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Wanting To Upgrade My Bike

Jack Morton

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Well i kind of want a new mod frame for my bike and thought i would put a post on here to see what type of frame all you lot thought i should get

so please do tell me what you think the best frame on the market are out there my price margine is £0 - £300 i would say but maybe would spend a little more if i thought it was worth it

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well ZOO's, GU's, Echo's and Czar's are pritty much all the same in terms of strength and weight with a few exceptions.

I can definetly say Zoo's are strong and pritty light (as is mine) but if you wanted somehting with less wheelbase id say an echo/czar.

But at the end of the day its your choice.

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well normally shorter wheelbase makes for better manuals and bunnyhops....long frames make it harder for that.

EDIT: just looked and the czar's are 1005mm (short) wheelbase....would be better than say a zoo for street....saying that depends how tall you are.

Edited by Dave!
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Exactly, Go on mates or fellow riders bikes and see you what you prefer.

well there isn't many people which ride trials where i live only 4 of us

Zona zip

Monty 221ti

Zhi Zm1

But not sure on any of them i think i am going to have to go on a big ride somewere and ask for a go on people's bikes

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