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Trials "yobs"

Mike W

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Me and my friend Chris went out for a ride this sunday OPEN fence for us to freely walk through no signs no security no cameras so we just assume that what we are doing is allright just going for a ride, everybody does it?

So we ride for a good hour then see a guy taking photos of us over the wall :S we just laugh and think nothing of it.

Tonight i get in from riding and my mum says she has something to show us, the last post by brendabytheway is my mum.

Police are involved about the slanderous comments and the images this man has of me and chris. I will keep you update, im sure you can all familiarise with the situation, im no vandal, i enjoy my hobbie and have put alot of time money and practice into my riding.






Edited by Mike W
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ROFL Old miserable twats, had some sad fanny just like this taking pics when I was riding in southport the other day!

Did they have permission to take pictures? Or the consent of your parents because your under the age of 18? No they didn't, sad have a go heros, as if theres not more important things to worry about?

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ROFL Old miserable twats, had some sad fanny just like this taking pics when I was riding in southport the other day!

Did they have permission to take pictures? Or the consent of your parents because your under the age of 18? No they didn't, sad have a go heros, as if theres not more important things to worry about?

Where about in Southport was this? Some Gypo looking characters had a go at me and Phil the other week for riding on the rocks by the sea front.

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Once I opened my local paper paper and some guy had taken a picture of one of the 'new' riders who I don't know riding on a wall in town and it had a letter about vandals and what not ruining the country.

Got on the bus yesterday and there was an old woman sitting in the pushchair section at the front that said, "there is no way i'm getting up to let someone with a push chair go here, its age before beauty and i'm staying sat down!" and its these people that write in to papers talking about how horrible and selfish young people are and stuff.

I actually had a full blown argument with like 10 people on a bus once because an old woman got on and wanted to sit where I was sitting, there was litterally 7/8 seats right next to the one I was sitting in and they kicked off because I wouldn't move and let her sit in my place.

Just be satisfied that nothing bad will happen to you, you've got to have had enough run ins with the police that you'll know that all that happens is you get asked to leave.

Never see anyone complaining about skaters literally breaking in to old warehouses, putting their own locks and building ramps/sections inside.

Edited by mr ailsbury
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unfortunately britain has an ageing population and councils are run by old people.... so old people are used to getting exactly what they want, when they want. so when something that they 'dont like the look of' happens, they spaz out like spoilt little brats.

not much is made for young people in this country, and if it is its made shit unless we raise the funds ourselves.

council would rather make something pretty for the old people to look at, then make something practical to let the kids have a good time and give them something to do.

this is why the youth in the country are doing stupid shit, cus they get absolutely no attention till they do these things. then everyone thinks anyone young is a criminal, specially if they wear a hoody.

if you treat someone like a criminal, thats exactly what they'll turn out to be...

(cant remember where i heard that but its so true)

Edited by Adrian
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That's pretty funny, shame he didn't get any good riding shots! ;)

People have different ways of looking at things, this guy probably saw exactly what you were using them for! I bet he just uploaded the pictures of you 'throwing' the blocks down just to have something to moan about on some community forum. All of us know you wouldn't just throw the blocks in, you'd put them down in the right place, so you can make the gap, right?

I think you should post up, if you haven't done already, and say your side to the story. Should put him in his place.

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We did NOT throw the blocks, the image appears to be showing him running towards it but he is carefuly lowering it so it does not break ( if it breaks its no use to him for riding).

The police are going to see my mum tomorow about it, il keeo you posted on latest, basicly he cannot upload images of us to a public forum and write comments like that.

The block in question is one of those things that goes between tempoary fencing!

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Can you not get him f**ked for taking pictures of under 18's? Or is it under 16?

doesnt matter how old you are, if you didnt give permission its illegal

however if your under the age limit it means he's a dirty old man and will get forced to pick up the soap

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You could technically post something saying that he had no permission to take those photos, and you've reported him to the old bill? Might scare him if he's an old fanny.

Either way, yeah - wear helmets next time. :P

He's probably on, which is why he's being such an idiot.

Edited by Hendrix
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Its hard to explain, nobody on there knows brendabytheway is my mum, BUT she knows the people that have been slagging us off and is friendly with them in real life...

but they obviously dont know anything about her being on the forum or that im her son.

hard to explain but basicly the guy needs sorting out and its starting tomorow.

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doesnt matter how old you are, if you didnt give permission its illegal

If you are in a public area you can be photographed, permission or not.

The people on that forum are obviously narrow-minded morons. But I can't really see that anything illegal has happened - It's just some idiot mouthing off about something that is none of his business? I would just get over it, and have a chuckle at how stupid they are.

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Can you not get him f**ked for taking pictures of under 18's? Or is it under 16?

doesnt matter how old you are, if you didnt give permission its illegal

however if your under the age limit it means he's a dirty old man and will get forced to pick up the soap

You could technically post something saying that he had no permission to take those photos, and you've reported him to the old bill? Might scare him if he's an old fanny.

It's people not knowing the law that can, at times, make it a right fanny to be a photographer. My friends have all been asked if they're "Pedos" when they've been shooting photos of BMXers at skateparks by "Concerned Parents" who thought that you weren't allowed to take photos of people in public, but just like the GoogleStreetview thing, you're perfectly allowed to. If you're in a public space, stopping people taking photos of you would be like saying no-one was allowed to look at you.

If you are in a public area you can be photographed, permission or not.

What Tomm said. There's 'nuff stuff about it on Google.

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I'd either join that forum or contact the forum admin and ask them to post your side of the story in that thread.

Going to the police is a little too far, why waste their time?

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