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Yaabaa 649 Or Onza Blade


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i want a new bike soon i own a t bird and i like the look of the yaabaa but i want a light strong bike is the onza ok i can spend up to 600 pounds

I would say go for a Onza Blade it's a really nice bike to ride from what i have heard, The frame on the Yaabaa 649 looks abit funny although it has got some good components on it. Just get the one you like more , A bike which will suit the way you ride. Dont get people to choose a bike for you. Go for the one you like.

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Firstly, keep your eyeball well pressed up against this:


That is being reduced £20 each day, but there's only one.

The yabba 649 doesn't have a front freewheel. Which is kind of odd for a bike that's nearly half a grand. It'll make it a little bit more difficult to upgrade. It also has a 18t freewheel on the rear which is probably just an ACS (you might want to email tratybikes and ask if it is).

The blade comes with a tensile freewheel, a much better drive setup, it also had a front disc, now the disc it's self probably isn't too good, but very easily upgradeable. Looking back at the yaabaa, it hasn't got a front disc hub, and the forks haven't got a disc tab on either, so again, make it very difficult to upgrade to a front disc which you'll probably want to end up going soon enough. You'd have to replace the forks and front wheel.

You've got a t-bird now, and you've obviously stuck at trials and not given up like a lot of people do, but buying the yaabaa is not a bike you should be buying as a second bike at all compared to the Blade, the Blade is an excellent bike as is, and then an excellent bike to upgrade over the years to become a top spec bike adventually.


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Or with that £600 go and get the new onza comp. That would be your best choice. :)

I don't really see what you get on the comp that isn't on the blade. Where the extra £45 going? The comp doesn't even have a disc hub, so you're going to have to replace the wheel to run a disk.

Also, the blade looks nicer and it's a better color scheme and would match any upgraded part.

I just really love the blade, such a good bike.

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i might get a new frame for my t bird because its worth a lot

heres the spec :

08 onza t bird

maxxis creepy crawley

neon green rims front and back

08 magura hs 33

viz stem

echo green oversized bars

dmr v8 pedals green

no seat

discless front hub

lizards skins moab grips lock on

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i just got an onza blade and it is riding awesome. i have ridden several koxx xtps and montys in the past and this rides as nice. For 150 pounds for the frame its immense and is pretty light too. will get pics up of the full build as soon as possible.

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