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guuuuuuuuu leeeeeeeee

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I have Osgood-Schlatters below my left knee and i was wondering who else suffers from it and how bad it is

I went to the doctors on monday they said if i dont stop riding trials as much as i do (ive rode 11 days straight by the way) then they might put my in a cast

it shouldnt be legal :P

heres the proper definition of it for the unweary :P

Osgood Schlatters disease is a very common cause of knee pain in children and young athletes. It is a condition where the bony protrusion below the knee (called the tibial tuberosity or tubercle) becomes inflamed, painful and swollen.

Edited by guuuuuuuuu leeeeeeeee
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Yeah, well, i dont have that but something pretty much the same, just a little further up, its called 'sinding larson's disease'.

The doctor always makes a big deal out of it, i mean, sometimes it does get really bad like my mate, he has had an operation on his knee cos of it, but its quite rare for it to get that bad.

I went to a local osteopath, and he gave me some basic excercises to strengthen it and some good advice. Plus there is no waiting for 3 months like i had to, just to have an xray and them to tell you they cant do anything about it.

So yeah, go to a local osteopath or physiotherapist if you have got a spare 20 quid, is soooo worth it mate.

So yeah, i probably went on a bit, but it will definetely improve, if anythin, doing sports helped, if i just rested, my knees would seize up which hurt f**k loads.

And ice! ice helps.

Sam :D

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I had it when i was about 15 but it was from hockey then, but its nothing to really worry about. It was a pain at the time, but i had to take 2 months off any physical activity to allow it to heal/repair......and since then theres been no problems. Once you rest it and allow it to sort itself out you should be fine.

I know its annoying but if you just lay off the biking until they say your fit again you should have no further problems. If you still ride with it you'll probably ave recurring problems for many years. Just rest up and give it a bit of time.

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its uber comon but if you ride to much it could result in dislocated knee or worse

not really, i mean, if you ride too much then hurt it badly, then it will get weak and you have more chance of dislocating, but im not sure osgood-schlatters can make your knee dislocate :S

but i might be wrong lol

sam :D

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