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Dressler Camp 009 (czech Republic

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The date of this year's Dressler Camp 009 has been decided!! DC009 will be held in Tanvald (CZE) again. The magic date is August 12th - 16th 2009. You will find the first draft of camp's schedule in CAMP section of our web at www.dressler.cz. You can also check DC007 and DC008 photos and videos there. We wish you'll like it enough to get motivated to come to Czech republic in August. We are sure we'll have great trials party again.

There is no BIU World championship competition in Europe this year, so Dressler Camp 009 is the greatest opportunity to meet this sort of people with strange looking bikes again. You may come with your car or caravan or if you don't want to drive, then it is the right time to look for some low cost air tickets. We believe you can get your ticket for a friendly price. If you do not want to spend money on hiring a car at Prague airport, just let us know and we'll try to organize some transport from the airport to the Camp site. We have enough time to make such things possible ;-)

Right now we checked EasyJet website and we found that London Stansted - Prague Aug.11th and Aug.18th return flight costs less that 70,- GBP!!!

shop@dressler.cz, ICQ 373446847 and Facebook DRESSLER shop is where you find us...

Last year's Dressler Camp 008 video is here: http://vimeo.com/3491411

It is a bit long but so is the Camp ;-) There are some events every day and every night...


Edited by DRESSLERshop
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I would be there if I didn't have other commitments. I'm sure it will be an awesome event. I Hope some of the team will go, I'll start asking.

Ali.....Would you need Apple Sauce? Love you Freddie.

Edited by Joe@Onza
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Thanks guys! We are looking forward to meet you there.

There is also motocross track alongside the camp (see satellite view at Camp info page), where we wish to make little MX race. Another way to have fun there! We will also try to provide trials motorcycle rental.

The camp site is in mountain area. We'll rent full suspension downhill bikes from Specialized. There is old natural bobsleigh track in the woods near the camp that will challenge your skills.

It is 4 months left to the Camp. Get your airtickets!! ;)


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Sure! Fullface helmet will be useful ;)

Yesterday we were sittin' in our favourite restaruant with Josef Dressler we got some more ideas to make the Camp better!

We are thinking about adding one more live concert. The main party and concert will be on Saturday after the main competition, but we wish to make much greater welcome party than before. So we'll probably put in a little concert on Wednesday night and we'll also make that roast pork that night :D


Another idea is for Thursday night. We might book one ofe the local clubs to make Dressler Camp Party there. The camp site is located outside the town, so not many locals comes there for our night parties. This would be an opportunity to meet more girls ;) Maybe we'll make some sidehop contest or trials strip in the club :D

These are just some fresh ideas we got. We wish to make them real...


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Thanks for your question! I believe that visa should be no problem.

Dressler Camp is located in Tanvald's autocamp which is quipped for tents, caravans etc.. The autocamp is very clean. The best way to stay there is to stay right in the camp in a tent, car or caravan because you are in contact with others. There is one bistro at the camp and we will also run our own DRESSLER Bar with all drinks and meals you'll need to survive. There are several pensions and hotels around the place, but if you stay there, you'll need some transport from your place to the camp.

You will find some tips for accomodation here: http://www.tanvald.cz/ubytdet.php?IDmesta=...&hlmenu=155

The camp info is here: http://www.dressler.cz/clanky/index.php?id...p;id_odk_base=5

If you fly to Czech and you need transport from Prague airport to the camp site, let us know and we'll arrange something.

And now important thing!! Money.

Yes, Dressler Camp is not for free. There is a camp fee which Josef decided this morning to be 1490,- CZK for this year.

1490,- CZK is about 55,- EUR or 50,- GBP. This fee is covering full 5 days of Dressler Camp.

We'll also have some weekend discounted fees which will be decided soon.

What you get for your money?

- Accomodation in the autocamp for 5 days.

- Monty and Onza trials bikes rental, trials unicycle rental, Hoffmanbikes freestyle BMX and Specialized full suspensioned bikes rental.

- Parties and live concert free entrance

- start fee for all contests and the main competiton

- DRESSLERshop mechanic free services when you need to repair your bike

- trials parts discount in our mobile DRESSLERshop in the camp

- wifi network acces in the camp

- useful gifts from our sponsors will be presented to you at the registration

- we'll try to provide free sports drinks from one of our sponsor as same as last year

- trials school mentors to improve your skills during practice sessions

We are still working and getting more and more new ideas what to offer. I guess we'll find some more stuff to give you for your money ;)


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We got some fresh news from the venue in Tanvald. They are working hard on FIM European Trials Championship which is held in the end of July in the same autocamp as DC009.

They are making wider access road, new roof at the BBQ area, they are bulding two new cottages - each for eight people and some other improvements....

Our place will be much nicer soon!!

Some pics at our site www.dressler.cz

We also got another improving idea... Maybe we'll have a girl offering sports massage services in the camp ;)


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  • 1 month later...

Dressler Camp is getting closer and closer. Now it is just two months till the end of the Camp.

We have just arranged another new idea. From Wednesday till Friday we'll have motorcycle trials school as well. Top czech trials riders will teach trials skills there.

Anyone already have an air ticket to Prague??

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for no news for a long time.

We are getting pretty busy with organisation, sponsors, etc.

We are working hard to bring all our ideas to reality. We'll have range of rental trials bicycles, downhill and freeride bikes, also probably some trials and enduro bikes from Sherco so the participants will have a chance to try something new.

We finally added more live concerts to our programme. There will be concerts on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night.

Right now we are thinking about six bands to invite to play for us in the Camp.

As we promised, we'll make the roast pork on Wednesday opening party along with some other surprise.

We'll have some motorcycle trials riders providing trials school and also a little motocross race will be held on Thursday.

We launched rider's registration in our e-shop and we are getting more and more riders every day.

We wish to help to riders from abroad as much as we can so please let us know if you are coming and we will arrange some help with transport and accomodation for you. Just contact us at shop@dressler.cz

Right now we are arranging participation of some famous and legendary riders from abroad. Let us suprise you in few days and wish us luck ;-)

All necessary info also in English at www.dressler.cz at CAMP pages.

Once again... please let us know if you are coming to join Dressler Camp 009. Sooner you tell us, more time we have to help you.

Thanks!! ;-)


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