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Where Do I Stand?


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I know you guys are probably tired of this by now. I have got a query though.

A couple of months ago (November 2008) Neonbikes (China) sent over a batch of items to Trials-uk intend from me, As someone of you may know I was sponsored by both Trials-uk and Neon at that time. Well it would seem even sponsored riders do not get way from the terrible service. Up till now Dan has not sent me any of the items. I know he has not paid for them and neither have I, But I am currently still sponsored by Neon and still do need to get hold of these frames/forks/stems/bars + accessories. They are not willing to send me a separate batch (again) to cover what is really not their fault.

Ideally i just want some kind of way to get hold of the items. Can I report this to trading standards and get my items? I am not too keen on going to his place and taking that much stuff, it would look like a burglary, not only that I would require a couple of hands, which is just annoying since this doesn't have to happen if he would just post the stuff out.

Anyway does anyone know where I legally stand? Can I make a report of some sort?

Any advice appreciated


Andrew chai

Edited by TheChai
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I would imagine neon would have grounds to make a claim against them though seeing as it is there stock and dan ko doesnt own it. I would try and get them to get onto dan seeing as they are sponsering you, and he is effectivly getting in the way of your agrement with them.

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If it's stuff you were being given, you have no grounds to make a claim. You arent losing out on anything, just not getting some free stuff, pretty much.

But surely that doesn't make it ok for Dan to keep hold of the items? at least send it back to Neon if he isn't going to send them to me?

And does me being sponsored by neon not mean that i have the rights over the item? seeing as neon requested from them to be sent to me?

Neon are also out of touch with Dan, i am hoping this topic would attract the required attention.

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If Neon have given you the items, then surely they're yours now? If Neon sent them to you through Dan, then you have something to claim for, seeing as they're not his to keep, Neon wouldn't want them back as they'd still have to send them to you.

Contact trading standards and explain it to them, what's the worst that could happen? Atleast then they'd realise what his company's like, and could sort it all out.

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From talking to a few guys at work, it would appear that you could probably get trading standards involved. Because the items are by law yours, it doesnt matter weather you have paid for them or not the company has given them to you. They have sent them through there main importer dan ko and it is his responsibility to pass them onto you. Do you have a written agrement with Neon or is it just like a verbal agrement that they are sponsering you because it can become a bit of a grey area if it isnt written. So yeah your best bet is to get in touch with neon, because dan ko isnt making there company look as good as he should becasue his poor responce times and lack of care means people are going of his shop. If no one buys from his shop then bairly any one in this country will buy their frames.

So yeah have a good long chat with them.

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But surely that doesn't make it ok for Dan to keep hold of the items? at least send it back to Neon if he isn't going to send them to me?

And does me being sponsored by neon not mean that i have the rights over the item? seeing as neon requested from them to be sent to me?

Neon are also out of touch with Dan, i am hoping this topic would attract the required attention.

If thats the case, then you should contact Neon direct and see what they say about this situation.

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If thats the case, then you should contact Neon direct and see what they say about this situation.

I imagine their response would be along the lines of 'Umm, we're in China... what do you expect us to do about it?'. I'd go with trading standards, the police or a personal visit if I were you Chai.

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Neon know about the situation, but as Rhino said I am probably their best hope for getting the items back. They have also stopped dealing with Dan.

not having a car makes it very impractical to make a personal visit. I will give it a shot though.

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seem's your left with no choice but to beat dan ko up

Yer tell him to stop being the fat lazy c*nt which he is, and send a couple of heavys round. Why wont he send u the parts anyways, its not as if anyone buys owt from him anyways so he wont even get a chance to sell em

Haven't seen these 2 for a while WTF?

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