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Pictures Of Best Injurys


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Who ever has fallen off and had a bad injury either say what you have done or show us

To see the downside of trials

I've never had a bad injury yet although i've had one's which arn't so major but never for some reason taken a picture of them.

Owel i will have to start getting pictures in the near future.


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My mates worst crash was in spain riding down the beach with no bar ends he hit a hole went over the bars and the left-hand side of the bars went through his cheek and out his mouth he spent a day in a and e and he now has a v shaped scar on his face .

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My mates worst crash was in spain riding down the beach with no bar ends he hit a hole went over the bars and the left-hand side of the bars went through his cheek and out his mouth he spent a day in a and e and he now has a v shaped scar on his face .


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My mates worst crash was in spain riding down the beach with no bar ends he hit a hole went over the bars and the left-hand side of the bars went through his cheek and out his mouth he spent a day in a and e and he now has a v shaped scar on his face .

Brutal. :blink:

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Sorry but this topic comes up abit, "worst injury" "whats the worst you have done out riding". Ive not done much apart from being out dirt jumping, did the jump backwards, clipped the lip on the takeoff, went over the bars face first, hit the ground, was uncontious for an hour and took a day to regain memory. <_<

Such am amazing video.

Youtube Video -> Original Video
Edited by JackC123
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My mates worst crash was in spain riding down the beach with no bar ends he hit a hole went over the bars and the left-hand side of the bars went through his cheek and out his mouth he spent a day in a and e and he now has a v shaped scar on his face .

Somehow I have a problem believing this...

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Somehow I have a problem believing this...

I don't really, I know people who have done similar things just not trials related. Like my friend Elizabeth went down a slide when she was about 4 holding a rake, the rake went into her neck and she nearly bled to death. Some people just are that stupid, like my mum, when she was younger she was riding a bike no-handed near a road, she came off and broke the fingers on one hand and then thought "well since I've only got one hand to ride with, I might aswell just use none..." and she fell off again, breaking the fingers on the other hand...

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Torn ligament after folding the ankle over, still in cast now <_<


Is your injury simular to Darren Hill's (hill393) ankle buster a few years ago? Didn't Neil Tunnicliffe go through a simular injury when he performed a big drop and his bb shell snapped on impact? Edited by Rusevelt
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The other day I went for a tap, didn't lift up the front wheel high enough the bike stopped but I didn't:P crushed my balls on stem. My balls swelled up ^_^ , Pissed out blood a bit. Also half my ball sack was bruised blue :blink:#

EDIT: Didn't think It would be appropriet<<(bad spelling sorry) to put a picture up:P

Edited by Sprog!
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Worst trials crash would be trip over the bars to kiss some pallets, burst my lower lip and dug gouges out of it with my teeth - took almost 2 weeks for it to stop bleeding entirely :(

Worst crashes have been on the bmx.

Faceplanted the coping on a miniramp, concussion for a fortnight and I still have no idea exactly what happened.

Dead sailored over the jumpbox at epic skatepark in brum and got tangled up in my bike. Turns out the bars punched a 22mm hole through the top of my quadracep and applecored 3" out of me. I had bar plugs (the plastic expanding wedge type) but they were a bit broken on the edges and it just pushed into the bars. Took 5 stitches to close up the cored hole and another 4 to close the wound on the surface - the doctor could see my femoral artery in the bottom of the hole :o :o

After 3 years its now just a neat scar and the feeling of someone sandpapering my inside thigh has gone thank god. I would post pictures but you really dont want to see, I went entirely black from my belly down to my knees.

Put some f**king bar plugs in your bike - I came within 2mm of dieing because of it :(

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my worst crash was when i first got my t bird i thought i was a super hero because i could hop once on my back tyre , i went to the local highstreet with a couple of mates tryed to show off to a traffic jam by attempting to pull a wheelie from a 4feet hiegh and just enough room to get my bike on ledge and wheelied but slipped on the back brake throwing the front down half way going into face plant mode i shredded my left arm and got a bruise like a orange on my hip and for some reason some of the swelling is still on my hip i dont have a clue why though but apparently it made all my mates day but not mine :(

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my worst crash was when i first got my t bird i thought i was a super hero because i could hop once on my back tyre , i went to the local highstreet with a couple of mates tryed to show off to a traffic jam by attempting to pull a wheelie from a 4feet hiegh and just enough room to get my bike on ledge and wheelied but slipped on the back brake throwing the front down half way going into face plant mode i shredded my left arm and got a bruise like a orange on my hip and for some reason some of the swelling is still on my hip i dont have a clue why though but apparently it made all my mates day but not mine :(

Unlucky on that one :rolleyes:(N)

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