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Standard Magura Hoses

loner ryan

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Sorry i just have to bring this up, the ridiculousness of the magura HS33 brake hoses there like straws! I was messing around on some pallets and fell off as every one does the handle rolled round so they where back to front then around again i fell onto the bike and with the pressure they snapped, brake fluid everywhere, amean im not the lightest person in the world but i dont think my weight should have snapped it, so i went onto tarty bikes and bought a braided house kit hopefully that will stand up to more stress. I suppose magura want this to happen so then you buy there extra's. Has anyone else ever had a problem with the hoses?

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I've never had problems with the magura plastic hosing. I've found it to be very strong. The only issue's I've seen with hoses breaking is when someone has fallen off their bike, and the bars have spun round once or twice, then when the rider has picked the bike up they have turned the bars the wrong way round, and because of the force have pulled the hose out of the lever.

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I've never had problems with the magura plastic hosing. I've found it to be very strong. The only issue's I've seen with hoses breaking is when someone has fallen off their bike, and the bars have spun round once or twice, then when the rider has picked the bike up they have turned the bars the wrong way round, and because of the force have pulled the hose out of the lever.

I agree with that aswell.

When the bars get turned around the wrong way, the force just pulls out the hose from the lever.

Thats happened a couple of times to me and its no problem sorting it.

To be hones its quite easy (Y)

But the standerd hoses on the magura is quite good and strong and does the job ;)

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I've never had a problem with it, I split one crossover because I stood on it.

I don't like braided hoses, they make the brake lever heavier to pull in my experience.

Yeah I agree

Ive not had a problem with the actual hose its self like for example, it spliting or anything like that, but it did pull out of the lever one time

Also ive had no major problem with the cross over except from catching my foot on it.

And personally I dont like braided hoses either because of the same reason as yourself

Thanks :)

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I know what you mean about the hoses. I have popped mine 3 or 4 times since Christmas.

And, as i decided that the hoses were rubbish, I just water bled my brakes. I find it is harder to pop them, and it saves you a hell of a lot of money having them re bled.

And as an added bonus with water bled brakes- They feel nicer and are more snappy and sharp than oil bled brakes. This is because you are bleeding them underwater and no air can possibly get in, unless you do it wrong. Oil bled brakes always have some air in due to the syringe and bleeding kit etc.

So, when you get the braided hoses, fit them and bleed them underwater.

There is a guide on the wiki, but I don't really like that method. What I do is:

Put the TPA on the lowest setting.

Then take out both bleed bolts. (Lever and slave piston)

Put the brake underwater.

Put your finger over the hole on the lever, press the lever in, take your finger off the hole and release the lever.

Repeat until no air is coming out of the slave piston.

Do up all the bolts UNDERWATER.

Refit your brake.

That's all there is to it :) This takes around 10-15 minutes once you have the hang of it. (With taking off/ re fitting brake, obviously)

Danny :D

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I know what you mean about the hoses. I have popped mine 3 or 4 times since Christmas.

And, as i decided that the hoses were rubbish, I just water bled my brakes. I find it is harder to pop them, and it saves you a hell of a lot of money having them re bled.

And as an added bonus with water bled brakes- They feel nicer and are more snappy and sharp than oil bled brakes. This is because you are bleeding them underwater and no air can possibly get in, unless you do it wrong. Oil bled brakes always have some air in due to the syringe and bleeding kit etc.

How did you work out it was harder to snap the hose with water than with oil? It'd make no difference at all. If anything it would be harder to snap with oil in because it's slightly thicker, so it would be slightly harder to flex the pipe.

Ever pulled the brake when it's empty and theres only air in there? It's fairly light I seem to remember...

Oil feels less responsive and heavier to pull than water because its a thicker, more viscous fluid.

I use a syringe and I never get air in there, it's all about the technique you use. Bleed from the bottom and have the run off pipe in a tub of the fluid, so when you remove the syringe from the slave it keeps sucking fluid in instead of air as it runs down through the brake. Makes a mess, but it stops it sucking air in.

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The hoses on maguras are not the best! Whats annoying is re-fitting the barbs into the hose without it splitting. Had loads of problems with the rear brake on mine, mainly within the lever though. Had it apart many times!! :S

Some people on here have used thicker tubing, like from air compressors....... Might be an idea?

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Quick note for anyone who has a habit of bursting there crossover; If you tightly wrap some insulating tape around the barb area(Not over the acctull barb itself but the hose around and just above it), Then you will find that it is effectively making the hosing thicker and therefore ALOT less likely to split under pressure from clipping it with your foot etc etc. Chances are this wont work to well on the front as when you hit that you normally just come straight down on it from eg: a rail.

Edited by Echo-Scott
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