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How To Validate Yourself, Instantly!


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You running beta 2 now Charlie?


Different browser render errors in the HTML differently CJ, surely you should know that? I thought you were some epic coder?

Hit me up on MSN, we'll see if we can find it for you. (Y)

But, having a newer browser wouldn't make a link appear... Especially when it's not in the HTML.

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But, having a newer browser wouldn't make a link appear... Especially when it's not in the HTML.

When the HTML is created by a script running server side it will. Come on Charlie, you are showing a lack of knowledge my dear.

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CJ, it's a JS powered forum, get with it...

It could be in the CSS, I had a look in the HTML using the View Source and it seems fine, but I don't even know what server we're hosted on so i can't view the CSS or JS.

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CJ, it's a JS powered forum, get with it...

It could be in the CSS, I had a look in the HTML using the View Source and it seems fine, but I don't even know what server we're hosted on so i can't view the CSS or JS.

It's not js...


Yes, maybe the forum uses javascript, but most sites do...

Why would it be in the CSS? :S

You can't view the CSS?

The CSS has to be linked somehow?! - follow the link in the code... (not that it would be in the CSS anyway)

I'm just really confused...

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Meh, It's blatantly an april fools joke.

Edited by neonneon
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Why would the browser make the server display a button to validate yourself?

It's a bug. This means that it wasn't DESIGNED to be there. Much like a glitch in a game or whatever, yes?

Thus, if this particular bug happens only in a piece of code for IE4 for instance then the bug will only rear it's ugly head in IE4.

It's not a case of why, more a case of how.

EDIT: I found it, it is in code that you can get to without too much trouble, but it's nothing you've posted or probably looked at yet.

Edited by //JD
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Well, considering it's april fools day, I don't deserve it either.

If it is true.. everyone who has validated themselves will be banned (no doubt)



And for this reason 1st april or not, im out!

Bye :giggle:

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I honestly can't believe there are STILL people posting in this about getting validated or finding the button. f**king retards, read the thread, it's so obvious it's a joke it's unbelievable!

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