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Plans To Abolish Car Tax


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Why is it always a need to change?

Emission laws killed off the 2 stroke production, probably the single greatest icon of a classic motorbike.

The big advantages and selling points of a motorbike or moped is; "cheap to run, cheap tax, low emissions", how is this supposed to be encouraged by rising tax?

Have you got any numbers or percentages as to how much it rises?

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The 100% best thing they could do for discouraging twats on motorbikes is to make a test compulsory for all sizes of bikes.

Motorbikes, as well as having less emissions than a car, are a shitload more efficient, cause they're lighter, for a start. So surely that means cheaper tax?


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Just nabbed this from MCN

As well as my bikes I own a 5.3litre Jaguar. Steve would have this vehicle taxed out of existence but, like the government isn't he missing the point, which is that whatever the size of the vehicle it does not affect green issues until you start the engine. If the government was serious about green issues it would tax use of a vehicle by increasing the price of fuel and not ownership of the vehicle. Furthermore, my Jag is 20 years old and my contribution to saving the planet is that I haven't changed it every 2 years for a more fuel efficient car like most people do. Consequently, I have saved a massive amount of carbon by not contributing to the cost of mining new iron ore, smelting it to make steel, running a car plant, etc. etc. Put all that lot together and compared to people who think they are green I'm contributing considerably less to climate change with my 5.3litre than they are with their brand new lean machines.

I think thats hit just about every point.

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Was that not a government statement which was later revoked because the figures were completely made up?

So like every other governemnt figure and statistic then?

Thing is, they'll raise tax on motorbikes for whatever reason, all the motorbikers go out and buy an eco car instead, that will just make conjestion even worse, which will burn more fuel by everyone sitting in worse traffic for longer periods of time.... score

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Although what comes under the class of a low emission car? No doubt only the newest cars that are powered by happy thoughts and lepricorns and throw flowers out of the exhaust?

Edited by Baby Pizzle
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