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Trials "yobs"

Mike W

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I think what we have here is a small minded individual. He's reacted to something he clearly doesn't understand in the only way he knows how, by dismissing it. Any intelligent person would be open-minded and inquisitive.

His limited outlook on life and the world and his influence on others is very unfortunate. His attitudes will probably never change, you should present yourself to that forum revealing his misconceptions then stop worrying about him and leave him to read his Daily Mail.

Edited by Spider Lad
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QUOTE (Nick pyke ) @ Apr 11 2009, 1134 AM)

You wouldnt sack some one for getting a few spelling mistakes, Cock face!

Mr Pyke, as a Member of Parliament I am used to name calling and derogatory remarks, however I feel that in the circumstances of this 'thread' a little less profanity should be considered.

QUOTE (Rhino @ Apr 11 2009, 1140 AM)

More commonly known as dictating...

You could show at least a little respect...

'Rhino'. As, I believe, you already stated when commenting on firearm laws, I was again constructing my reply with consideration of the readership, who would appear to be teenagers and not necessarily aware of dictation.

QUOTE (ZHI-sam @ Apr 11 2009, 1140 AM)

i take it mr MP you will be looking into the damage that skateboarders and inline skaters to on your property

skateboarders have parks but they dont stay in them so what makes you think we will it would have to be a prety big park to acomidate that many riders all at the same time

The application of the bill towards skateboarding, inline skating and other apparently destructive 'extreme' sports is still being considered. However, these are considered slightly less important issues due to the presence of many skateparks around the United Kingdom on which these sports are able to participate. It has come to our attention that bike trials riders are not prepared to use such facilities and would rather ride and abuse private property in public areas.

As I have already stated, we will be looking into the possibility of 'trials parks' but clearly the investment, design and construction will not be possible in the very near future.

Thank you,

MP D. Anderson

His last post.

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I'm joining this chat a little late but I do have two opinions on how to deal with the anti-trials folk of this world:

1) Ignore them

2) Engage them in dialogue. Be reasonable, don't swear, don't abuse. Be proud of the fact that you ride street trials, explain that you see it as public space and this is how you choose to use it. Explain that you are riding trials not doing heroin or spray painting a wall. If they want to be an idiot and shout at you let them waste their breath. It is pretty funny when you get an older "respectable" person abusing a young "lout" who is being polite and well mannered. Sometimes this works and people actually come around and sometimes they are to stuck in their ways... but who cares.

See how brave the people with the cameras are when you politely ask what they are taking photos of. Maybe ask them politely for a copy.

You don't need to win the argument, just keep riding, keep being polite and fighting for the cause politely and you will gain the high ground.

5 years ago we used to get abused by an upstanding member of the local community when we rode street down on the beach front, eventually we agreed that we would all check our tempers and try to talk politley with him. After 4 weeks we had won him over and he was always really polite.

Don't stoop to their level.

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