getting some, i.e does any one take/drink them, do they even work, and so on.....

i have been told pure creatine is probably the best, so just let me no what you no...



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  Si-man said:
I hope you are going to be working out aswell then? Body building forums or the body building thread may be of some use mate.

i train at the gym around 5 times a week, but just wanted a bit of info on them to be honest


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To be able to on muscle you have to be in a positive energy and nitrogen balance, basically you have to eat more than is going out and adequate protein amount. Try an eat around an excess of about 500-1000kcal an a protein intake of 2.0g per body kilogram. Lets say 3500kcal and for an average 80kg person 160g of protein a day.

You can do that wothout the aid of supplements but a convenient and easy way of getting that many calories and protein is protein shakes or a weight gainer, have a look on http://www.myprotein.co.uk/. I wouldn't really bother with creatine at the moment, depends on how long you've been training though.

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whey protein powder is pretty good supplement but its a supplement, the rest of your diet is incredibly important as is your gym routine which has to be consistant and well planned. Dont worry about creatine and forget any kind of gear, (hgh, roids etc) unless you want to be the next ronnie coleman/jay cutler etc.

Buy Ronnie colemans book Hardcore if you really want to get into it and get a good training schedule

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Don't waste your money. Eat protein in the right amounts. That's an equal number one for importance.

Good protein and good training. All the drinks are variations of proteins and carbs. They are expensive but convenient, and also trick a lot of people into thinking they will put on more muscle by using this or that.

If you want to put on serious muscle then steroids are the way, but they require a lot of research to do it safely. I did, with great success.

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  BONGO said:
Don't waste your money. Eat protein in the right amounts. That's an equal number one for importance.

Good protein and good training. All the drinks are variations of proteins and carbs. They are expensive but convenient, and also trick a lot of people into thinking they will put on more muscle by using this or that.

If you want to put on serious muscle then steroids are the way, but they require a lot of research to do it safely. I did, with great success.

Really? was this to help rebuild leg muscle after you knee stuff?

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Nah this was about 7 years ago, around the same time i started bmx, although not related to bmx. I'd been training hard for a few years and had a perfect diet. I was as fit as i could be in the gym and trained extremely hard. I was good friends with the owner of the gym who sold steroids to many of the lads there and i just decided it was a route i wanted to take, after i reasearched for almost a year and thought a lot about it. I talked to my GP about them and looked into different types etc and went for an 8 week course of 1ml sustanon and 2ml deca durabolin per week.

It IS real muscle, it IS fast and it IS mentally addictive. How can you train without this stuff after you have experienced the speed of strength and size increase with it??? I was flat benching 47.5kg per side on a 25kg bar within 10 weeks of pushing myself with probably half of that. I did get really big and despite the look not being the reason for using them, the fact that you can here people commenting on the size of your arms or chest or shoulders or back, behind your back when you go out or in the gym, is a great feeling. Be warned. If you do go down that route you may never train without it again. If it wasn't for my mum finding my gear then i may well still be using and be as big as a house, but be doing much damage to myself.

I don't regret doing it because i did it as safely as possible, but at the end of the day, it's still a risk. I'm glad i found a way out, but sorry i hurt my mum and scared her.

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  BONGO said:
Nah this was about 7 years ago, around the same time i started bmx, although not related to bmx. I'd been training hard for a few years and had a perfect diet. I was as fit as i could be in the gym and trained extremely hard. I was good friends with the owner of the gym who sold steroids to many of the lads there and i just decided it was a route i wanted to take, after i reasearched for almost a year and thought a lot about it. I talked to my GP about them and looked into different types etc and went for an 8 week course of 1ml sustanon and 2ml deca durabolin per week.

It IS real muscle, it IS fast and it IS mentally addictive. How can you train without this stuff after you have experienced the speed of strength and size increase with it??? I was flat benching 47.5kg per side on a 25kg bar within 10 weeks of pushing myself with probably half of that. I did get really big and despite the look not being the reason for using them, the fact that you can here people commenting on the size of your arms or chest or shoulders or back, behind your back when you go out or in the gym, is a great feeling. Be warned. If you do go down that route you may never train without it again. If it wasn't for my mum finding my gear then i may well still be using and be as big as a house, but be doing much damage to myself.

I don't regret doing it because i did it as safely as possible, but at the end of the day, it's still a risk. I'm glad i found a way out, but sorry i hurt my mum and scared her.

And it made your willy go small.

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Real anabolic steroids are synthetic testosterone. Manmade hormones. They do exactly what natyral testosterone does and make real muscle. They do give you a little water retention and because of this after you finish your course, you may lose 20% of the weight you gained, however all the rest o the weight IS real muscle.

Pills are more dangerous than intramuscular injected steroids, although they seem less serious (even though a drug is a drug and the way it's administered is irrelevant.)

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Creatine is basically an energy source which allows you to work longer during high intensity work, which then leads to a greater training stimulus and therefore increased strength. It does lead to water retention, but it isn't permanent and this increase in water in the muscle cell leads to increased protein synthesis, ie muscle building.

Your also meant to take it in a 'loading' phase for the first 5 days where you take 20g and then 3-5g a day through maintenance.

Personally i think it's a lot of money for what it's worth. Everyone tries to find that quick fix but for a lot of people trying to put on mass is just a case of eating a lot more quality food, for example creatine is in red meat and some fish.

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When i used to work out, i found training alot and properly, worked the best, but i had the patience most people dont have, so used my patience in the gym...

When i worked out, i used to drink 1 protein shake after training, and thats about it. Also used to eat quite abit of pasta + tuna and alot of red meat i.e steak. lol

I started on creatine for abit, but really it just made me really ill and i started having real bad stomach cramps and it just made me lose my will to train...

In the end i stopped taking it and i started feeling better about training ect, thats when i started making real gains... SO basically, you need to be in a real positive mood when training and rememeber dont do too fst reps, do nice and slow reps and you will feel alot of muscle burn...

after a few weeks/months, you should start making gains... it is slow, but just keep at it with will power B)

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